酒店管理外部培训 EXTERNAL TRAINING——集团连锁酒店管理公司 EXTERNAL TRAINING Purpose 目的: The External Training Program will provide employee with extensive cross exposure and career development opportunities apart from the hotel internal training. 外部培训的目的是为员工提供除了酒店内部培训之外的其他培训机会,以拓宽员工的职业生涯发展道路。 Scope 范围: Any employee who has finished half year continuous service with the hotel or at the discretion of management may apply for cross-training programs to the Human Resources department and Training Department. 所有在酒店连续服务半年以上的员工可向人力资源部和培训部申请参加, 或者是根据酒店的运营需要和酒店管理层的决定。 The following External Training opportunities may be provided to the employees: 下列外部培训机会有可能被提供给员工: 1. IHG Corporate Training 洲际集团公司培训 1 叶予舜 二〇二〇年四月八日星期三 2. IHG Sister Hotel Cross Exposure 洲际集团姐妹酒店交叉学习 3. Government Compulsory Training 政府法定培训 4. External Company Training – Job Related 与工作相关联的外部公司培训 5. Others 其他培训 Responsibilities 责任: 1. Training Department will co-ordinate the application and evaluate the training program, till the end of it, to ensure the effective implementation of the program and progress of trainees. 培训部将全程评估并协调交叉培训申请,确保安排的有效实施和培训进程的顺利进行。 2. Applicants should strictly follow the training rules and regulations, working procedures, etc. including the training plan as dictated by Training department. 交叉培训生要严格遵守培训的规章制度,工作程序,以及培训部所制订的培训计划等安排。 3. The hotel management has the right to adjust or terminate any on-going external training program. 酒店管理层有权利调整或终止任何正在进行的外部培训。 Policies & Procedures 政策与程序: 1. All employees including Managers, who have excellent performance record and high potential within the company should be encouraged to participate in external-training. 我们鼓励所有工作表现突出并极具潜力的员工包括部门经理参加外部培训。 For screening purposes, the following may be considered 为配合筛选,需考虑以下方面: 2 叶予舜 二〇二〇年四月八日星期三 ★ employee profile 员工个人状况 ★ past and current performance evaluations 员工过去及现在的工作表现 ★ length of service to hotel must be at least half year 在酒店至少工作半年 ★ employee development plan and career goals 员工发展计划及事业目标 ★ employee’s comments 员工个人意见 ★ the discretion of management 管理层的决定/酒店的经营需要 ★ training agreement 培训协议 2. All training invitations received by any department should be immediately forwarded to Training department for consideration. 各部门收到的所有的培训邀请都必须立即交给培训部以供权衡。 3. Training department shall issue training availability to the department concerned after the assessment of the training course. 培训部在对各种培训课程进行评估后,需把可行的培训课程通知到相关部门。 4. The applicant shall complete the External Training Application Form and obtain written approval from division/department head. 申请者需要填写外部培训申请表并由部门总监/经理签字批准。 4. The External Training Pre-Evaluation Form must be completed by the division/department head and submitted to Training department for review. 3 叶予舜 二〇二〇年四月八日星期三 部门总监/经理必须填写外部培训前评估表并递交给培训部审阅. 5. The applicant would be required to sign the training agreement before the course and any leave (resignation/contract termination/dismissal) would be billed according to the terms indicated in the agreement. 申请者将被要求在培训开始之前签定培训协议,如有任何辞职或中止合同的行为将依照协议条款赔偿。 6. The applicant should not be entitled for any compensation day off or any statutory holidays, during training period or during the trip. 培训及其差旅所占用的时间没有还休。 7. The Training Report should be submitted to Training Department within one week after the applicant finished the training course.. 在完成培训的一星期内,需向培训部递交培训报告。 4 叶予舜 二〇二〇年四月八日星期三 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f022785ef76527d3240c844769eae009581ba2ab.html