中华人民共和国船舶升挂国旗管理方法 英语

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中华人民共和国船舶升挂国旗管理方法 英语

Management Measures for the Hoisting of National Flags on Chinese Ships

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the requirements of the People's Republic of China (PRC) National Flag Law and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit of Ships to regulate the hoisting of national flags on Chinese ships and safeguard the dignity of the national flag.

Article 2 Chinese ships shall hoist the national flag correctly,

prominently, and neatly, and strictly abide by the national laws and regulations regarding the hoisting of national flags.

Article 3 The competent maritime department under the State Council shall be responsible for the overall management and supervision of the hoisting of national flags on Chinese ships.

Chapter 2 Hoisting of National Flags

Article 4 Chinese ships shall hoist the national flag at the designated positions stipulated by the competent maritime department.

Article 5 The national flag hoisted on Chinese ships shall meet the following requirements:

1. The proportions of the national flag shall strictly follow relevant

national standards;

2. The national flag shall not be made smaller or distorted under any circumstances;

3. The national flag shall be clean, free from damage, and have consistent color tones.

Article 6 Chinese ships departing or arriving at ports, passing through straits, or participating in international maritime activities shall hoist the national flag.

Article 7 The national flag shall be hoisted at sunrise and lowered at sunset. If there are special circumstances, the time for hoisting and lowering may be adjusted accordingly.

Chapter 3 Management and Supervision

Article 8 The competent maritime department shall establish a comprehensive management system for the hoisting of national flags on Chinese ships, including the formulation of relevant regulations, guidance, and supervision.

Article 9 Chinese ships shall strictly implement the relevant regulations and requirements of the competent maritime department regarding the hoisting of national flags.

Article 10 The competent maritime department shall conduct

regular inspections and random checks on Chinese ships to ensure the correct and standardized hoisting of national flags.

Article 11 Chinese ships found to have violated the hoisting
