
时间:2022-07-29 23:59:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】暑假快乐不可少,邀朋结友情谊好。运动场上试比高,游泳池中洗个澡。各地美景也跑到,山川河流多美妙。珍惜时光莫蹉跎,快快乐乐乐逍遥。祝暑假快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is the second day of summer vacation. The weather is sunny. After lunch, my father drove with my family to Tonglu Shenao, a model of the most beautiful countryside in China.

  After an hour's drive, we arrived at Huanxi village in Shenao town. We got off the bus and walked into the village along the winding path. The sound of gurgling streams came from our ears. Walking on the cobbled path, our eyes were full of green plants, which made us relaxed and happy!

  We came to Ailian hall and saw the antique ancestral hall, high horse head walls, grey bricks and green tiles. At a glance, we knew that it was Huizhou architecture. Stepping into the gate of the ancestral hall, we saw many white porcelain pots, in which various lotus flowers were planted. In the middle of the ancestral hall, there was a long square patio, and the ground of the patio was provided with various drains, so as to ensure that the ground of Ailian hall did not accumulate water.

  In Huanxi village, we successively visited the stage, sewage ecological purification pool, Wuxing Kaitai, and the underground water system of Huanxi village. We have to admire the wisdom of the ancients and the ability to use the ecological purification technology of sewage to ensure the water use of the whole village.


  Today, the weather was gloomy, but my mother told me to take me back to my hometown. I asked my mother, "Mom, why are you back home today?" Mother said, "it's cool today. Wearing a mask won't be very stuffy!"

  Walking on the road, it suddenly rained. My mother sighed and said, "it's really lazy not to go out. It's not sunny to go out!" I laughed with glee. When I got on the bus, I felt very bored, so I took out a book from my bag to read. Just when I read the wonderful place, my mother interrupted me and asked me to look out the window. I was stunned at the sight: golden sunflowers everywhere, how beautiful! But why are their heads low? It suddenly occurred to me that the sunflower is turning towards the sun. It should be because there is no sun today. I guess I fell asleep!

  The corn in the corn field is not mature yet. The green corn is very pleasing to the eye. The corn growing on the corn stalk seems to be wrapped in shy little dolls. The wild flowers on the roadside are also colorful, competing to show their beautiful bodies, as if they were afraid that others would not see them.

  Ah, how beautiful it is on the way home!


  This summer vacation, my aunt and I went to Fuzhou zoo.

  At the gate of the zoo, I took some photos as a souvenir, and then bought tickets to go in.

  There are many animals in the zoo, including beautiful ostriches, clever monkeys, tall giraffes, lovely kangaroos, bulky elephants... The most impressive is sea lions. Cute sea lions are so interesting. Although it is fat, it is very flexible. It heads the ball into the air, then somersaults in the air, and then catches the ball steadily. We couldn't help applauding it.

  Later, we also visited the wonderful performances of other animals, such as: the lion rolled around the field with a big ball for three times, the tiger jumped over the three meter high ring of fire, the monkey quickly rode a bicycle around the circle, the goat walked on the high steel wire rope and stood on the middle small box to turn 360 degrees, etc. The most unforgettable thing for me is the tiger jumping in the fire circle. It's too powerful. The high ring of fire burns flames, but the tiger looks not afraid at all. It jogs at a small pace, then speeds up, and finally jumps up and jumps over easily. Immediately, everyone gave it warm applause.

  Fuzhou zoo is so fun. I had a good time. I will definitely play again next time I have a chance.


  On July 20, I went to Hebei Provincial Library.

  In front of the library is a green grass, and dragonflies fly by from time to time. The entrance to the library is the hall, which is surrounded by corridors and stairs layer by layer, which is very imposing. In the hall, there is a document retrieval machine, from which you can find out the books you want to read, which is very convenient for readers. In addition, there is also a self-service borrowing and returning machine, which can be used to self borrow books. I also got a card, and then I couldn't wait to read in the reading room.

  The reading rooms in the library are divided into: newspaper reading room, children's reading room, Chinese periodical reading room, Chinese book reading room, etc. I went to the children's reading room and found that books were classified and placed in different cabinets, including science popularization, poetry, literature, etc. And each category will be represented by a letter. I found a book in literature, moved a chair and read it with interest. The reading room was quiet, and no one spoke loudly.

  One morning passed unconsciously. I was hungry. I ate lunch in the library. There is a reader's restaurant in the library. It's really convenient not to eat out of the library.

  After reading for a while in the afternoon, he went home. Going to the library this time not only let me see the books I like to read, but also let me increase my knowledge, which is of great real significance.


  Today, another swimming class begins!

  When I came to the swimming pool, I was very happy. After changing my bathing suit, we came to the pool to do preparatory exercises. I followed the teacher to do preparatory exercises and freestyle exercises carefully. Because if you don't do a good preparation exercise, you will get cramps in the water!

  After preparing for exercise, we jumped into the water. The water was cold! Today, the teacher ranked me second when arranging the number. In the previous swimming class, the teacher never ranked me second, so I think the teacher must want to give me a chance to perform! So I swam hard. After the first lap, the teacher said, "take off your floating board and continue swimming!" It is difficult to take off the floating board, because if you relax a little in deep water, you will sink without tapping your feet. As I was just practicing freestyle, I was not proficient enough. Once, when I was about to sink, I took a deep breath, kicked the "breaststroke foot" in the water, and then continued to swim forward in the freestyle position. I swam back and forth a few times, and the class ended unconsciously. I made a lot of progress and had a good time swimming!

  So be brave to face difficulties and try! Things can always succeed!


  One day in the summer vacation, I asked my neighbor's Bangbang to play with me. But what's good to play? Bang Bang suggested that we race and run together in the community, running from downstairs to the gate of the community. Whoever wins can eat chocolate. I think the great proposal is great.

  So we started the game. I saved my strength first, and then accelerated in the middle. As a result, I overtook him with no effort, and won the game at once. Bangbang was already tired and panting.

  We competed again. In the middle of the next game, we accelerated. His speed suddenly increased, which surprised me. So the time came for me to accelerate. I reached the finish line with him at the same time. The third game was the finals. He and I accelerated. He won and drew. The most exciting game turned out to be a draw, which is a pity.

  Although there was no winner, I had a good time with Bang Bang, which was enough.


  Today is Sunday. My mother took me to the countryside. I'm very happy and ready to go.

  After arriving at maoergou, we got off and saw many cars parked in the parking lot. How many people came to play today! The scenery in the suburbs is so beautiful!

  Groups of birds are singing on the branches, as if welcoming our arrival. Walking along the path, there were several boats swimming around the river. A breeze blew over the river and the water was sparkling. We came to the woods again, look! Some leaves of big trees are yellow, some are red, and some are still green. As soon as the wind blows, the red leaves fly in the air like beautiful butterflies. Along the way, my mother also carefully told me the characteristics of herbs and woody plants, and I also knew many vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, soybeans, garlic seedlings

  Today I have gained a lot of knowledge. I love nature. I want to study hard and know more about you!


  One night in the summer vacation, the electricity in our community suddenly stopped. Because everyone was not prepared, the power failure brought a lot of trouble.

  It was dark when the power was cut off, so I couldn't do my homework at home, so I went to my father's office to do my homework. I also saw some children go to KFC restaurants to do their homework from the newspaper. Back in the community, I found that many people went out to live because the elevator ran out of electricity. Only some people who live in the lower levels still live at home. I went home by the stairs and was sweating profusely.

  When I got home, I took out the green laser flashlight that my grandfather gave me. The specialty of the laser flashlight is that its light beam shoots straight and far. To prevent the flashlight from running out of electricity. We took out the candles at home again.

  We cannot live without electricity now, such as TV, computer, electric light... We are not used to the days without electricity.


  Today, my mother and I spent the weekend at home. My aunt bought flour and made Sanling dumplings. The water prepared by the grandmother of the head of the family was mixed with flour by her uncle, who was as powerful as a cow. She saw that a dough was kneaded soft and round. Her aunt sprinkled some flour on the table and turned the dough back and forth twice to avoid sticking to the table. Then my aunt used a small bowl to circle the doughnuts one after another. In this way, the skin of sanlingjiao was made.

  Grandma put some shredded coconut on the doughnut to make stuffing, and then squeezed it into three corners. This is Sanling dumpling.

  Looking at the wrapped Sanling dumplings, my mouth watered. I asked my grandmother when she could eat it. She said she would steam it for 30 minutes before eating it.

  It was not easy to wait until Sanling dumplings came out of the cage. I didn't care about the hot, so I grabbed a piece and stuffed it into my mouth. It was good and delicious.

  I spent a happy weekend at my grandmother's house!


  In the morning, I was woken up by my parents in my sleep, and the family hurried out of the door, because we were going to drift today.

  Our bus soon reached the destination - Shuangxi. Looking up, the tea gardens all over the mountain are as beautiful as spring all the year round; The bamboo forests everywhere are green and cool.

  Tianmu stream and Mogan stream form a spectacular double stream side by side, which is the famous first drift in the south of the Yangtze River. We got on the bamboo raft, and the two rafting uncles dressed us in life jackets and explained the scenic spots along the way. The twists and turns of the two streams, with willows and emerald bamboos on both sides, happened to rain again when we were drifting. The rain was connected with the stream, and the water surface was flooded from time to time, which could "harm" our clothes and shoes. Sitting on the bamboo raft downstream, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. When we rushed across the dam, we were in danger, as if we were "rushing forward in the torrent" in Jinjiang paradise. A stream of smoke, light rain, mist, flowers and plants on both sides are more beautiful, feeling like a fairyland. Jiangnan No.1 floating really deserves its reputation!

  On the shore, we took an old ox cart, walked through the bamboo sea, visited the ancient countryside, and tasted farmhouse dishes and bamboo rice. On the way back, I played back the beautiful Shuangxi in my mind.
