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【#小学英语# 导语】芬芳袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门捷报到。心花怒放看通知,梦想实现今日事,喜笑颜开忆往昔,勤学苦读最美丽。在学习中学会复习,在运用中培养能力,在总结中不断提高。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《沪教版英语二年级上册教案【五篇】》 供您查阅。

【Clothes】   教学目标:

  teach tell a storylanguage


  using modeled phrases to communicate with other learner.


  tape recorder, word cards.teaching


  pre-task preparation

  1. greetings:

  t: hello, boys and girls.

  ss: hello, teacher.

  t: how are you?

  ss: fine, thank you. and you?

  t: very well. thanks.

  2. warming up:

  sing the song, and review the words with gesture.……

  3. free talk:

  1.revise the words. i would put up the pictures, and let students say the words.

  2 .revise the letters from a-l.

  3.revise the pronunciation of the letters in the words. greetings in the class.

  say and do together.

  revise the letters 互相问候,创造英语气氛。



  1. open the student’s book to page 41. discuss with students what new clothes they need and what colour they like.

  2 .put up the wallchart for page 41. tell a story something like this:may’s birthing was near. she went shopping with her mum. she needed a new dress for her birthday party. may was looking through all the dresses on the rack when mum found a pretty green dress for her. but she didn’t like it. she liked pink dresses. at last she found one herself. it was beautiful. she thanked mum for buying her the new dress she liked.

  3. tell the story in english by reading out the words in each speech bubble.

  4. play the cassette tape. students listen carefully and follow the sequence of the story. when they listen again, have them say the expressions with the tape.

  i need a new dress.i don’t like green.i like pink.….

  act the model dialogue for the class.

  tell the story in english by reading out the words in each speech bubble.

  performing the role-play通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛



  听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。


  get students to pretend that they are going shopping to buy a new item of clothing. they should work in groups of three, one being the shopkeeper, the other two the customers. work in groups of three, one being the shopkeeper, the other two the customers.通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page.


  unit8 clothesi like…i don’t like…



【Weather】   教学目标:

  1.知识目标:学生能够运用 “sunny”, “rainy”, “cloudy”,“windy”等形容词恰当的描述天气。

  能用所学句型 “What’s the weather like” 进行日常对话。




  1.句型 “What’s the weather like” 的掌握以及后面加月份/地点的用法。








  Step one: warming-up

  Greeting students and sing an English song 《The months》, then play an English game《Memory Game》。

  Step Two: lead in

  Show the video of weather report to the students, let them answer the questions and know the title.

  Step Three:

  Present new words with PPT,and practice dialogues in pairs.

  What is the weather like?

  It is sunny / rainy / windy / snowy / cloudy…

  What is the weather like in 月份/地点?

  It is sunny / rainy / windy / snowy / cloudy…

  More able students are allowed to add contents according to their abilities, such as “ Do you like sunny weather?” “ Which weather do you like?” etc.

  Step Four:

  Show a map of China, the weather conditions of different cities will be marked with different signs. Students first write a short weather report about one city by imitating the text, then they will give weather reports in small groups. Then some students will be invited to give weather report to the whole class.

  Step Five:

  1) Have the students enjoy another song Weather, Introduce some famous sayings about weather.

  2) Divide the students into several groups. They will choose a weather as their topic and have a hot discussion among them. The teacher will take part in each group for a few minutes, and inspire them with questions. For example: what’s the weather like?

  Step Six:

  Sum up and give assignment.

  Composition: My favorite weather.


  Sentence: sunny

  What’s the weather like?

  It’s … .

  What’s the weather like in 月份/地点?

  It’s … .

【Christmas】   教学目标:

  1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Christmas, tree, father, present, stocking, turkey.

  2.能听懂、会说单词:buy, put, pretty, next, finally, then, early.

  3.能听懂、会说句型:We buy...for... We put some presents under the tree.We all have a good time,及词组wake up ,wait for


  1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Christmas, tree, father, present, stocking, turkey.

  2.能听懂、会说句型:We buy...for... We put some presents under the tree.We all have a good time,及词组wake up ,wait for




  1.教学图片 2.板书准备:写好课题


  Step1.Warm up

  1、Free talk

  T: Boys and girls. Look at the picture.(PPT1)What holiday is it? Do you know? ( Christmas) (场景)When’s Christmas? ... Oh,Christmas is coming. I am getting very excited. Everybody is getting very excited. Is it? Wow,Let's sing a song.

  2、Sing a song:媒体播放歌曲《We wish you a merry Christmas》。


  Step2. Presentation.

  1.教授Christmas,Father Christmas, Christmas tree, present , card.

  T: Everybody are you very excited now? S:...

  T:Wonderful. Boys and girls. Look at my birthday present. (出示圣诞老人)It's from my mother. How beautiful. I like it very much.

  T:What's this? 引出card. Christmas card

  教授新词:present Father Christmas card

  T: Look, it' s a beautiful Christmas tree.(指圣诞树)教学put, things, pretty.装扮之后,教师说:It looks great.教授


  1)听录音,课文排序。引导 学生自己总结出关键词:frist, next, then, finally.(教授四个单词)

  2)Boys and girls. let's watch cartoons.And answer question:

  Who are they? Are they happy at Christmas?


  3)Why? (快乐的原因,让学生试着用中英文表达,都可以)

  S:A big lunch. Stocking.(长筒袜) Present. Christmas tree. Father Christmas.

  Turkeys and pudding.(火鸡和布丁)

  T:新授Stocking. Turkeys and pudding.(火鸡和布丁)

  From the cartoons.We can see Mike put a stocking on bed. In picture.(尝试说出课文原因)

  3)Read texts and finish the table.

  At Christmas

  Time What

  FristBuy presents, Christmas tree, see Father Christmas





  Time What

  FristBuy presents, Christmas tree, see Father Christmas

  NextPut things on the tree,put present under the tree

  ThenPut a stocking on bed, wait for present, Christmas Eve.(新授)

  FinallyOpen presents, a big lunch, eat turkey and pudding Christmas Day

  T:I think,they are have a good time.

  have a good time.教授


  Step3. Consolidation

  1、 选择你喜欢的方式读全文

  A. 你可以大声或者小声读。

  B. 可以找你的好朋友一起读。

  C. 你可以读给老师听。

  2、( )Texts about what's going on?


  A. Have a big lunch.

  B. Teacher's Day.

  C. Happy New Year.

  D. Christmas Day.

  3、You know what's Christmas?



  What have we learned today?






【Crossing the road】   一、主要新授内容(Main contents )

  Letters—Ii, Jj

  Let’s act—Red light. Stop! Green light. Go!

  Let’s learn—stop, go, light


  1、联系单词girl,hand学习字母Gg, Hh 掌握它们在单词中的常用发音,并且能掌握字母正确的大小写书写形式。

  2、学生能够理解Red light. Stop! Green light. Go!的含义, 且能够根据这些指令做出相应的反应。

  3、学生能够结合一年级时学习的表示颜色的单词如red, green 等语言知识,将新旧知识融会贯通,运用于实际情景中。

  4、通过Crossing the road及Warning等活动,培养学生自觉遵守交通规则的意识。

  三、教学建议( Teaching suggestion )

  Activity 1 (Watching the video)

  1. The crossroad



  T:What colour is the traffic light?

  教师根据学生的回答, 补充说道:Yes, it’s red.    It’s a red light.


  2. again


  Activity 2 (Quick response)

  1. Red light.

  Green light.

  教师出示给学生一个红色圆形的图片,表示red light。

  T:What colour is it?

  T:It’s a red light. 同样,教师出示给学生一个绿色圆形的图片,表示green light.用相同的方法引出It’s a green light.


  2. Red light. Stop!

  Green light. Go!   T:Red light. Stop!

  用同样方法引出Green light. Go!


  通过两个教具的组合, 变成一个交通灯,并形象地模拟交通灯的闪烁,激发学生的学习兴趣,并引出新授知识。

  Activity 3 (Letter)

  Learn the letter


  联系单词ice-cream,和跟随老师朗读five, kite, light等单词学习字母Ii, 掌握它在单词中的常用发音。接着,联系单词jelly,和跟随老师朗读, jean等单词学习字母Jj, 掌握它在单词中的常用发音。

  2nd PERIOD

  一、主要新授内容(Main contents )

  Let’s act—Yellow light. Wait!

  Let’s talk—Look at the light.


  1、学生能够理解Yellow light. Wait!的含义,能够根据这一指令做出相应的反应,并能够结合前一个Period所学的两条交通规则,,运用于真实的情景中。

  2、虽然句型Look at … 对学生来说并不陌生,但通过本堂课的学习,学生能将前一单元所学习的交通工具名称以及以前学过的颜色等旧知结合该句型熟练表达。

  3、在确保完成基本教学目标的基础上,结合学生的学习能力和语言的实际运用能力对本课内容进行相应的拓展。如traffic light, traffic rules等,有助于学生在实际生活中的运用。

  4、通过制作交通规则宣传标语的活动,让学生牢记交通规则, 培养学生遵纪守法的好习惯。

  三、教学建议( Teaching suggestion )

  Activity 1 (Looking and saying)

  1. Questions and answers

  教师在屏幕上呈现给学生一条热闹的马路,并提问:What can you see?

  学生可以运用句型:I can see …回答

  2. Questions and answers

  教师向学生介绍画面中的交通灯。结合画面告诉学生:T: Look, It is a traffic light. Look at the light. What colour is it?

  P: It’s yellow.

  T: What should we do?

  We should wait.   把红灯和绿灯贴于黑板上,红灯在上,绿灯在下,把红绿灯用粉笔圈起来,加上支撑的柱子,一个交通灯便呈现在学生面前了。教师把绿灯反面朝学生,表示红灯亮了  T:Red light. Stop!

  用同样方法引出Green light. Go!


  通过两个教具的组合, 变成一个交通灯,并形象地模拟交通灯的闪烁,激发学生的学习兴趣,并引出新授知识。

  Activity 3 (Letter)

  Learn the letter


  联系单词ice-cream,和跟随老师朗读five, kite, light等单词学习字母Ii, 掌握它在单词中的常用发音。接着,联系单词jelly,和跟随老师朗读, jean等单词学习字母Jj, 掌握它在单词中的常用发音。

  2nd PERIOD

  一、主要新授内容(Main contents )

  Let’s act—Yellow light. Wait!

  Let’s talk—Look at the light.


  1、学生能够理解Yellow light. Wait!的含义,能够根据这一指令做出相应的反应,并能够结合前一个Period所学的两条交通规则,,运用于真实的情景中。

  2、虽然句型Look at … 对学生来说并不陌生,但通过本堂课的学习,学生能将前一单元所学习的交通工具名称以及以前学过的颜色等旧知结合该句型熟练表达。

  3、在确保完成基本教学目标的基础上,结合学生的学习能力和语言的实际运用能力对本课内容进行相应的拓展。如traffic light, traffic rules等,有助于学生在实际生活中的运用。

  4、通过制作交通规则宣传标语的活动,让学生牢记交通规则, 培养学生遵纪守法的好习惯。

  三、教学建议( Teaching suggestion )

  Activity 1 (Looking and saying)

  1. Questions and answers

  教师在屏幕上呈现给学生一条热闹的马路,并提问:What can you see?

  学生可以运用句型:I can see …回答

  2. Questions and answers

  教师向学生介绍画面中的交通灯。结合画面告诉学生:T: Look, It is a traffic light. Look at the light. What colour is it?

  P: It’s yellow.

  T: What should we do?

  We should wait.

【Going about】  教学目标:

  Using adjectives to describe objects; e.g. The car is fast.

  Using nouns to identify things; e.g. pavement, crossroad;

  Locate specific information in response to simple instructions;

  Helping students to Expend their horizon and develop their daily English;


  Using adjectives to describe objects; e.g. The car is fast.


  A computer, a TV set, PPT



  · Sing a song ”walking walking ”

  · Quick response: red light, stop!

  Yellow light, wait!

  Green light, go!


  1. T: How do you go to school?


  T: Jerry and Tom also go to school on foot. Look! There are many lanes, which lane should they walk on? A? B? C? D?


  T: It is called pavement.

  l Practice the pronunciation

  l Guessing game: Teacher does some actions, Students guess and say jump, crawl, run, skate on the pavement

  2. T: On their way to school, Jerry and Tom saw something. What do they see?

  Ss: a car and a bicycle.

  T: What the difference between the car and the bicycle?

  Big—small new—old

  Fast---slow (PPT showed )

  3. Practice the pronunciation while teacher mimes running fast and slow.

  4. Let’s have a competition

  T: Pass the book to the end, please. Let us see which group is fast. Other students all together say: fast, fast, fast.

  Group _ is fast!

  Ask 2 volunteers to compete to see who hops slow. Other students all together say: slow, slow, slow.

  ____ is slow.

  5. PPT shows groups of things: Students tell

  ____ is fast/ slow.

  6. Make a new rhyme (group work)

  Tom made a rhyme: Fast, fast. The car is fast. Drive on the road.

  Can you make a rhyme with these words

  l slow, Jerry, pavement

  l slow, the ant, pavement

  lLiu Xiang, fast, pavement

  lfast, the motorcycle, road

  7. T: Tom and Jerry keep walking on the pavement. They see traffic lights. Where can you see traffic lights?

  l Explain crossroads ( cross)

  l Practice the pronunciation


  l Conversation

  T: School is over.Jerry and Tom are going home together. Let’s see what they are talking.

  I am Jerry. Who wants to be Tom?

  T--- individual

  T--- whole class

  S--- S (pair work)

  A: School is over. Let’s go home!

  B: OK! Let’s walk on the pavement.

  A: Look! The ___ is fast!

  B: Look! The ____ is slow.

  A: here is the crossroad. Look at the light.

  B: It’s ___. ___!

  2 Role- play

  Be a kangaroo and a driver

  We see many bicycles on the road in China. But in Australia, we often can see kangaroos and koalas. The road sign tells you to drive carefully. Students act as two persons in a car and a kangaroo or koala.

  A: What do you think of Australia ?

  B: I think Australia is______!

  A: Look! The ___ is ____!

  B: Please drive carefully!


  Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue.

