
时间:2022-12-26 14:03:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Due Time: Oct. 8th -9th, 2012

Assignment One

. Translating advertisements 1. E-C:

(1) A diamond lasts forever. (钻石广告) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。 (2) To love, to laugh, to understand each other. 爱心,开心,相互交心。《娱乐


(3) Whats on your arm should be as beautiful as whos on it. 戴在您手臂上的


(4) Making a big world smaller. 把世界变小了。(德国汉莎航空公司广告) (5) Things go better with Coca-Cola. 畅饮可口可乐,保您万事如意。 (6) If you can dream it, we can make it happen. 您能梦想到的,我们都能使之


(7) Explore your world. 探索您的世界。(Discovery Channel探索频道) (8) Dont just get into it, get into it. 不仅仅是登陆互联网而是真正畅游其中。


(9) Have you driven a Ford lately? 你最近开过福特车吗?(新型福特车广


(10) Are you going grey too early? 你的乌发是否过早变白了?(乌发乳广告) (11) Safe, easy, quick and with fun. 使用安全,操作简便,高效快捷,乐在其


(12) Easy In and Easy Out- swivel cushion. 旋转坐垫,进出自如。(汽车驾驶


2. C-E:

(1) 请君试之,方知言而有信。

Just try it, and you will see our sincere recommendation is rather convincing. (2) “美人”鲜花,倾诉衷肠。

Flowers by Beauty speak from the heart. (鲜花广告)

(3) 集东方文化瑰宝,聚民族艺术精华。

It has a good collection of the oriental treasures and Chinese exquisite works of arts. (工艺美术品公司广告)

(4) 皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减。(皮鞋厂广告) The leather we use is quite thick; the profit we make is fairly thin. (5) 随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。(速效救心丸广告) A friend in need is a friend in indeed. (6) 肌肤姣好,年年岁岁。 Better skin year after year. (6) 没有最好只有更好。 To make the best even better.

(7) 绝对质量保证,12年独家享有。 An exclusive 12 years no-nonsense guarantee.

(8) 公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,大、中专毕业以上的技术、管理人才占员工


The company boasts tremendous technological strength with a well-qualified management and staff.

. Translating titles 1. E-C:

(1) Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》

(2) The Gift of Maggi 《贤人的礼物》(MaggiMaggus的复数,来自《马太


(3) Dont Cry for Me, England 《英格兰,别为我哭泣》 (4) The Story of An Hour 《悲喜一小时》

(5) Outstanding Cultural Diversity Programs 《多元文化连着你和我》 (6) Cyberpromotion Communicating with Customer on Line 《网络促销:与顾


(7) Black Umbrella, Golden Hearts 《黑色的伞金子般的心》
