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Oh, excuse me. - -抱歉

- Excuse me. - Oh, sorry. 我叫 I'm Katy. 你好 Hi, Katy. 不会是 You're not... 我想的那个人吧

who I think you are, are you? 得我是

Who do you think I am? 你懂的 You know. 正是在下 Yeah, it's me. 我的天

Oh, my God. Oh, my God! 科琳 就是他

Colleen, that's him. 我就知道

Oh, my God. I knew it. 你好

Hey. How are you? 很高兴认识 Nice to meet you.

-你好 -我是你的超

- How are you? - I'm such a fan.

们爱死你在《婚礼傲客》里的表演了 We loved you in Wedding Crashers. 我小候看无数遍

I saw it, like, 100 times when I was a kid. 你太好笑了

You were so funny. 是克里斯托弗·沃肯

David, this is Christopher Walken. 我就知道 I knew it.

欧文·尔逊[婚礼傲客主角]好相处吗 What's Owen Wilson like? Is he nice? 各位 欧文·尔逊70了吧

Guys, Christopher Walken's, like, 70 years old, okay? 得我有70岁吗 Do I look 70 to you?

Sex and drugs and rock and roll All right All right

'Cause I don't want to die Anonymous No, no No, no No, no 怎么了 What's up? 看看

Check this out.


We are officially big in Belgium. -什么 - - What? - Who? Me?

不是 是异教No, no, The Heathens.

当初性与毒品那张专辑发 The advance sales on Sex Drugs 就在那边卖♥♥得很好 were massive there back in the day.


So apparently some hip DJ in Brussels became a huge fan, 所以当你"死而复生"之后 so after the death hoax... 比利摇滚

The whole Belgian rock scene 再次们疯狂了

went ape-shit for us all over again. 开什么玩笑 什么

You're kidding. Because--what? 就因我死了

'Cause they thought I was dead, right? 你在94年的候就死了

No, because they thought you died back in '94.

直面人生吧 Oh, let's face it.


Creatively, Johnny, you kind of did. 专辑发的当天 The fact the band broke up 乐队就解散

the day the album came out 你成了比利奇英雄 made you Belgian cult heroes-- 了忠 very devoted fans.


So when Johnny OD'd on blow two years later... 我提醒

Which I warned you about.


The "I don't want to die anonymous" Verse of Sex Drugs 就成了粉丝们的人生信条

became the fan base's mission statement. 不想你默默无的死

They didn't want you to die anonymous.

Who does, right? 关于比利 我得

I want to say one thing, about Belgium, all right? 50年来 它都是站在

They have been on the cutting edge 制毒界的最前沿

of pharmaceutical drugs for over 50 years. 知道有什么

You know what else, baby doll? Waffles. 毒品和 成就了我的乐队

Pills and waffles-- that's what drives my band. 总结得真到位

That's what's up, baby. 在新

Look, they're calling the news 尼依然活着 重磅

that Johnny is still alive "The second coming." 大家来看看

But, you guys, watch this. Come here. Come here. Come here. 看看

Check this out.

- -看上去真酷

- Oh, my God. - You guys look great. -看起来真年 -是啊

- Oh, you guys look young. - I know. 看我的头发 看我的头发

Look at my hair! Look at my hair! 过头发 Oh, you have hair. 我是大·威和·史楚默的完美

I'm what happens when Davie Bowie meets Joe Strummer. 死而复生

20年前死去的·洛克 在复仇之火中重生

曲性 毒品和摇滚乐 尼是否能俘的心 尼是否能够东山再起 -力了 -真棒

- How crazy is that? - Really cool. 你知道比利时语里小怎么说吗

You know what the chicks speak in Belgium, right? Belch Yeah, Belch.

了白Flemish No, asshole. Flemish. Flem Flem--


It's not even a language.


Promoters are saying they can sell out the 8,000-seat 为强举办

Vorst National arena for what they're calling 八千人的·洛克复生演唱会

The Johnny Rock Resurrection Tour. 你知道怎么能更酷

You know what would be really cool? 我想要出

Stigmata--you know, like an open wound


on each hand when I come out on the stage. 需要个搞特效的

We need a special effects guy. 不可能

That ain't gonna happen. 你是没死

Maybe you didn't die,

但是异教死的很 but The Heathens are dead and gone. 们现在是暗 We're The Assassins now. 是我的主唱

There's our lead singer. 谢谢 Thanks, babe. "Babe"?


Listen, we can have our cake and eat it too. 琪琪来开 是重头戏

Make Gigi the opening act, you guys the headliners. 我不做开

I'm not an opening act. 唱一个半小

You guys open up, do an hour and a half, 再和琪琪有其他两个人收尾

bring Gigi in for two numbers at the end. 三个人

Three numbers. 三个 Three. Who's in? -我来 -我来 - I'm in. - I'm in. -我也来 -我也是 - I am so in. - I'm in! -我不来 -

- I'm out. - Aw, come on! -法什 -不去 - Flash! - No. -亲爱 -亲爱

- Honey. - "Honey"? ·洛克的代已经过去了 Johnny Rock is over.

这组照片是异教拍的 This photo shoot's for who? The Heathens? 是暗 什么 No. The Assassins. Why?


Because we kicked ass at Glasslands last week, 琪琪走

and the heat came down on Gigi. 些服装灯光镜头

See these outfits and this gear and these lenses? 都朝向着未来

They're all pointed towards the future. 而不是 Not the past.


We're never doing another gig with you as our lead singer. 出价175千美元

They're offering us 175 grand. 你在当一次主唱

Doing one more gig with you as our lead singer. 好了 们给强尼拍几

All right, let's get some new shots of Johnny for the posters. 走吧 Let's go. 眯眼

Don't squint.

-得你的眼睛... -怎么

- It makes your eyes... - What? 眼睛大点

Make more space on the side of your eyes. 眼神烈些 像是在迎而站

Look strong, like you're looking into the wind, 但你无所畏惧

but you're not scared. 很好 Good.


We're gonna have to de-age these.


就要出去欧洲 Oh, going to Europe 去法国 去巴黎 And Paris, France 去看埃菲尔铁 To the Eiffel Tower 去享用布里干酪

And gonna eat some brie there 写什么呢宝

What you writin', baby?


Well, I'm working on the set list for Belgium, hon. 琪琪 See, Gige,


when you headline, it's way different 与平随便唱几首歌是不同的

than when you just do, like, a showcase with a few songs. 当你作焦点

Yep, when you headline, 明星登台的

when, you know, you're like a star, 你得带给台下的

you got to take the audience 场嗨爆两个小的演出

on a two-hour roller coaster ride. 教我怎么做

Okay, so show me how. 简单 你一出

Okay, so basically, what you want to do is, 就要吸引所有人的注意力

you want to come out; you want to grab their attention. 所以 一上来就要

So, boom, hit 'em with a rocker. 在他们还没反应过来的

And right when they're thinking about that, boom, 再多来几首 气氛达到高hit 'em with another one-- boom, boom, two more. 然后慢慢和下来

Now you start to work your way to the mid-tempo stuff. 再偶穿插一首

Maybe throw another rocker in there somewhere in the middle. 再开始来点抒情的

Then you start working your way towards the ballads. 慢慢吸引他

You start seducing them. 等他全情投入之后

And once you have them all sucked in, boom. 再猛地一下起来

Hit 'em with another rocker, 然后走人

and then get off stage 最重要的事情是 'cause you always want 每次都

to leave them wanting more. 欲求不

That's the key.


Yeah, and don't puke on them either. 亲爱 我就那一次

Honey, that happened one time 喝了劣酒吸了次品才吐了

when I had that cheap cognac and the bad blow. 两件事也 Mm, another no-no. -我有点没搞懂 -什么 - I don't get it. - What? 我以...

No, I just-- I--


I thought we were on the same page with me, you know? 你只在幕后祝我一臂之力

My career with you in the background, 不管生了什么事

and that no matter what happened, 三个都要在一起

it was gonna be the three of us. 有艾娃

It was gonna be you, me, and Ava,


you know, starting this new life together. - -之前是

- Yes. Right. - That's what we talked about.

No, we did. We talked about that. 那确...是我

And that--that's totally-- you know, that's the plan. 也正照着个在做

And that's totally what we're doing, 但比利时这是件大事 亲爱 but this is bigger than us, honey. 横空出现这么好的事

This--Belgium? I mean, this comes out of the blue. 一定示着点什么吧

This has got to be some kind of a, you know, like a sign. 叫因果循

I think that's called karma. 就是

Yes, that's what it is, honey. 这简直就像我的神

It's like the Muses want me to

了我次教你如何做一个摇滚巨星的机会 give you a master class in how to be a rock star. 要去比利

We're gonna go to Belgium. 要上台演出

We're gonna get onstage. 尼必然会搞一切

Johnny's gonna totally screw things up, 然后琪琪出来拯救我

and Gigi's gonna come in to save the day. 之后巨星

Become a big worldwide star. 得很大声

Did I say that out loud? 我其是想

What I meant to say was, 巴黎我来了 Paris!


Baby i'm sorry


You know how I get when I get tipsy. 我知道

I know. I know. 你很诚实

You get honest. 我是现实 I get realistic. 好吧 但是...

Okay, but, you know, it's just that, 你一直是最支持我的人

you know, you've always been my biggest supporter. 在仍是最支持你的人

Yes, and I'm still your biggest supporter, 是你明我了的机会

so let's prove me wrong, okay? 不要再搞

Let's not self-sabotage. 不要又半途而

Let's not cycle ahead of where we're supposed to be. 我没有

I'm not cycling ahead.

-你要集中精力 -我很集中了 - You got to focus, okay? - I'm focused. -集中 -集中

- Focus, baby. - I'm totally focused. 然后我一起去比利

And then we're gonna go to Belgium. 做一完美的演出 We're gonna kill it... 我就是么想的

That's what I'm talking about. 做完最后一次 One last time


and then turn the band over to Gigi. 亲爱... Honey...


I've waited 20 years for you to make it--


both of us wondering why it wasn't happening 你每次都怪杜利和戈尔还...

and you pointing fingers at Dulli and Grohl and all these-- 杜利害了我

Dulli stole my vibe. 他没有

Dulli did not steal your vibe. 我的天

Oh, my God. You're gonna

-连这都不承 -你在什么

- deny that now? -Oh, what are you talking about? 有他照片呢

You've got two pictures of the man on your wall. 那是...

That's photographic evidence that he-- ...

I--I just--

他没有害你 亲爱

Dulli did not steal your vibe, baby. 是你被自己的仇恨和苦害了

You hijacked your own vibe out of bitterness and resentment 为这个世界

because the world wasn't working 没有如你的意

the way you thought it was going to. 许这一切都是因琪琪

Maybe it wasn't happening because of Gigi. 来了我梦想的一切...

She is bringing us everything that we ever wanted... 我知道 I know. 家庭和前途

A family and a future. 是没

Yes, but you don't think


I could carve out a second career in Europe? 如果我成功了

If I do this right, every summer,

每年夏天我可以去那巡演个6 7

we could go over and do, like, six or seven gigs. 可以去巴黎 意大利

We'd be going to Paris, London, Italy. 意大利 Italy?

威尼斯 波西塔 多棒

Venice, Positano-- how cool would that be? 玩的同时还钱赚

And get paid while we're over there. 怎么 What?


You think you can do this? 可以做到

I know we can do this. 好吧

Okay, then let's do it. 你靠声音我靠身材 Your voice, my ass. 一起征服欧洲吧

Let's take Europe by storm. 我怎么知道你没在

How do I know you're not lying? 嘛要 Why would I lie about this? 你酒醒了

Because you're sober. 实还有点宿醉

Well, actually I'm still a little hung over. 得没

That's completely true.


I mean, watching your dad onstage, that is a master class. 他有着巨星的所有特

That guy's got all the tools it takes to be a big star, 除了一点 不知

except the most important one: priorities. 尼心里

'Cause old Johnny's always been focused 只在乎那些虚的

on the trappings of fame, you know,

毒品 女人

sex and drugs, limos, ladies. 些我都不在乎

Yeah, I don't care about any of that. 我唯一感趣的

You know, the only thing I'm interested is-- 让别

is getting known for, you know, 都知道我唱歌有多棒

what I'm good at-- my voice, my songs. 我想要出名

I want to be famous, you know, 只出名在好的方面

but famous for being good, you know? 在一切都在正 亲爱

And that's exactly what's gonna happen, baby. 我加入乐队是因我相信你

I'm in this band because I believe in you. 你和我 也可以写出好歌

You and me--we can write great songs together. 不行 我不会写歌No, we can't. I can't write. 琪琪 你可以的 Gigi, yes, we can. -你想 -

- Think about it. - Okay.

的很多副歌都是我写的 I write most of the riffs that your dad uses. 即使是他写的曲子

Even when he comes up with his own melody lines, 也都是我们变得更好

I'm the one who makes them rock. 开始每天一起

We sit down, start jamming every day, 一定能写出好歌

we're gonna come up with something. 我猜你那脸庞

I bet you got a million great ideas 一定藏着很多好想法

in that gorgeous head of yours. 我确有几个好点子

You know, I do have a few good ideas. 那晚咱唱的那首歌

That song we played the other night, 就是我和他一起写出来了

you know, that just came from my dad and I vocalizing, 副歌的歌都是我想的

and I came up with the whole "New York, New York" Thing. 你瞧 是他拖累了你

See? He's holding you back. 们为什么要靠他

Why are we depending on Johnny? 听着 我知道你

Listen, I know you love him. 我也

Hey, I love the guy too. 他就像我的大哥

He's like a brother to me. 但你等着瞧 But you watch.


He's gonna screw this gig up, 江山易改本性

'cause he can't get out of his own way, 而我已了被他

and I am tired of his problems being our problems. 我来里不是了什么狗屁摇滚

I'm not in this for the bullshit rock star stuff. 也不是了豪

I ain't in it for the limos.

我是来做音 和你一起做好音

I'm in it to make music, great music with you. 甩掉他吧

Let's cut him loose. 他一次机会

We'll give him one more chance. 真是没双眼睛

Oh, those eyes could convince me of anything. 你和你父要加点咖啡

Would you or your dad like some more coffee? 要加咖啡

Would you like some more coffee, Dad?

-我喜 - - I dig it. - cool.

的是歌 Song order's dope. 哪几段需要我solo

Where you want my solos?

所有星号的歌Every song that has an asterisk, "Animal"那首要加一段

and then you do an extended jam on Animal. -鼓的solo -什么

- Where is my drum solo? - What? 可是八千人的演唱会 8,000 people, yo,

我跟The Pogues一起巡演的 I toured with The Pogues.

么大的 众只需要两种西 8,000 people want two things: 啤酒和鼓的solo beer and drum solos. Gaga一万八千人的

Gaga--18,000 people: buckets of beer, 只有啤酒没有鼓 not one drum solo.

鼓有solo 斯也要solo

He gets a drum solo; I want a bass solo. 搞什么 穿越回古代了 What is this? 1974? 都不solo

Nobody's getting solos on anything, okay? 搞什么你

Jesus Christ, guys.

七个小票就♥♥光了 Show sold out in seven hours. 真的假的

Are you kidding me? -真的 -七个小 - No! - Seven hours! 真的假的

Are you kidding me?


I got you guys a one-of-a-kind tour bus, 里面装扮得跟夜店似的

fully rigged out as a nightclub. 的机票

First-class flights, okay? - -太棒了

- Yes. - Awesome.


Our own floor in a five-star hotel. 阿富汗格党在布 Afghan Whigs only got regular rooms 只能住标间

when they did Brussels. 直太棒了

This is awesome, man.

好了 有最后几件事要安排 Okay, couple last-minute things. 后台都需要什么

The rider--what do you guys want backstage? 跟我在Gaga那里

I want the same thing I got with Gaga: 两桶FIJI泉水

two room-temperature FIJI Waters; 无籽白葡萄 有布里干酪

seedless grapes, white; and a little brie. 搞什么

What the hell, dude?


You getting ready to play a rock gig or the cello? 就是 们卖♥♥掉了一整的票 Yeah, man, we just sold out a goddamn arena. 们应该要一些

We got to have a rider that reflects 配得上我身份的西

our newfound rock star status. 我要四瓶

I want four bottles of 克里斯托弗·西弗制的伏特加

Asande Grande Elite Vodka by Christophe Cheveux. 那是什么 What is that?


$3,000 a bottle, baby. That's what that is. 每一瓶上

Each bottle is individually adorned


with diamonds chosen by the famed French jeweler himself. 非常有高雅 非常好喝

Okay, very elegant, very tasteful. 要一个蝙蝠侠造型的烟

I'm also gonna need a Batman bong. 我要12块费力牛排 I want 12 filet mignons, 要像甜甜圈一装在盒子里 in a box, like meat doughnuts. 肯定已好了 巴姆 No, it's been done, Bam. 怎么少得了你的肉

Meat Loaf had that on his rider. 你的外号就是吃

I think that's how he got his name. 的后台必人的都要好

Everything on our rider has to blow away other bands' riders, 一听就服

so when they hear about it, it really blows their minds. 我要27个桃子 I want 27 peaches. -什么 -什么不 - Why? - Why not? 我要一个得像·戴普的按 Okay, I want a masseuse that looks like Johnny Depp. 好主意

That's a great idea. 每人都挑一个

Lookalike masseuses for everybody. 我要得像打雷姐的

I want one that looks like Lana Del Rey. 我要梅·麦卡

I want Melissa McCarthy-- 得跟她一

the actual Melissa McCarthy, the big one. 我要一些比利♥♥

Okay, I want these new pills they have in Belgium 药监没批准的

that the FDA hasn't yet approved: Achievium Accelevate Achievium, Accelevate, 有个叫Takenderal

and something called Takenderal. 这药干嘛的

What do they do? 我不知道

I have no idea. 所以才有意思啊

That's part of the fun. 要只美洲大蜥蜴 I also want an iguana. 要它干嘛 Why?

我想要 Because I can.

他要蜥蜴的 我要条蛇

If he's getting an iguana, I want a snake. 不行 蛇吃蜥蜴

No, dude, snakes eat iguanas. 生命是种循 Yeah, circle of life, dude. 如果你要蛇的

Hey, listen, if you're getting a snake, 最少得来条16英尺

you got to get a 16-foot-long snake at least, 尼基·克斯[Motley Crue斯手]造的

because the backstage rider record for a backstage snake 后台最蛇的记录15英尺

is 15 feet that Nikki Sixx had on his rider. - -家伙最懂西

- That's right. - This guy is a savant. 各位 太扯了

You guys, this is ridiculous. 法什早上才跟我聊

Flash and I talked about this this morning-- 要懂得

priorities, Dad, okay?


We are being handed a huge, huge opportunity here. 这边些有的没的 Instead of focusing on the music, 却不把心思放到音

all you care about is the rock star bullshit side of things. 你真的想要一条蛇

I mean, really, you want a snake? 你呢 大蜥蜴

And what do you want, an iguana? 然后呢 妈还想要只猫头鹰吗 What's next? A goddamn owl? 太蠢了 It's stupid.


Do you know what I want backstage? 我要蜂蜜檬茶 知道什么

I want some lemon tea with honey. Why? 我想拿出我最好的状

Because I plan on singing my best, okay? 带给观众他想看的...

Giving the audience what they paid to come and see-- 场让欲求不

a great and unforgettable live show 精彩表演

that leaves them wanting more. 我父是最重要的事

That's what my father told me was the most important thing. 各位 得没

She's absolutely right, guys. 是啊

Yeah, she is. 我要猫头鹰 I want an owl.


I want the biggest owl in Belgium backstage, okay? 比利有猫头鹰牌威士忌

They have a Belgian Owl brand of whisky there. -92 -咱必得来点

- It's 92 proof. - Oh, we got to get that. 我来四瓶

I want four bottles of that. 好主意

That's a great idea. Yo, babe,


take it easy with that Belgian Blue.

可是欧洲最害的大That's, like, the strongest weed in Europe. 们觉得我戴个棘皇冠怎么

You guys think a crown of thorns is too much? 都准好了

How's everybody doing? 蛇你量过吗

Did you measure the snake? -当然 16尺半 -

- Yeah, it's 16 1/2 feet. - Oh, cool. 负责的哥

So Sven, the teleprompter guy,


he wants to know how large you want your lyrics to be. ·来的

He says Neil Young used the biggest size 用的最大号when he was here. ·那么大数了 Neil Young's, like, 90. 我不需要提

I don't need a teleprompter, okay? 老爸 以防万一

Dad, you never know. 亲爱 不需要

Honey, I know. I know. 各位 听着 Listen, guys,


I want to tell you guys something. 但是我忘了我要什么了 等一下

And I don't remember what exactly--hang on. -老天 -好了 好了

- Jesus Christ. - All right, all right.

再喝酒抽大 No more booze or bong hits. 两个小的演出等着我

We got a two-hour show to do here. 哈伯 有什么能提神

Re, any of those pills provide a little pick-me-up, 人集中精神的药吗 make your brain focus? 我每种都来了一粒

Oh, yeah, I took one of each of 'em. 在看你整个人都是晃晃悠悠的

Right now, you are coming in in 3-D, baby. 等等

Okay, wait a minute.


I totally remember what I was gonna say. Okay.

我想的是 各位 I want to say, guys, 再次站上舞台

you know, we're getting a second chance here, 种机遇并不是所有人都有的

and it's not something that happens to a lot of people, you know? 摇滚之神眷着我

The Gods of rock and roll are smiling on us, 有机会成原本想成

and now we have a chance to be what we could have been, 和我即将成

what we should have been, you know, and what we're gonna be, 全世界最强摇滚

which is the greatest rock and roll band on the face of the planet. 我只是想告各位

And I just want to tell you guys, you know, 一切并不只是了琪琪 it's not just Gigi, you know?


I really consider you guys, like, my family, you know? 种想法一直... Been having this...


Who ate one of my peaches? God damn it. 叫你不solo

Should have gave me the drum solo. - -住手 - You mother-- - No! 刚刚在抒情感人呢

We were having a nice moment! 各位 各位

Everybody, everybody,

- -吃的西有那么多

- this is it! This is it! - Got all kinds of food you could have eaten. -鼓手solo -

- They love drum solos! - Everybody, come on! -都冷静下 -刚刚在抒情感人呢

- Calm down! - We were having a nice moment! -♥ - - Asshole. - This is it! -走吧 -都快上

- Let's go. - Let's go. Let's go.

And welcome...

异教The Heathens!

Let go of my soul

就是我什么爱这男人 That's why I love this guy. Let me up so I can breathe 天生就是摇滚巨星 Born to be a rock star.

Got to find some kind of cover From this hold you have on me I'm gonna get right over you Or I'm gonna die trying

爆了 你太老了 们讨厌 子拉没拉 小心猫头鹰 Snake! Snake!


Who let the animals out of the cages?

-什么 -都在后台着呢

- What? - The animals are downstairs. -真的 -真的 你没事吧

- They are? - Yes. Are you okay? -有事 -你得赶快回到舞台上

- No. - You got to go back out there. 不行 我不能回去

No, I can't go back out there. -你没事 -不不不

- You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. - No, no, no. 不行 我做不到 No, I can't do it. 你替我上吧

Honey, you-- you got to go out there. I'm gonna drink all night Until you fade away Yes, I am

You walk and you talk

And my pain will all be erased Everything you ever said 司机 Go, driver, go!

琪琪 演出太完美了 Gigi, what a show! Gigi! 你到底怎么了

Hey, what's your problem, Johnny? 都怪巴姆 突然来那么一段

Bam Bam, man, with your stupid goddamn drum solo, 一下子我没了感

that's what really threw me off.

死了 They loved the drum solo, asshole.

收尾的候前排妹子露奶我看呢 Chick in the front row showed me her tits at the end of it. 可你却在台上避一条根本不存在的蛇

Yeah, while you were onstage doing your stupid little invisible snake dance. 那全怪哈伯我的药让生幻

That's because the pills that Rehab gave me made me hallucinate. 深有同感 I know.

不准再嗑非法毒品 强劲

Okay, no more unapproved pills or blue weed. - -都是害的

- That's right. - That's what did it. -都是害的 -我知道

- That's what did it, yeah. - I know. It is, baby. 胡扯 Bullshit.

都清楚你什么会这样 We know what it was. Huh?

-妈让他沉迷于被害妄想了 -清醒吧

Don't go indulging this guy's goddamn victim complex. Get real. 我就他要跟我唱反

I told you he was out to get me. 以置信

It's unbelievable.

是异教的最后一演唱会 Hey, this was the last gig for The Heathens, okay? 但愿你意你最后次在台上的灾性表演

So I hope you enjoyed your final onstage meltdown. 异教底最后一演唱会 Heathens' last gig forever.

者第一演唱会 First gig for The Assassins! You're gone,

也不再是暗者的团员 朋友 and you are off Team Assassin, my friend. 想再拖

You're not taking us down with you. 什么 What?


We've been making new plans for the band. 92年就该这么做了

What should have happened in 1992, 94年本来也可以

what could have happened in '94 或者96年和03 and '96 or 2003-- 但是果都一

would have been the same result,

着我离成功只有一步之遥 Johnny taking us to the edge of success 果他却开启了自模式

and then hitting the self-destruct button.

者可不想再这样来一遭 Team Assassin can't afford that anymore. 等等 Hold on. 琪琪 Gigi,

你想退出 do you want your father off... Team Assassin?

收到我助理的短I just got a text from our promoters.

者今年秋天重返舞台 They want The Assassins back for another show this fall. 而且是两

Two shows this fall. 他超喜 琪琪 He loved you, Gigi.


All right, they want to know what color T-shirts we want.

们觉得暗者周商品会热卖♥♥ They think they can really move a lot of Assassins merchandise. 呼吧 Go high, bro.

跟他不要他了 Gi, tell him he's gone.


Tell him what we talked about. 们谈好什么了

What did you talk about? Honey?

团队不需要你了 Dad, you're off Team Assassin... 为现在琪琪团队需要你

because you've just been promoted to Team Gigi. 琪琪团队需要你所有人 You're all on Team Gigi.

老爸继续留下 合作

Dad stays on. You guys keep cowriting. 有了你们俩 我也会更投入

I work closer with the two of you. 也能学会更多技巧和窍门

I learn more about the craft and about songwriting, 你去看心理医生

and, Dad, I'm taking you to see a shrink. 不不 我没 不必...

No, no, honey, I--I'm not-- I don't have to-- 不不不

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.


We need to solve my dad's psychological problems 他不再了我

so he stops screwing us up. 都得去参加会

And you all are coming into the sessions. 我才不去看心理医生 I'm not going to a shrink. 听我 听我

Excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me! 乐团太他不正常了

This band is so freakin' dysfunctional, 硬生生玩金属的看着像是玩青春摇滚

it makes Metallica look like the goddamn Jonas Brothers. 艾拉 跟宣助理演出我接了

Ira, you can tell the promoter we'll be taking the gigs. 再好好谈谈

Gi, let's go talk about this--

艾拉 所有T恤和其他周商品

All T-shirts, Ira, and promotional materials 都必要印上"琪琪及暗"

including the marquee will read "Gigi and The Assassins". 好了 下次我再回到

Okay, now, the next time we come back here, 我需要

I'm gonna need a couple things. -备记 -

- You writing this down? - Yep. 四瓶克安邦内黑

Four bottles of Krug Clos d'Ambonnay champagne

装在黑色礼品盒内 in the black gift boxes, 72只白玫瑰

six dozen white roses,


and a pair of white bone pearl teardrop earrings from Chopard. 亲爱 直是一个模子里刻出来的 See, honey, it really was karma. 我想确是吧

Yeah, I guess it was. 我的推特粉丝飞涨

Oh, my Twitter feed is blowing up. 性毒品和摇滚乐 第一季 第四集
