陕西师范大学博物馆简介 Brief Introduction to the Shaanxi Normal University Museum 陕西师范大学博物馆位于学校长安校区图书馆西附楼,展室面积约2000平方米,由历史文化馆、陶瓷艺术馆、书画艺术馆和妇女文化馆四个部分组成。 Shaanxi Normal University Museum is situated in the west building attached to the library of Shaanxi Normal University on Chang’an Campus. The museum covers an area of about 2,000 square meters. It’s made up of four display rooms as History and Culture Room, Porcelain Art Room, Painting and Calligraphy Room and Women’s Culture Room. 历史文化馆和陶瓷艺术馆的前身是始建于20世纪50年代的原历史系文物陈列室。现收藏历代文物约1500余件,其中殷商甲骨文、商周青铜器、汉代瓦当、汉唐铜镜、宋元明清瓷器等藏品等级较高,颇有特色。战国秦封宗邑瓦书、秦大型凤纹空心砖和唐阎庄墓志等,具有极高的文物价值和学术价值,堪称镇馆之宝。 The History and Culture Room and Porcelain Art Room can be traced back to the former Cultural Relics Display Room of History Department. Among about 1,500 cultural relics displayed there, inscriptions on bones or ththtortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty (c.16 –c. 11 century), the bronze wares of the Shang and Zhou thDynasties( c. 16 – 256 B.C.), eaves tiles (Wadang) of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220), bronze mirrors of the Han and Tang Dynasties (618-917) and porcelain wares of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties (960-1911) etc. feature the museum for their good appearances and high quality. The inscriptions on tile of the aristocratic county enfeoffed by Qin in the Warring States Period, large hollow brick with the design of phoenix in Qin Dynasty and Yanzhuang epigraph in Tang Dynasty are the treasures of the museum for their extremely high cultural and academic values. 书画艺术馆以学校图书馆的藏品为基础,现藏有历代书画、明清圣旨等约2000余件,历代石刻拓片12000余通。明唐寅《山水长卷》、仇英《山间栈道图》、米万钟《风雨云烟图》、董其昌《山水画》、清郑板桥书中堂、左宗棠书对联等名家作品和明万历圣旨等均为馆藏精品。 Painting and Calligraphy Room is based on the collections of the library of the university. Among over 2,000 painting and calligraphy works displayed there, the Chinese paintings in Ming Dynasty including Horizontal Scroll Painting of Landscape by Tang Yin, Wooden Road Built Along the Face of Cliff by Qiu Ying, Foggy Canyon by Mi Fu, Landscape Painting by Dong Qichang, the calligraphies including the central scroll written by Zheng Banqiao, antithetical couplet written by Zuo Zongtang, and the imperial edict in the Wanli Reign (1573-1620) of Ming Dynasty are especially precious. Also, over 12,000 rubbings of stone sculptures are collected in this Room. 妇女文化馆是目前国内唯一的一所综合性妇女博物馆,1200余件藏品为反映不同历史时期有关妇女的实物和标本,共分为她的故事、江永女书、生育文化、女红和中华嫁衣五个主题展出,形象、生动地反映出历代妇女生活的多个侧面,对妇女学、历史学、社会学、民族学、民俗学、文化人类学和艺术研究,有着重要的意义。 Women’s Culture Room is a sole and comprehensive women’s cultural museum in China. There are more than 1,200 collections divided into the following five parts: Her Story, the Jiangyong NüShu, Fertility Culture, Needlework and Chinese Wedding Arrays. The five topics reflect the various sides of women’s life in different times vividly, which also play an important role to the studies of women, history, sociology, ethnology, folklore, cultural anthropology and arts. 陕西师范大学博物馆现已建设成为一所馆藏较为丰富、具有一定现 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b538183ef111f18583d05a8f.html