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【#四六级考试# 导语】宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。坚持备考的人生,很积极,很宝贵,很励志。冲吧,努力吧!以下为©文档大全网整理的“2021年上半年英语四级语法辨析”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  recommend 动词,意思是 “推荐,介绍;劝告,建议”.其结构有:

  1) recommend sb. ... (= recommend ... to sb.) “向某人推荐/介绍?? “. 例如:

  Can you recommend me a good dentist?你能给我推荐一个好的牙医吗? Perhaps you can recommend me another hotel. 或许你能给我再介绍一家旅馆.

  2) recommend sb. for... “推荐某人做(某职位)”. 例如:

  I'll recommend him for the job. 我要推荐他做这项工作.

  3) recommend sth. for... “推荐某物作某种用途”.例如:

  I recommend these pills for your cough. 我向你推荐这种药治疗咳嗽.

  4) recommend sb. as... “推荐某人为??”. 例如:

  I'll recommend him as her secretary. 我要推荐他当她的秘书.

  5) recommend doing sth. “建议做某事”. 例如:

  I recommend buying this dictionary. (= I recommend you t0 buy this dictionary.)我建议你买这本词典.

  6) recommend + that-clause“建议??”(从句中用should + 动词原形,should可省去). 例如:

  He recommended that we (should) read the novel. (= He recommended us to read the novel.)他建议我们读一读那部小说. 【点拨】 recommendation n.推荐;介绍信


  1. 表示一般意义的“愉快”“高兴”“快乐”等,是不可数名词;表示具体的“乐事”“快事”等,是可数名词。比较:


  正:It gives us much pleasure to talk with you.

  正:It is a pleasure to talk with you.

  2. 其后一般不接不定式,但可接of doing sth,但此时的pleasure前一般有定冠词。如:

  May we have the pleasure of your company for lunch? 请和我们共进午餐好吗?

  There's nothing to compare with the pleasure of being with you. 跟你在一起是无比的愉快。

  有时也后接in doing sth,但此时的pleasure前通常不用冠词。如:

  He takes great pleasure in teaching children. 他很喜欢教小孩。

  Children find endless pleasure in playing with water. 小孩子从玩水中可以找到无穷的乐趣。


  It gives me great pleasure to grow flowers. 种花给很大的乐趣。

  3. 注意:下面两句从语法结构上看是一样的,但是从交际角度上看,第二句不可接受的:

  正:May I have the pleasure of dancing with you? 我可以和你跳舞吗?

  误:Will you have the pleasure of dancing with me?

  4. 比较 my pleasure和 with pleasure:前者用来回答感谢,意为“不用谢”;后者用来答应对方的请求或邀请等,意为“可以”“没问题”。如:

  A:Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮了我。

  B:My pleasure. 别客气。

  A:Will you lend me the book? 这本书你借给我好吗?

  B:With pleasure. 可以。

  注:回答感谢,除可用 my pleasure 外,还可用:(It's) a pleasure. / (It's) my pleasure. / Pleasure was all mine. 等。


  not until/until两者皆可接延续性动词和暂短性动词.

  not...until指的是“直到...才”的意思,如 I did not go home until my mother called me.


  not until的倒装与强调结构

  1.当Not until位于句首时,句子要倒装.其结构为:Not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语+.如:

  ①Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking.直到老师进来学生们才停止讲话.

  ②Not until next week will the sports meet be held.直到下周才开运动会.

  2. not until的强调结构为:It is / was not until+从句/表时间的词+that+.


  ③It was not until the teacher came in that the students stopped talking.

  ④It is not until next week that the sports meet will be held.


  It was not until I got married that I could afford to buy a house of my own.


  Go alone the street until you see the traffic light.



