Religion 宗教介绍

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基督教 (Christianity) 是世界上第一大宗教,其信徒约有18亿人,与伊斯兰教 (Islam) 佛教 (Buddhism) 并称世界三大宗教。

基督教在历史进程中分化为许多派别,在世界Protestantism东正教Eastern Orthodox Church)和天主教Roman Catholics统称基督教。天主教会是基督教会中最大的。一般除了天主教和东正教以外,可以把基督教中其他一切教派都划归新教。在中国,基督教一般只指新教。

Bethlehem (伯利恒) is a holy city for Christians and Jews.

Bible is made up of Old Testament and New Testament. Jews only believe in Old Testament, while Christians believe in both.

Roman Catholics: the largest single religious group in the U.S., more than 25% of all Americans are of Roman Catholic faith.

Some sects of the Protestantism:

Baptists (浸礼教徒): the largest group in the U.S. (Most of them have racial prejudice.)

Methodists (遁道宗信徒/卫理公会派教徒): They follow the lead of John Wesley. The Methodist Church has over 50 million members around the world. It emphasizes the importance of moral issues, both personal and social.

Quaker (贵格会教徒/教友会派教徒): a member of the Society of Friends. (This term was coined by their enemies because the Quakers were so faithful to God that when they spoke of God, they trembled.) Quakers worship Christ without any formal ceremony or fixed beliefs, and there meetings often involve silent thought or prayer. They dont build any church. They believe everyone is equal, so they refuse to bow to the king. They are strongly opposed to violence and war, and are active in education and charity work.
