社会学(双语)复习提要参考 一、题目类型 英语填空(10空,15分),英译汉(约200 words,17分),英汉对译(6个专业术语,18分),汉译英(4句,20分),论述题(共2题,每题15分,共30分) 二、答题要求 英语填空部分。不要求填的词与原文一样,只要词性、意思与原文相同即可。例如,原文Because of the knowledge and skills learned in sociolohy courses,study in this area provides excellent preparation for other undergraduate and graduate fields,填knowledge,learning,等都对;As you embard on this study, keep in mind that sociology helps us have a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world as well.填keep in mind,remember等都对。 参阅:Although a college graduate in engineering, computer sciences,or business may enter the job market with a higher salary,the liberal arts major is more likely to rise through the managerial and professional ranks to positions of responsibility and high pay.Businesses and organizations value the skills listed here.In tokay’s rapidly altering society,many of us will change jobs or careers several times during a lifetime.Sociological skills can help us adapt the expectations of new situations. Because of the and skills learned in sociolohy courses,study in this area provides excellent preparation for other undergraduate and graduate fields.From nursing,business,and education to alw and medicine,the knowledge of sociology can be applied to a wide variety of group situations.For instance,a current concern of sociologists who study educational settings is what characteristics make schools effective;by singling out certain characteristics,sociologists can to improve schools.Teachers and educational administrators profit from this information.If we are curious about ourselves and our interactions with others and about why our lives take certain directions,sociology can help us understand.For instance,sociologists are interested in how our social-class standing affects how we think,how we dress,how we speak,what our interests are,whom we are likely to marry,what religion(if any)we ,and what our“life chances”are,including how long we will live and what we are likely to do in life.Sociologists have even examined how individuals form different social-class backgrounds raise ,and implications of child-rearing techniques for our lifestyles,Some use physical punishment and others moral chastisement,but the end result is likely to be a perpetuation of the social class into which we are born.Technology is rapidly changing the world.New policies and programs are being implemented in government and private organizations-policies that every aspect of our lives.Because sociologists study processes,they are able to make concrete contributions to the planning of orderly change.Sociological knowledge can also be useful to legislators and courts in making policy decisions.For example,sociologists can assist a juvenile facility to design programs to help young people convicted of crime redirect their energies;how successful such programs are in achieving their goals can be studied by evaluation research. In summary,sociology is the broadest of the and,unlike other discipines,can give us an understanding of the social world.The knowledge and tools of sociology make students of this field valuable in a number of settings,from business to social service to government to education.As you embard on this study, that sociology helps us have a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world as well. whether you take a number of sociology or only one,you will profit in the number of ways.You will gain personal knowledge,new ,skills needed by employers,backgroud training useful in entering other fields,personal growth and development,new perspectives on the world,and a new way of looking at your relationships with and your place in society.You will gain tolerance for and facination with in the world around you and their cultural systems.You will be able watch the news or read the paper with keener perception. You will have an understanding of how tothat you or your boss need answered.And the more sociology you take,the more ability you will have express your thoughts ,objectively,and coherently. It is nice to know that the subjects you take in college will have some personal relevance and professional usefulness. Sociology should provide you with a number of “life skills,”such asI.Ability to view the world more II.Tools to solve problems by designing studies,collecting data,and analyzing results III.Ability to understand and evaluate social problems IV.Ability to understand your personal problems in a broader context We know from studies that employers value those applicants with the broad training of such fields as sociology because of the skills they provide.The following are skills employers look for,in order of importance: V. Ability to work with VI. Ability to adapt to the needs of the organization VII. Ability to interact effectively in group situations VIII. Self-confidence about job responsibilities IIX. Ability to handle pressure IX. Ability to conceptualize problems clearly X. Effective-solving skills Sociology is a study of all people,for .To enjoy your encounter with the field and to make the most use of your time in sociology,try to relate the information you read to your own life and relationships with others within the broader context of your social world. 英译汉部分,参阅Advertising is an over 100 billion dollar a year industry and affects all of us throughout our lives. We are each exposed to over 1500 ads a day, constituting perhaps the most powerful educational force in society. The aspect of advertising most in need of analysis and change is the portrayal of women. Scientific studies and the most casual viewing yield the same conclusion: women are shown almost exclusively as housewives or sex objects.The housewife, pathologically obsessed by cleanliness, debates the virtues of cleaning products with herself and worries about "ring around the collar" (but no one ever asks why he doesn't wash his neck). She feels guilt for not being more beautiful, for not being a better wife and mother.The sex object is a mannequin, a shell. Conventional beauty is her only attribute. She has no lines or wrinkles (which would indicate she had the bad taste and poor judgment to grow older), no scars or blemishes--indeed, she has no pores. She is thin, generally tall and long-legged, and, above all, she is young. All "beautiful" women in advertisements (including minority women), regardless of product or audience, conform to this norm. Women are constantly exhorted to emulate this ideal, to feel ashamed and guilty if they fail, and to feel that their desirability and lovability are contingent upon physical perfection. The average American will spend one and one-half years of his or her life watching television commercials. But the ads sell a great deal more than products. They sell values, images, and concepts of success and worth, love and sexuality, popularity and normalcy. They tell us who we are and who we should be. Advertising is the foundation and economic lifeblood of the mass media. The primary purpose of the mass media is to deliver an audience to advertisers, just as the primary purpose of television programs is to deliver an audience for commercials.Adolescents are particularly vulnerable because they are new and inexperienced consumers and are the prime targets of many advertisements. They are in the process of learning their values and roles and developing their self-concepts. Most teenagers are sensitive to peer pressure and find it difficult to resist or even question the dominant cultural messages perpetuated and reinforced by the media. Mass communication has made possible a kind of national peer pressure that erodes private and individual values and standards.But what do people, especially teenagers, learn from the advertising messages that proliferate in the mass media? 汉译英类似句子:社会互动是指个人与个人、个人与群体、群体与群体之间(通过某种信息传递而产生的)相互影响的交往活动;社会流动是指人们在社会关系空间从一种地位向另一种地位的转变,如职位的升降。 论述题方面,要求给出相关社会学概念的一般表述,然后根据该概念的多方面意义联系实际展开论述。 例如,以官员为例,谈谈你对“社会角色”概念的理解:1.社会角色概念是指„„2.社会角色概念不仅表达社会角色的扮演者地位高低、应有的权利,也表达其对社会的作用、责任、行为方式.3. 社会角色有规定性与开放性角色、自觉与不自觉角色之分。一方面,官员属于规定性社会角色,另一方面,„„4.„„ 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b1521f10a21614791711286b.html