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【期刊名称】《广西民族师范学院学报》 【年(),期】2014(31)1

【摘 要】清朝末年,《初等小学国语文教科书》将“双半球”世界地图等地理知识编选入语文教科书,在“识字”之余,强化了时人对新的世界图式之认知,亦强化了其对“大清国”的认同与凝聚。民国时期的国文教科书,将“地理知识”编入识字教育与国情内容介绍中,以达到国家疆域构建与国家认同为目的,地理知识、识字教育与国家认同三者关系得到强化。就现代多民族中国而言,义务教育阶段的语文教科书如何在上述三者的关联中,在呈现多民族的地域差异与文化多元的基础之上强调国家认同,应是当下学界应该思考的问题之一。%In the Qing Dynasty, geographical knowledge such as map of the world was compiled into the elementary Chinese textbooks, which, apart from"literacy", reinforced the people’ s perception of the new World and strengthened its recognition of "Qing country" and cohesion. In the Republic of China, geographic knowledge was compiled into literacy and national conditions in Chinese textbooks, in order to achieve the national ter-ritory construction and national identity, and then strengthened the relations between geographic knowledge, literacy education and national identity. In modern multi-ethnic China, the language textbooks for compulsory education in the context of how three of the above, showing regional differences in the

basis of multi-ethnic and multicultural emphasis on national identity, should be thought as one of the current academic problems. 【总页数】4(P85-88) 【作 者】付海鸿

【作者单位】四川大学 文学与新闻学院,四川 成都 610064 【正文语种】 【相关文献】

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4.甲骨文与汉字识字教育探析——从义务教育语文教科书《""的故事》谈起 [J], 杨军辉

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