The Brink《政局边缘(2015)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本

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政局 边缘 第一季 第一集 巴基斯坦

美国大使合众国大使 巴基斯坦 晚上好 大使先生 期待今晚的派

Evening, Mr. Ambassador. Looking forward to the party tonight. 你肯定期待了 伯特 I'm sure you are, Talbot.


I was wondering if I could get five minutes with you tomorrow. 可以 我一直想跟你谈谈你的前程

Yes. I've been meaning to talk to you about your future. 看到在招募境事主管

I just saw a job posting for a Director of Environmental Affairs. 明早再

We'll talk in the morning then. 好极了 Perfect.


I can't wait to fire that guy. 拉菲克 有任

Rafiq! We're going on a mission. 没有任

No, we are not going on a mission. 离我 我都不开口跟你说话

Please get away from me. I'm not even supposed to talk to you. - 大作 -

- Come on. No fuss, no muss. - Nope. 你不能开

Heard you lost your driving privileges, 你开去看板球的越野

because they had to steam clean that SUV 用蒸汽清弄干

that you took to the cricket match. 那帮女的喝多了要吐又不是我的

It's not my fault those ladies couldn't hold their liquor.

行了 好哥

Come on, be a buddy.

操蛋的大使可只有我 I'm the only one at this fucking embassy 知道你叫什么

who bothered to learn your name. 我才不

I'm not taking you! 走吧 Let's go! 只能你了

I guess I'm taking you.

-♥ -太棒 在可以正事了 - Putz. - Yeah! Now we're talking. 我告 外面很危

I'm telling you, it's getting dangerous out there. 得出去不安全 空气中弥漫着

I don't feel safe going out. There's a rage in the air. 你知道你的问题在哪 是露怯

You know what your problem is? You telegraph fear. 那些武装分子能看出来

The militants can smell it on you. 上就写着傲慢 You telegraph arrogance.


The militants are going to cut your throat and put it on YouTube. -有个专门发这 -

- They have a channel just for that. - Yeah, exactly. 得我会在城市的屁 So you think I'm going to take any risks 冒任何风险吗

in this anal cavity of a country? 看来你在写旅行指南啊

Ooh, so you're writing a travel guide? 我只是来帮忙的

I'm just here to help, my man. 我告 今天不宜扯淡

I'm telling you, this is the wrong day for your bullshit. 炸炸炸 特区 肯德拉

我的天哪 Sweet Jesus. Walter? Walter!


Shit! Don't scare me like that! 太早了

Oh, too soon.


The sexy ninja assassin took the pillow away too soon. 的美国官僚活着

Evil American bureaucrat is still alive. -们试的吧 -不不不 能行的

- Let's try something else. - No, on, no. We'll get it. 就是时间问题而已 多十五秒就搞定了

It's a timing issue. Another 15 seconds would've done it. 我可不想因为谋杀去坐牢

I don't want to go to jail for murder. 们绝不会判你谋杀罪的

They'd never hit you with murder. 人倒有可能 Manslaughter,


but you just tell them you were defending yourself. 我当想要攻 们试试这个吧

I was trying to attack you. Ooh, let's try that. 我假装要攻

I'll pretend to be attacking you,


and you pretend to take a dirty knife from a room service tray 把我 怎么 and kill me, yeah?


Why do all of your sexual fantasies 全都是你被

involve you getting murdered? 什么你的性幻想

Why do all your sexual fantasies 全是运集装箱中逃离柬埔寨

involve you fleeing Cambodia in a cargo container? 那故事并不是性幻想

That story wasn't a sexual fantasy. 那是我的童年

That was my childhood. 爸爸渴了

Come here, baby. Papa's thirsty. 搞什么鬼

Christ almighty. -把我松开 -老天 - Untie me! - Oh, God. 如你所知 3P是要加

As you know, threesomes are extra. 不管是都打 我松开 松开

Whoever it is, get rid of them. Untie me, untie me! 我知道他在里面 I know he's in there.

-里没有叫沃特的 -

- There's no Walter here. - Excuse me. 你不能

You can't come in here. 卿先生 Mr. Secretary. 最好是要

This had better be important, 你看很明我正开会呢

'cause as you can plainly see, I am in the middle of a meeting. 我找到他了 会在七...

I found him. Yeah, we'll be there in seven-- 应该是八分后到

make that eight minutes.

-你不是他老婆吧 -不是

- You're not his wife? - Yeah, thank God. 肯德拉 是茉莉 茉莉 是肯德拉 Kendra, Jasmine. Jasmine, Kendra. 穿好 Pants. Car. Now.

-要薄荷糖 -不用谢谢

- Do you want a mint? - No, thank you.

-下情况 -好的 巴基斯坦 - Brief me. - Okay, Pakistan. 你的活页夹你看了

Did you read through the binders I sent you? 除非它被加密在

Unless they were encrypted

女郎的阴壁上 没看 on the vaginal walls of an Asian call girl, no. 什么活页夹 What binders?


The ones marked "Secretary of State" on the covers, 里面着高度机密

the ones containing incredibly 敏感隔的情

sensitive SCI level clearance information. 我想我可能

Oh, yeah. I think I might 把它落在·范酒吧了

have left them on the bar at Bobby Van's. 得派人追踪那些文件并粉碎掉

We'll have to send someone to track them down and shred them. -比利可以搞定 -比利是 - Billy can do it? - Billy? 他是那儿的酒保

He's the bartender there. 是啊 所以你信得酒保比利

Right. So, you want to trust Billy the bartender 放心地把机密事文件

with classified military documents

和在巴基斯坦的中情局秘密特工名 and the names of covert CIA agents in Pakistan? 他是个好孩子 是我妻子的私人教

He's a good kid. He's also my wife's personal trainer. 得他可能有一腿

I think he might be fucking her. 你确定不吃薄荷糖

Are you absolutely sure no mint? 在机不可失

Speaking of which, let's not let a good crisis go to waste. 我老婆

Call my wife,


tell her I've been with the President for the last 12 hours. 在告我关于巴基斯坦所有我需要知道的事

Now, tell me everything I need to know about Pakistan 多余的屁一句不

and not a goddamn thing more. 好的 Okay.


快啊 快接 快接 接啊

Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up. - -是我

- Hello? - Hey! It's Zeke. Florida Destin

-你在哪呢 -我在海的某个地方

- Where are you? - We're somewhere in the Red Sea. 不能详细 保密

Can't be too precise, OPSEC and all that. 孩子怎么 How are the kids?

很好 你什么候能跟他们视频聊天

They're good. When can you Skype with them? 暂时还不行 们还在航行中 Not for a while. We're underway.

行那家伙又打来了 The guy from the bank called again.

听口气要准备强行拍♥♥ It sounds like they're gonna foreclose, 你得多

so I need you to increase the cash flow. 艾什莉 我告诉过你了 我弄点

Ashley, I keep telling you, send me more product. 我不会我的存 你得♥♥一点

I'm not gonna break into my stock. You need to charge more. -你的利少得可怜 -了他付不起

- Your markup is pathetic. - They can't pay more. 帮可怜人 大多数一周只250美元

Most of these poor guys, they net 250 a week.

家里寄点 打游 ♥♥After sending money home, Xbox, porn,


there's nothing left.

头谁还♥♥Who the hell pays for porn these days? 困在船上 没无线渴水手

Horny sailors stuck in the middle of the ocean with no wifi. 我真的不想再事跟你吵

Look, Zeke, I really don't wanna have this argument again. -是什么意思 没吵架 -霉素

- What do you mean? We're not arguing. - Z-Pak. -我一直在找你 -艾什莉

- Been looking all over for you. - Ashley, don't hang up. - -来真的了

- Sir! - Shit just got real.

上将要最得力的上天行任 Admiral wants his best sticks in the air, 那个人就是你

and that definitely means you. 挂了 Get off the phone. Now. 艾什莉 只有靠

Ashley, these drugs are the only thing 才能船上的大伙儿保持清醒

keeping everybody on this ship awake. 那他们该多喝点咖啡

Then they need to drink more coffee. 你能不能同情一下那些

How about a little compassion

你不用穿伊罩袍 for the brave men and women


who keep you from having to wear a burqa? 我会在保杠上一条黄丝带

Okay, fine. I will put a yellow ribbon on my bumper. 拜托了 艾什莉 我求你了

Please, Ashley, I'm begging you. 我搞点 须给我搞来 艾什

Send me more product. You've gotta do it, Ash! 听着 在真得挂了

Right now, look, I really gotta go. -听我 艾什莉 -到了

- Listen to me! Ashley. - I'm late. -艾什莉 -晚了的有你的

- Ashley! - By the way, so is your alimony check.

Don't hang up! No!

Fuck me.

艾什莉 你以后一定要准来上班

Ashley, I really need you to get here on time. 排在最前的客可以来拿 I can take the first customer. 今天就拿

Okay. Is this it for today? 到了 就是 This is it. This is it.

如果我十分后没回来 If I'm not back in 10,

你直接开走 就当什么都没

just drive away like nothing's wrong,

将我铭记于心 call the OP desk, remember me fondly. 你有包裹

Do you have the package? 价了

The price has gone up.

们这帮人搞什么 们讲好价格了

What is it with your people? We agreed on a price. 我什么都没答 I agreed to nothing.

等等 等等 不管多少 我都愿意付

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Whatever it is, I can pay. 你抓住我的短 来啊 捏两把

You got me by the short hairs. Go ahead and squeeze. 我的蛋蛋点汁 Lemonade my balls. -双倍 -双倍 问题

- Double. - Double? No problem. 跟你做生意很愉快

Pleasure doing business with you. 至少拿件衣服包一包吧 At least throw in a shirt.

要求太多了 所有事都是靠

Too much to ask? Everything's a negotiation. 要求多点也不是坏事

It's not necessarily a bad thing. 回大使蠢蛋 Back to the Embassy, tonto.


As much as I relish leaving this shithole,

是会想念你们这里的特制大I'm gonna miss your exquisite weed.

你跑来就是♥♥女人上This was all about scoring dope?

了跟莱娜上No, this is about scoring with Malena. 她在丹麦大使工作 She works at the Danish Embassy,


and I intend to nation build with her at the big party tonight. -所以得来点够劲 -外交手法多种多

- Hence the primo smoke. - Diplomacy takes many forms. 我一整天都在忙活水

Look, I spent all day organizing clean water projects,

-了日后能被塔 - - only to see them sabotaged by the Taliban. - Go! 应该上个丹麦自己 I deserve a little Danish nookie.


What happened to Eva at the German Embassy? 她想她搞张绿 然后就

She wanted me to help her get a green card, and that kinda... 把一切都 ruined everything.


And if she finds out about Malena, 她会把我送毒气室

she'll send me to the gas chamber. 了能游走在国女性的两腿之

I'm glad you're risking my life so that you can dine out, 我身赴 可真是催人泪下 at the International House of Pussy. 那才不是同志游

That's no gay pride parade.

们还在抗选举结 Shit. They're still protesting the election results. 哪来那么多的时间来示Where do they find time to do all this protesting? 都不用工作

Don't they have jobs? 什么停

Why are you stopping? -有些不对劲 -

- Something's not right. - Fuck me. -待在 - - Stay here. - Damn it. Shit!


Okay, you need to get out of the car 帮我换轮

and help me change this tire.

算了吧 今晚我可没致下走走

Yeah, pass. I'm not really feeling the love out here tonight. 冲着咱来了

Hey, they're coming here for us, okay? 需要的候怎么无人机就不

Where the hell is a drone when you need one? 上帝啊 我要被爆菊了

Oh, God! I'm gonna be butt-raped!


You need to really stop obsessing about man-rape 紧给我下

and get the fuck out of the car! 快离开

Let's get the fuck out of here, God damn it! 走走走

Go, go, go, go! 快走 Go! Go! 我的天 Oh, Jesus! 呆了

Oh, outstanding.

你瞧 不是民众自的抗 Okay, see that? This is not a spontaneous demonstration. 的一场戏

It's a show staged by the Military.

-怎么回大使♥ -不行 都封

- Which way back to the Embassy? - No, no, it's blocked. 得先找个地方躲躲

We're going to have to find a place to lay low for a while. 温哥如何

How about Vancouver?

没信♥♥ No signal. -什么 - - Huh? - Fuck!

军队切断了手♥♥ The Military has cut off cell reception. -们经么做 -是啊 - They do that a lot? - Yeah. 是巴基斯坦的传统

Yeah. It's a Pakistani tradition. 我就想要一个简单直接的回答 I just want to get a straight answer. 算有个知道全球局的人了

Walter! Finally, somebody who knows what's going on in the world. -早上好 总统先生 -

- Good morning, Mr. President. - Morning. 你病了 色不太好

Are you sick? You don't look well. 我可正人生 I've never felt better. 巴基斯坦到底怎么回事

What's going on in Pakistan?

卡拉奇和伊堡街 There are anti-government

了反当局的示protests on the streets of Karachi and Islamabad.

使区都被封 电视广播信♥♥也中断了 Diplomatic enclaves are sealed. TV and radio are down. 网也断了 也就意味着我没法

Internet's down, too, which means there's no Twitter feed 从推特上知道他到底在搞什么

to tell us what the hell's happening.

什么不巴基斯坦大使 Why can't we reach the Pakistani Ambassador? 他被召回了 六小前从杜勒斯机回国了

He's been recalled. Flew out of Dulles six hours ago. 是信♥♥ 最后通牒 It's a signal. The last call.

就像酒吧打烊 规业务就此中止

Stools on the bar. No more business as usual.

-像是武装政♥ -是主 - Smells like a coup d'etat. - Led by who? -我没法告 -我可是总统

- I can't tell you that. - I'm the President. 我是 不知道

No, I mean... we don't know. -太好了 -总统先生

- Terrific. - Mr. President,


all of Pakistan's nuclear warheads are at risk.

想象一下如果它被基控制会如何 Imagine if al-Qaeda got their hands on them. 立即

Our contingency plan needs to be put into motion immediately.

Contingency plan?


Pierce, haven't you been a busy little beaver? 哪艘航母在附近海域

Now, what carriers do we have nearby? 三天前 里根号的推 Well, the Reagan had to leave station 出了点问题 不得不守海域

three days ago due to propulsion issues, 但后在路上了

but we do have a backup en route, 可以从起攻

and they can launch from the Red Sea. 会增加时间 Adds a little flight time,


so we've begun putting assets in the air now.

万事俱 就等您点 总统先生

All we need is your go-ahead, Mr. President. 先生 先悠着点

Whoa. Gentlemen, let's just take a breath here 那么着急亮出自己的底牌

and tuck our tiny little peckers back into our pants. 么着吧 先搞清楚到底怎么回事

Here's an idea. Let's find out what the fuck is going on, 起第三次世界大也不 then we can start World War III!

天啊沃 你嘴臭得都能触消防警

Jesus, Walter, your breath is a Goddamn fire hazard. 在大使外面有我的人

Who do we have on the streets outside the Embassy? 们还在核 总统先生

We're still checking on that, Mr. President.

大使 我方的几名要 Most of our key people were already at the Embassy 正在使里参加社交活 at a social function when it was sealed off.

也就是每月"国家就是个定It's the monthly "This country's a ticking time bomb, "炸了大家都没好果子吃"大型晚宴

"so we might as well all get shitfaced" gala. 说实话是个挺不的派 It's a heck of a party, actually. 需要在事地有眼线

We need eyes and ears on the ground. 而我需要点酒来醒酒 上就要 And I need hair of the dog, pronto. 你明知道

Yeah, well, you know 情室里不准喝酒

there's no alcohol allowed in the Situation Room. 那就装成橙汁

Well, make it look like orange juice. 你以林登·战时是清醒的

Christ, do you think LBJ fought Vietnam in this room sober? 们输 还记

Yeah, we lost that one, remember? 用你 工作耗死人了

Tell me about it. This job sucks ass. 早知道我就当内政部

I should've asked for Secretary of Interior.

就不会有人半夜的把你 No one's gonna take you away from a hooker 从温柔里薅出来拯救拉什莫肖像山了

in the middle of the night to save Mount Rushmore. -在后悔晚了 -我能吃薄荷糖

- Yeah, well, too late. - Can I have a mint?

有一位叫比利的先生打 Uh, a guy named Billy called, 他是·范酒吧的酒保 是要

says he's a bartender at Bobby Van's. He says it's important. 我不认识这 I don't-- I don't know. 找肯德拉的吧 Kendra? 里不安全

It's not safe here. 就你一身名牌西服

You might as well have a target on your back -直找打 -抱歉

- with that Brooks Brothers jacket. - I'm sorry. -我把土耳其毯帽忘家里了 - - I left my fez at home. Okay. - Shit! 我得赶把你离街

I've got to get you off the street. 去我爸 里不

We'll go to my parents' house. It's not far from here. 在就有点太早了吧

Isn't it a little soon to meet your parents? 们这刚约

I mean, we just started dating. - -怎么

- Rock and roll, baby! - Hey, what's going on, buddy? 你知道那个公共事

Hey, you know that Public Affairs Officer? 叫盖什么来着 人真可

Gail what's-her-name? Real cute. - ·斯威特 -就是她 - Who? Gail Sweet? - Yeah!

-怎么了 -怀孕了

- Yeah. - She's pregnant. -什么 -吃惊吧 - What? - Yeah!

室的CJ我的 CJ over in Medical told me. 真是 不知是船上哪个 God! Whoever she's banging

撞大运的混睡了她 luckiest son of a bitch on this boat 回可是倒血霉了

just became the unluckiest. 她才没怀

She ain't pregnant. 她不可能怀 She can't be. 你怎么知道

How would you know that? Oh, shit!


She swore to me she was on the pill, man. -居然怀孕了 -CJ么告我的 - Pregnant? - Well, that's what CJ says. 在可惹不起种麻

Fuck me! I cannot afford this shit right now. 我有点担心你 霉素

I'm worried about you, Z-Pak. 我身上已背了两笔不良款了

I'm dealing with two underwater mortgages 在又得养孩子 and child support.

我从行学校毕业后就靠透活了 I've been living off of credit cards since flight school, 开着65百万一架的 flying $65 million fighter jets 却他最低工

for minimum fucking wage!


I should've been a plumber like my brother. 抢钱赚的都多

Son of a bitch makes out like a bandit. 看来你对带""西很在行 Well, you both know how to lay pipe.

应该带几个♥♥毒品的徒弟 I could teach people to push pills for me. -你来 -才不要 - You in? - Fuck no.

不要 我打算参加海 No, I'm thinking of taking my FAA exam.

以后或者邦快 Yeah, gonna fly for FedEx or JetBlue! 很不想戳破你的美梦

I hate to pop your dream bubble,

但是邦快不招人 的工低的要死 but FedEx ain't hiring and Jet Blue pays shit. 你从哪听

Where'd you hear this?

你以狼牙棒和炸什么又参 Why do you think Mace and Boomer just re-upped? 至少不是因为这里伙食好

Well, it ain't for the food, that's for damn sure. 那你加入

So, you with me? 看来我也没得了啊

Doesn't seem like I got much of a choice. 收到

Roger that.


Is there any money in crop dusting? 能不能有个人来告

Now, will somebody please tell me 们现在到底是他要去炸

who the fuck we're supposed to bomb the shit out of? 小道消息·拉森要竞选总统

Word is Walter Larson's gonna make a run for president. 上次他来

And the last time he was here, 还给他介了女孩

I hooked him up with girls. 双胞胎 洲金双胞胎 Twins. Blonde Asian twins.


High degree of difficulty in this Goddamn desert. 然后他跟我他和我 用他的原话说

And he told me that he and I were, and I quote, 失散已久的兄弟

"Cut from the same cloth."

如果他竞选成功 我就有福享了

If he gets elected, it'll be payback time. 什么在 Why are you here?

我没法回那个倒霉大使Because I can't get back to the fucking Embassy.

我是 什么在外No, I mean, why are you in the Foreign Service? 你根本不会搞外交

You make a miserable diplomat.


Because when all the other pricks from my class at Dartmouth 都去华尔街做和中产阶级 went off to Wall Street to suck every nickel 吸血鬼了

from the poor and middle-class, 我不想成的人

I didn't want to be one of 'em! 你可能根本看不懂我

Hard as it may be for you to fathom, 但我真的想干番事

I want to make a difference. 就靠上司拉皮条的

Ah, by procuring prostitutes for your boss?

You know what? 军队是以食

An army marches on its stomach. ·拉森是以性

Walter Larson marches on his dick. 管呢 撇开表象 特是个好人

Who cares? Underneath all that, Walter's a good guy. 很大方 I heard he tips well.

麦克 保安级别: 最高机密


Is that fresh-squeezed? 是的 按您的要求

Yeah, just like you asked.

好的 相信不的是

All right, we now believe that whoever is in charge 控制了他的核武

has assumed command and control of their nuclear arsenal, 而且想要移核弹头

and is attempting to relocate the warheads. -棒极了 -总统先生

- Terrific. - Mr. President,


we need to take out those key sites before they can be moved. -算了吧 -等他们转移就来不及了

- Come on. - Once they're hit, it'll be too late. 些位置只是猜想 就出自你那破特工之口

These sites are just guesses. It's your same bad intel 年复一年抓不到本·that missed Bin Laden year after year 却在阿伯塔巴德夜夜笙歌while he was swapping wives every night 妻玩得不亦

right in the middle of Abbottabad. 那你有什么建

All right, Walter, what's your proposal?

召开急会 Call an emergency session of the UN Security Council, 搞个区域首

get a regional summit going. 在你的首脑们把旅馆团购

The region will be a smoking ruin 商出来前 地区都被炸成灰了

before your summit can negotiate a group rate on hotel rooms. 不可能炸掉所有存放地点 You'll never hit all those sites, 那些没被掉的弹头

and the ones you miss will end up being sold 都将在黑市上被高价♥♥ to the highest bidder on the black market! 总统先生 如果听从他的

Mr. President, if you go with this plan, 很快您就将看到有人在易趣上

it won't be long before you see a listing ♥♥导弹

for a long-range ballistic missile on eBay. 瞧瞧 屋子真不 Oh, hello. Nice house.

-真是你家 -你以我家什么

- You live here? - Yeah, what did you expect? 不知道 小泥屋

I don't know. A mud hut, 散养着山羊 烧轮胎取暖 stray goats, burning tires. 是啊 Oh. Yeah.

请问那是什么的感 Hey, what does it feel like

每天么混♥[译为♥] to be such an asshole?

世界就掌握在混手里 朋友 Well, the world is run by assholes, my friend. 不要小看屁Don't underestimate the asshole. 可是人身上最有力的肌肉

It's the most powerful muscle in the body. 可以你碎屎万段 It will crush you. 好了 Ready? 霉素 Z-Pak!


You're being singled out for something special. 怎么回事

Sir, what's going on? 我跟你一所知有限

You know as much as I do! 就到指定地点 在空中待命

Just get on station and await further instruction. 是之前♥♥不夜神欠你的五十美元 Here's the 50 that I owe you for the Provigil.


How soon can you get me some more? 源出了点问题

Sir, having a little supply issue!

很快就能解决 我再

Should be all straightened out shortly. I'll be in touch, Sir! 很好 不用我提醒你 如果我睡着了

Good! I shouldn't have to remind you that if I fall asleep, 绝对会两两对头相撞

our planes end up crashing into one another. 不用 Sir, no, sir! 亚历克斯 This... is Alex,


the one that I was telling you all about. Oh. Yes.


So happy to finally meet you. -我也是 -儿子

- Likewise. - Our son informs us 巴基斯塔的一无所知

that your ignorance of all things Pakistani 达到了一定境界 真是得一

is truly astonishing, a sight to behold. 我等不及要见识

I cannot wait to witness it for myself. 奈伊 Naeema.


And why is it you treat my boy, little Rafi, so badly? 嘴女人 得到份工作是他的幸运

Hush, woman! He is lucky to have this job. 但自从工作以来

But he has gained so much weight 他胖了好多

since he started working for you people. -他吃了什么 -理我妻子

- What are you feeding him? - Ignore my wife. 我儿子很高工作

My son, he is very happy working for you. -请问下你的职业 -我是个作家

- May I ask what you do? - I'm a writer. 他写流行小

He writes popular fiction- 间谍 惊悚小

spy novels, thrillers,things like that. 他的小被翻成了七种

He's been translated into seven languages. 价了

Random House has an offer on the table. 非常不的价格

A very generous offer.


I refuse to give up movie and television rights. 东题在很火

The Middle East is hot right now. 怎么回事

What's going on? -他是 -他是

- Who is this? - This is...

拉菲美国大使的朋友 Rafi's friend from the American Embassy. 是我伯父哈桑

This is my uncle Hasan.

他是位知名的心理学家 在大学教

He's a renowned psychologist, teaches at the university. 你是中情局的

You work for the CIA, don't you? 什么 天哪 What? Me? No! Oh, God. 说实话

Honestly. I-I-- I am...

跟中 in no way affiliated 没有任何关系

with the Central Intelligence Agency.


I am a functionary of the State Department at the lowest level. 说乌尔语吗


开什么玩笑 他是中情局的 是的 Oh, yes. 我深表怀

他不是中情局的 拉菲

如果他是中情局的 举报 那肯定会屋的合 什么啊

What-- what are you guys talking about? 只是在讨论

We were just discussing


how much we admire American foreign policy. 好吧 Yeah.


So, do any of you have any idea what's happening out there? 我是 有什么消息

I mean, has there been any news? 只有点零碎的消息

Uh... just bits and pieces...


Of people they believe to be CIA collaborators. 很好 Good.


A bit of that droll Pakistani humor 你和你民族可不怎么出名

you and your fellow countrymen are not so famous for. 不是 No?

巴基斯坦电视转播恢复了 Pakistani TV is back up. 宫战情室

-声音呢 -正在努力修复 - Sound? - Working on it. 他是

Who the hell is that? 乌马尔·扎曼 前将

It's Umair Zaman,the former general.

前巴基斯坦三局的 He's ex-ISI leader. 他是我的人 He's our guy. 他是我挑中的

He was our handpicked guy 果后来他太激 until he turned radical.


He's still got a lot of support in the Army. 他是巴基斯坦 He's head of the Pakistani Unity Party, 参加了上次选举

ran in the last election, lost, 选举结

contested the results. 我看他得等重新票了

I guess he's not bothering to wait around for a recount. 看来他在已

Looks like he's in charge now. ... 有声音了 There... Ah, sound.

-说乌尔 -我会 先生 - Who speaks Urdu? - I do, sir. 太完美 Lovely. 帮忙翻

If you could translate, please. 巴基斯坦土境内发动

He's saying that the drone war being carried out 无人机争是非法的

inside Pakistan's sovereign borders is illegal. 上一届政些罪行的共犯

The former government was complicit in these crimes. 美国无人机争是犹太主者的阴

He says the US drone war is a Zionist conspiracy. 他只是在惑大众 总统阁

He's just playing to the cheap seats, Mr. President. 美国-犹太人的无人机

He says the American-Zionist drones 在巴基斯坦境内散播出了

have spread dangerous electromagnetic activity 磁波

across Pakistan, and... 然后呢 继续 Yes? Go on. 磁能量

This electromagnetic energy 是一秘密的

is a secret diabolical program


to alter the reproductive biology of our girls 并且使我国家的男孩 and to emasculate our boys. 没有真的那么做

We're not really doing that, are we? -他在什么 -我不知道

- What's he saying? - I don't know. 什么 无人机是

Something about the drones 以色列用来控制我生育之

being a form of birth control invented by the Israelis. 发疯

He's completely off his rocker. 是的 乌马尔·扎曼确有病 Yes, Umair Zaman is certifiable. 上我他确诊过 In fact, I certified him.

五年前 他遭受了全面精神奔

He suffered a full psychotic break about five years ago. 他看病的 You treated him? 他是我多年的病人了

He was a patient of mine for many years. 他的病就放在楼上 相当厚 I have a file upstairs-- quite thick!

他有急性精神分 He has acute episodic schizophrenia. 典型案例 真的

Textbook case, really.


So much for doctor-patient confidentiality.


The militants are gonna eat this nonsense up. 生暴There's going to be rioting. 达美店又会被夷平地

They will burn the Domino's Pizza to the ground again. 以后只能从拉瓦品第点外♥♥ We're gonna have to order from Rawalpindi. 那要等好久

That's gonna take forever. 电视

Have you been listening to the television? 我想我们还认识

I don't believe we've been introduced. 亚历克斯 是我妹妹法蕾达 Alex, this is my sister, Fareeda. 你肯定就是我哥哥

You must be my brother's

那令人厌恶 度的上司了 insufferable, oversexed boss. 憾你得了性病

Sorry to hear about your STD. 老天 你没我什么好

Jeez, you didn't do me any favors, did you? 听着 我他真的

Hey, listen, I'm not fucking around, okay? 你离她

You stay away from her, 我会割了你的喉 or I will cut your throat 视频网站 and put it on YouTube. 我的朋友

Whoa! Hey, my friend,

- -了一个紧张的夜晚

- Yeah. - We've had a very stressful night. -大家都放松一点 -我就说给你听

- Let's just inhale and exhale. - I'm just saying-- yeah. 保佑我们别 God save us from this lunatic.


It's God who is responsible for this lunatic. 怎么了 我看都不能看 What? I can't look?

-我只是看着她 -不行

- I'm just looking at her. - No, don't look. 我又不是畜生 我不会下手的

Look, I'm not a dog, okay? I'm not gonna do anything. -那也收点好 -知道了 - Just keep it-- okay. - Okay.

如此威国民的生殖能力 "We cannot stand by while our ability 无法袖手旁

"to reproduce is attacked in this way. 程武器作出回

"We will respond by using our long-range power 清除以色列犹太复国主 "to remove the Zionist state. 以色列不是合法国家

"Israel is an illegal entity." "清除"

Did he just say "Remove"? 是的 清除 Yes, "Remove."


What are the range on their missiles? 们刚发现

Well, we've just discovered 可以打到特拉

they've acquired the ability to reach Tel Aviv. Terrific.

今晚 们创造了

"Tonight, we have made history. 明天 国家将迎来新的黎明

"Tomorrow, a new day dawns on our nation. 晚安

"Good night.

至大 "God is great." 谢谢

Thank you. Great job.

我找下她的 Get me her details.

以色列理的Prime minister of Israel on the line. 老天 Oy.


Oh, dude, I'm really nervous. 我不适合干

This isn't my thing, man.

我只会飞过去直接炸 种任务为什么派我

I just fly jets and blow shit up. Why'd they choose me? 你逗我

Are you kidding me, man? 自从炸沉伊朗那批武器运

After downing that Iranian arms shipment, 你就出名了

you're a rock star, brother. 好前程等着你呢

They got plans for you.

除非能免了我的 我才没

Unless those plans include debt relief, I'm not interested. 好了

Hey, come on, buddy. 机会好好表

This is your chance to shine a light on it. 好好当你的阿霉素 You just relax and be the Z-Pak. -你吃 -抗焦虑药

- What the hell was that? - A Xanax. 你就扯吧 我点

Oh, hell, yeah. Gimme one of those. 直跟开店似的 You're like a pharmacy, man.

和你搭档 Damn, I love flying with you. 真的 今天糟糕透了

Oh, man, I am having the worst fucking day of my life. 甲板20 可以起

20 knots over the deck. Cleared for launch. 批准



Avi, I understand your concern. 你听我 你先慢着 Avi, please. No, no, slow down. 好吧 Okay. I...


We're in the process of finding out exactly what he meant. 乌尔"清除"可以有十多种意思呢

"Remove" Could mean 10 different things in Urdu. 各种方言什么的 你懂的

You know these tribal languages. 我保不会态进展到那步 I promise we will not let that happen.

我一听到消息就你打No, as soon as I hear anything, I will call you. 我保 我不是你

Yes, I promise that, unlike your grandchildren, 我保了就会打I will call you.


Avi, don't do that. Just wait.

除非我制人 不然他自开打

He says that unless we launch a preemptive strike, he will. 说话

Walter, talk to me. 总统先生 我正试图

Mr. President, I am in the process


of tracking down moderate elements in the Pakistani government. 24时试试非武力途径

Give me 24 hours to find a different way. 等不了24 总统先生

We don't have 24 hours, Mr. President. 那些武器得立清除

We need to remove those weapons now. 一听就是个草鸡鹰

Spoken like a true chicken hawk. 分了

You're out of line, Walter.


Am I? I was on the Goddamn roof

站在死的屋 最后一架直升机 defending the last chopper out of Saigon 离开西

before my 19th birthday.

19忙着拉德克利夫学院的妹子吧 When you were 19, you were date-raping Radcliffe girls.

-去你♥ -是你更哈佛的嫩男啊 - Fuck you. - Or was it Harvard boys?

好在你小得牙 Lucky for you, your prick was so small, 人家都不好意思起

they didn't have the heart to press charges.

-去你♥ -去你- Fuck you! - Fuck you!

-去你♥ - - Fuck you! - Enough! 什么毛病

What is it with you two? 他先开始的 He started it. 我需要情

I need better information! 能决的情

I need a tie breaker!

去你Fuck you. 去找菜

Grab the menu book, 再不喂饱这饿死鬼

'cause these hungry little beasts need to be fed 得把地球都炸了

or they're gonna blow up the planet. Oh, shit.

就是 太棒了 Oh, yeah, mamacita . 可是金不的情 This shit is solid gold. 下能去巴黎了

I want Paris for this! 你干什么呢

What are you doing? 你也睡不着

Uh... you couldn't sleep either? 我就你是中情局的 You are CIA. I knew it!

哈桑叔叔 听我解 我得我爸 Uncle Hasan, I can explain. I had to fax my dad. 我太想家了 天哪

I get homesick! Oh, God! 住手 好疼

Stop, God damn it! That hurts!

- -不好意思 什么呢

- Damn it! -I'm sorry. What the fuck is going on? 他要打我

He's attacking me! 当地线刚发来了

This medical file on Umair Zaman 乌马尔·扎曼的病例

just came in from a source on the ground, 亚历克斯·伯特 Alex Talbot.

-人是 -使的一个低级别员 - Who's he? - He's a low-level embassy guy. 参与 疾防治什么的

He works on clean water, malaria projects-- stuff like that. 你的人

One of your guys, Walter? 没听说过

Never heard of him. 亚历克斯·伯特 Alex Talbot.

是外交官身份的中情局特工 So he's CIA under diplomatic cover? 他申请过两次 No. He applied twice,

都没有通 们怀疑他

and we rejected him 'cause there were concerns 无法承受暴审讯

he wouldn't hold up well under enhanced interrogation.

不是你送情 Well, he's working for you now. 国家担着性命之忧发

He risked life for country to get us this. 30 是第三 This is page three of 30. ...份文件 This-- This is incomplete. 送意外

Well, transmission ended abruptly. 正努力定位来

We're trying to pinpoint the phone number now. 有人不喜泰国菜

Does anybody object to Thai food? -老天 -想吃那个圈出来

- Jesus. - Just circle which one. 第二的摘要

The summary, page two. 扎曼曾在十多年前

Zaman's been treated for episodes of 因妄想症及人格障碍接受

delusion and personality disorder going back a decade. 经历过全面的精神崩

He suffered a full psychotic break. -就是你要的制 -怎么能算

- There's your tie breaker! - How is that a tie breaker? 男的是个精神病

The man is psychotic and 而且核武就在他的控制下

he's got his finger on the button. 我承认这问题让人担 总统先生

While I admit that is cause for concern, Mr. President, 但答案是不挑起全球

the answer is not to start global war. 行你的

Pierce, set your plan in motion.

Good Lord.

得你在犯下大 总统先生

I think you're making a big mistake, Mr. President. 们剑走偏

We're going rogue.

替我局的老朋友哈· Get me in touch with my old friend Haroon Raja in the ISI. 如果我要避免这场

If we have any hope of averting armageddon, 就得靠两面三刀的巴基老狐狸了 that two-faced Paki weasel is it. 两面三刀的巴基佬 Two-faced Paki weasel.


But-- you-- don't call him a two-faced Paki weasel. -当然不会 -那就好

- No, no, of course not. - Okay. Avi. Oh, man.


The Xanax is starting to kick in! 等等

Wait a second, this can't be right. 的攻

Our target's right in the middle of

在伊堡的居民区中a residential district in Islamabad. 前已认过

Yeah. Went over that in pre-flight. 我要再确一遍 行控制中心 I'm gonna reconfirm. Flight Op! 里是H19 能听到

This is Hammer One Nine, do you read? 请讲 H19

Go ahead, Hammer One Nine. 有点疑

Yeah, I got an issue with this target. 看来是在人口稠密区的中心位置

Looks like it's right in the middle of a heavily populated area. 是否有

Is that correct?


I just got off the phone with the Chinese Ambassador.

正警告 任何针对巴基斯坦的行

He's warning that any action against Pakistan 将会被其盟国的侵略行

will be seen as an act of aggression against an ally, 并声明他将藉此

claims it gives them license 继续向与印度的争议边界靠近

to move on their disputed border with India. 这项计划已引起了

This plan is already starting to unleash 多重大的连锁 总统先生

some major chain reactions, Mr. President.

印度大使打来听起来已吓坏了 Indian Ambassador just called. He sounds freaked out, 信印度就是扎曼的下一个攻击对

convinced his country's next on Zaman's hit list. 入全面戒 They're going on full alert. 汤还是蛋卷 是套餐

Also, soup or egg roll? It comes with. 蛋卷 太油 Egg roll. No, too greasy. Soup. -算了 是两个都要吧 -好的

- Actually, I'll take both. - Yup. Okay. 我希望不要造成平民

And I want zero civilian casualties. 是啊 想睡斯嘉·

Yeah, and I wanna fuck Scarlett Johansson. 总统先生 争中亡在所

Mr. President, there are no guarantees in war. 所部署的所有

I have a high degree of confidence in the full array of 有极高的自信

assets we've deployed. 洛克希德·丁公♥[国防承包商]钱让着你老婆 That golf junket you took with your wife courtesy of 玩的那趟高夫公游真是物有所 Lockheed Martin is really starting to pay off. -什么 -你搞什么 - Excuse me? - Damn it, Walter. 已与斯坦接通视频

General Stanton on the screen. 尖兵是哪些人

General, who's the tip of the spear? 什么"尖兵" 臭傻"Tip of the spear"? What a tool.

16 Carrier Strike Group 16. 是我国参以来

Some of the best pilots 派出的最尖端的

this country has ever sent into harm's way. 已定位到亚历克斯·伯特 I've got a location on Alex Talbot.

在伊堡居民区的一民宅内 It looks like a house in a residential district in Islamabad.

You've been caught red-handed!

要被枪毙 就因为这个傲慢的混球

We're all going to be shot because of this pompous douchebag! 我就当你是在夸我了

I'm sure you meant that as the compliment it was intended to be. -方的人 - - It is the army. - Shit.

Good-bye, Random House. 要我把他交出去就算完事了

I say we hand him over to them and be done with it! 家有楼或者藏的地下室之的吧

You wouldn't happen to have an attic or a hidden basement? 拜托 拉菲克 Come on, Rafiq.

狂了 是兄弟啊 This is insane. We're pals. 不是兄弟 他是中情局的 No pals! He is CIA! 我早就跟你说过

I told you from day one.

拉菲克 拜托 是共享的交情 Rafiq, come on. We smoked J together. 亚历克斯先生 在巴基斯坦方敲你家

Mr. Alex, in Pakistan, the army knocking your door,

可不是什么好事 不是好事 that is not good. It's not good.

所有人都 我思考一下

Okay, everybody just shut up! Let me think! Shit.

总统先生 在我想你看点西

Mr. President, right now I'd like to show you something 你能直接参与到所有事行

that's gonna put you in the middle of all the action. 总统先生您好

Hello, Mr. President! 我叫 Zeke-- I mean,


Lieutenant Commander Zeke Tilson here. 你好 森少校

Hello, Commander Tilson. 先生 我很荣幸能被

It's an honor, sir, to be chosen 代表所有每每刻都在

to represent all the brave men and women 国家斗的勇敢

who fight for this country on a daily basis. 我想借此机会...

And I'd like to take this opportunity-- 我他全麻了 Oh, shit, man! I can't feel my fucking face! 上臭嘴 我他正跟总统说话...

Hey, watch your mouth, man! I'm talking to the fucking Pre-- 怎么回事

What's going on?


We-- We seem to have lost audio. 女士 先生 恭喜你

Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations. 这计划开局相当不

This plan is off to great start. 得我好像把搞混了

I think I mixed up the pills, man. 那我们刚吃的是什么

Yeah, well, what the hell did we take? 要是和我想的一 次有我受的了

If it's what I think it is, we're in for one hell of a ride. 得我子上了 I think I just shit my pants.
