
时间:2022-03-21 06:05:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

I 单选(20分)

II.阅读(30分) 三篇,难度适中,细节题较多

III.词形变化(20分) 20小题,多练习册原题

IV.无选项完形填空(20分) 原文如下,只记得这些要填的词,其中首字母给出。

"Life begins at forty" is more often an expression of hope than a statement of fact. But it has the ring of truth for a group of mature women at the University of Pittsburgh whose professional lives are really beginning. A former housewife, who is seeking a Ph. D. and teaching at the university, has received the highest student evaluation in the university's history. A mother of four is now deputy director in the department of planning for the city of Pittsburgh. And another woman has been accepted as the first woman professor at UCAL' s Graduate School of Management. These successful professionals are all graduates of a unique program designed to help mature women prepare for positions in public administration and planning.

The "midcareer" scholars fit no mold. Many saw their child- bearing years growing to a close and wanted to find a productive, useful career. Some, unexpectedly forced into the role of family provider by a divorce, needed training that they had not thought necessary when they were younger.

While many such women had previously worked in community organizations, they found that without an academic background, they had neither the ability for, nor access to, the policymaking that could help them upgrade their communities. And almost all of them faced the psychic strain of returning to school after a lapse of as much as twenty years besides high tuitions and heavy housework. The midcareer program helped to smooth the way. It permitted women to choose whether they would attend full time or part time. And it provided an allowance for household help. Perhaps more important, the program, by bringing such ambitious students together, helped to give them the psychological support they all needed. As she remembers it: "I was absolutely scared to death and just died by myself until I met the other midcareer women. Together these frightened and uncertain women faced unbelieving professors and husbands and "neglected" children; and they apparently won ever all of them. Many feel that the confidence and drive they gained, in such a demanding situation are as important as the skills they learned.

V.句式变换(20分) 十小题,多为练习册原题。

VI.改错(20分) 原文如下,具体的改错的地方不记得了,此题一空2分,需重视。

Speech-the act of uttering sounds to convey meaning-is a kind of human action. Like any other constantly repeated action, speaking has to be learned, but once it is learned, it becomes a generally unconscious and apparently automatic process.

As far as we can determine, human beings do not need to be forced to speak; most babies seem to possess a sort of instinctive drive to produce speech like noises. How to speak and what to

say are another matter. These actions are learned from the particular society into which the baby is born; so that, like all conduct that is learned from a society-from the people around us-speech is a patterned activity.

The meandering babble and chatter of a young child are eventually channels by imitation into a few orderly grooves that represent the pattern accepted as meaningful by the people around him. Similarly, a child’s indiscriminate practice of putting things into his mouth becomes limited to putting food into his mouth in a certain way.

The sounds that a child can make are more varied and numerous than the sounds that any particular language utilizes. However, a child born into a society with a pattern of language is encouraged to make a small selection of sounds and to make these few sounds over and over until it is natural for him to make these sounds and no others.


It goes a long way back, some twenty years. All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: That I am nobody but myself. But first I had to discover that I am an invisible man!

And yet I am no freak of nature, nor of history. I was in the cards, other things having been equal (or unequal) eighty-five years ago. I am not ashamed of my grandparents for having been slaves. I am only ashamed of myself for having at one time been ashamed. About eighty-five years ago they were told they were free, united with others of our country in everything pertaining to the common good, and, in everything social, separate like the fingers of the hand. And they believed it. They exulted in it. They stayed in their place, worked hard, and brought up my father to do the same. But my grandfather is the one. He was an odd old guy, my grandfather, and I am told I take after him. It was he who caused the trouble. On his deathbed he called my father to him and said, "Son, after I'm gone I want you to keep up the good fight. I never told you, but our life is a war and I have been a traitor all my born days, a spy in the enemy's country ever since I give up my gun back in the Reconstruction. Live with your head in the lion's mouth. I want you to overcome 'em with yeses, undermine 'em with grins, agree 'em to death and destruction, let 'em swoller you till they vomit or bust wide open." They thought the old man had gone out of his mind. He had been the meekest of men. The younger children were rushed from the room, the shades drawn and the flame of the lamp turned so low that it sputtered on the wick like the old man's breathing. "Learn it to the younguns," he whispered fiercely; then he died.

Edited by YOOOOObest wishes for you.


1汉字写假名 10*1 (新版课文中原句,其中有“喫茶店”きっさてん

2假名写汉字 10*1 (新版课文中原句,其中有“たこ凧”

3、汉语短语翻译成日语 10*1

注意: 中意: 能用: 察觉: 没关系: 不言而喻:


4单项选择 10*1 (一些助词的用法等,较简单,平时要多联系)

5单项选择 20*1 (一些词类变形等,真题至关重要!

6日语句子翻译成汉语 4 10


7汉语句子翻译成日语 5 10 (比较简单的句子)

8、阅读理解 20 一共4篇文章 4个题目,比较简单 2个题目,比较简单 7个题目,较难理解 7个题目,较难理解

Edited by YOOOOObest wishes for you.
