For many years I have found myself fascinated with the development and progression of language beside my own. Whilst I was in college I had the pleasure to meet a native Japanese and was not only astounded by his articulation with English, but his fluency and ability to switch between both Japanese and English. From him I learned a lot regarding his heritage, culture and of course the Japanese Language. After a long period of self-study, I cannot find any other word apart from the language, culture and mannerisms are one the most beautiful I've encountered. I decided to choose Japanese due to my devoted interest, career ambitions and love of the subject. I have been studying the language intensively with a native for the past year and I would really like to gain a far more adept knowledge of the country and the society as a whole. With regard to my past educational attainment in college, the focus was primarily on computing. Despite realizing the subject did not suffice to my personal needs and aspirations, I do not look on this choice as a mistake. It allowed an elaborate view on the industry as a whole and a newfound respect for the vast personalities that undertake the work involved and a pivotal step forward in re-evaluating my ambitions and future as a whole. Due to my studies in computing, I have managed to adapt a large proportion of Web Design skills for personal and small commercial use. Living in an area of disparity among work opportunities the skills acquired have proven invaluable allowing myself to occasionally develop web sites for a numerous and diverse set of people, whether it be for personal or professional use. This experience has allowed me to gain a small income and converse with a distinguishing variety of people from all cultures and walks of life. Aside from my interest in the Japanese Language my main interests come from Animation, World Cinema, Literature, and a large appreciation for music for which I am currently teaching myself Piano and Koto. I find learning an instrument takes a large degree of determination, longterm-commitment and self-motivation. It has allowed myself to fully understand the amount of effort and perfectionism that goes into gaining new abilities and I believe that this applies for the majority of things we want to master throughout our life. Going to University will give me the ability to become far more specialized in Japanese and would be a perfect progression in order to use it in a professional career like I hope and plan to. University would also let me strive for the individualism that I desire and confidence in familiarizing and conversing with people of all backgrounds. Upon completing the course, I intend in applying and partaking in the JET Programme that is offered to graduates. This would allow me to be completely submerged in a Japanese workplace immediately, performing the tasks that need to be done whilst using and building on my linguistic ability. Once my time under the JET programme has finished I intend to pursue roles of teaching English in Japan as a foreign language and more prominently using my language ability to translate, interpret and transcribe professionally in the country. 本文来源: