MTI 2014级广告翻译练习

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MTI 2014级广告翻译练习

1. 翻译下列西诺德佛山牙科设备制造有限公司的招聘广告

SIRONA is a global leading dental equipment manufacturer with headquarter in Bensheim, Germany. Sirona Dental Systems (Foshan) Co., Ltd. is now looking for high caliber talents to fill the following positions.


Product Manager: 5 years or above experience in market need research and analysis, product positioning and pricing, competitor analysis and product concept design.


Brand Manager: 4 years or above experience in brand management, good presentation skills 品牌经理: 具备四年或四年以上品牌管理经验,良好的讲解技能。

Sales Controller: 5 years or above experience in finance management/controlling, strong knowledge in finance analysis and reporting. With auditing experience an advantage.


Key Account Manager: 5 years or above sales experience in channel and key account management in dental or related product, with customer base an advantage. (Less experienced candidate would be considered for Sales Representative position)


QA Supervisor: 8 years or above working experience, in which 3 years or above mechatronic product quality monitoring and analysis experience, good knowledge in testing and QA process improvement.


Candidates are required to speak workable English to apply for the above positions. 申请上述职位者要求能用流利的英语交流。


1. Winning the hearts of the world. (Air France) 赢得天下心。(法国航空)

2. Were Siemens. We can do that. (Siemens) 我们是西门子,我们能做到。(西门子)

3. Everything is extraordinary, Everything tempts. (Cartier) 样样新颖别致,诱惑非凡。(卡地亚饰品)

4. We bring high technology home. (NEC)


4. Give a Timex to all, and to all a good time. (Timex)

拥有一块天美时表,拥有一段美好时光。(天美手表) 5. Every time we race, you win. (Yamaha Electronic Organs)

每场比赛,场场获胜。(雅马哈电子琴) 6. Enjoy Life, Enjoy Simon (Simon Electric)

拥有西蒙,享受生活(西门电气) 7. The world smiles with Readers Digest.

《读者文摘》给世界带来欢笑 《读者文章》 8. Good time, great taste, McDonalds (McDonald)

好时光,好味道,尽在麦当劳 (麦当劳) 9. Elegance is an attitude. (Longines)


III 请指出下列广告所使用的修辞格,并将下列广告翻译成汉语。

1. Asia Garden Hotel A Home Away From Home!Asia Garden Hotel

亚洲花园酒店—您在远方的家 metaphor, 暗喻) 2. For the modern Marco Polo.Cathay Pacific Airlines

现代马可波罗 allusion, 典故)

3. Big thrills, small bills. (Budget Car Leasing Center)

大刺激,小花费 contrast, 对比)

4. A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. (FLORIDA CITRUS


一天没有橙汁如同一天没有阳光(simile, 明喻) 5. The driver is safer when the road is dry; The road is safer when the driver is dry.


司机不沾酒,道路更安全 Pun,双关)

6.Its a matter of pride. Proud tradition. Proud heritage. Proud taste. (L&M cigarette)

这是引以为豪的事,自豪的传统,自豪的传承,自豪的味道 parallelism/repetition /重复)

7. Pity the pickpockets. (Clothes Advertisement)

可怜那扒手把 irony 反讽)

8. If it wasnt in VOGUE, it wasnt in vogue.Vogue Fashion

不穿“时尚“,就不时尚 pun, 双关) 9. Ask for More. (More)

再来一支摩尔香烟 pun,双关)

10. Wash the big city right out of your hair. (Shampoo Advertisement)

洗去城市的灰尘(metonymy, 转喻) 11. Theres never been a better Time.


12. Time Inc. says Life is coming back, and if Life returns, can Look be far behind?


13. Make Time For Time.

The auto industry calls it Luxury. The liquor industry calls it Premium . The airline industry calls it First Class. The hotel industry calls it Five Star. The securities industry calls it Blue Chip. In the communication industry It is called TIME.

阅读《时代》,为您赢取更多时间。 汽车行业称之为豪华轿车。 制酒行业称之为高档酒。 航空业称之为头等舱。 酒店行业称之为五星级。 证券行业称之为绩优股。 信息行业称之为《时代杂志》 parallelism, 排比)

14. If you drive, dont drink; If you drink, dont drive. (Public Welfare Advertisement)

若驾驶,勿饮酒;若饮酒,勿驾驶。(公共福利广告)antithesis, 对偶) 15. Every kid should have an apple after school. (Apple PC)

每个孩子放学回家都该有个苹果(苹果个人电脑)pun,双关) 16. To smoke or not, thats a question. (Cigarette Advertisement)

吸烟或不吸烟,这是一个问题 (香烟广告)parody, 仿拟)

IV.将下列广告翻译成英文。 1. 蚊子,杀杀杀。(某蚊香广告)

Mosquito, bye, bye, bye. 2. 谁跑在最后,谁笑得最好。(某轮胎广告)

He who runs last laughs best. 3. 城乡路万千, 路路有航天。 航天牌汽车)

Where there is road, there is a Hangtian. 4. 有了南方,就有了办法。(南方科技咨询公司)

Where there is south, there is a way. 5. 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝(大宝)

To own good skincare, use Dabao morning and night. 6. 东奔西走,要喝宋河好酒。(宋河酒)

East or west, Songhe is the best. 7. 安全驾驶——救人即救己。(公益广告)

Safe driving, good for yourself and others. 8. 第一流产品,为足下争光。(上海鞋油)

Our product is the first class; it shines your shoes and makes you look better.
