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1928:翦拂集 上海北新书局

1930Letters of a Chinese Amazon and Wartime Essays(林语堂时事述译汇刊) 上海开明书店

1930:开明英文读本(三册) 上海开明书店 1930:英文文学读本(二册) 上海开明书店 1930:开明英文文法(二册) 上海开明书店

1931Reading in Modern Journalistic Prose(现代新闻散文选) 上海商务印书馆

1933:语言学论丛 上海开明书店 1934:大荒集 上海生活书店

1934:我的话上册(行素集) 上海时代图书公司

1935:开明英文讲义(三册)林语堂、林幽合编 上海商务印书馆

1935The Little Critic: Essays, Satires and Sketches on China, First Series: 1930-1932(英文小品甲集) 上海商务印书馆

1935The Little Critic: Essays, Satires and Sketches on China, Second Series: 1933-1935(英文小品乙集) 上海商务印书馆

1935Confucius Saw Nancy and Essays about Nothing(子见子南及英文小品文集) 上海商务印书馆初版

1935My Country and my People(吾国与吾民) New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, Inc., (A John Day Book)

1936:我的话下册(披荆集) 上海时代图书公司 1936A History of the Press and Public Opinion China(中国新闻舆论史) 海别发洋行

1936The University of Chicago Press 1937 The Importance of Living(生活的艺术 Reynal & Hitchcoca, Inc., (A John Day Book) 1938The Wisdom of Confucius孔子的智慧) Random House, The Modern Library

1939Moment in Peking(京华烟云) A John Day Book Company 1940With Love & Irony(讽颂集) A John Day Book Company 1940Leaf in the Storm(风声鹤唳) A John Day Book Company 1941:语堂文存(第一册) 上海林氏出版社初版

1942The Wisdom of China and India(中国印度之智慧) Random House 1943Between Tears & Laughter(啼笑皆非) A John Day Book Company 1944The Vigil of Nation(枕戈待旦) A John Day Book Company 1947The Gay Genius: The Life and Times of Su Tungpo(苏东坡传)A John Day Book Company

1948Chinatown Family(唐人街) A John Day Book Company 1948The Wisdom of Laotse(老子的智慧) Random House 1950on the Wisdom of America(美国的智慧) A John Day Book Company

1951Widow, Nun and Courtesan: Three Novelettes From the Chinese Translated and Adapted by Lin Yutang(寡妇,尼姑与歌妓:英译重编传奇小说) A John Day Book Company

1952Famous Chinese Short Stories, Retold by Lin Yutang(英译重编传奇小说) A John Day Book Company

1953The Vermilion Gate(朱门) A John Day Book Company 1955Looking Beyond(远景) Prentice Hall

1957Lady Wu(武则天传) World Publishing Company 1958The Secret Name(匿名) Farrar, Straus and Cudahy

1959The Chinese Way of Life(中国的生活) World Publishing Company 1959From Pagan to Christianity(信仰之旅) World Publishing Company 1960Imperial Peking: Seven Centuries of China(帝国京华:中国在七个世纪里的景观) Crown Publishers

1961The Red Peony(红牡丹) World Publishing Company

1962The Pleasure of a Nonconformist不羁) World Publishing Company 1963Juniper Loa(赖柏英) World Publishing Company

1964The Flight of Innocents(逃向自由城) G. P. Putnam\'s Sons 1965:无所不谈一集 台北文星 1966:平心论高鹗 台北文星 1967:无所不谈二集 台北文星

1973Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage(当代汉英辞典) 香港中文大学

1974:无所不谈合集 台北文星 1976:红楼梦人名索引 台北华冈 1978:《语堂文集》 开明

1986:《林语堂经典名著》(1 35) 台湾金兰文化出版社 1986:《文人剪影》(散文集)与人合集 重庆人民出版社 1988:《中国人》(杂文集) 浙江人民 1988:《赖柏英》(长篇小说) 湖南文艺 1988:《人生的盛宴》(散文集) 湖南文艺 2002:《圣哲的智慧》 陕西师范大学出版社
