[职称英语 综合 a级]职称英语练习:综合AB完型填空


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In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are old enough, they take part __1__. Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness of American parents. The old rule that " children should be seen and not heard " is rarely __2__, and children are often allowed to do what they wish without strict parental __3__. The father seldom expects his children to obey him __4__ question, and children are encouraged to be independent __5__ an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom __6__far. Others think that a strong father image would not __7__ the American values of equality and independence. Because Americans emphasized the importance of independence, young people are expected to __8__ their parental families by the time they have __9__ their late teens or early twenties. __10__, not to do so is often regarded as a failure, a kind of weak dependence.
  This pattern of independence often results in serious __11__ for the aging parents of a small family. The average American is expected to live __12__ the age of 70. The job-retirement age is __13__ 65. The children have left home, married and __14 __ their own households. At least 20 percent of all people over 65 do not have enough retirement incomes. __15__ the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic. They feel useless and lonely with neither an occupation nor a close family group.
  1. A)either B)though C) as well D)also
  2. A) discussed B)followed C)seen D)heard
  3. A) control B)support C)agreement D)criticism
  4. A)for B)on C)without D)in
  5. A)in B)at C)on D)for
  6. A)too B)almost C)nearly D)quite
  7. A)fit B)meet C)suit D)satisfy
  8. A)break up B)break into C)break through D)break away from
  9.)reached B)come C)arrived D)developed
  10. A) In truth B) In name C)Indeed D)In a word
  11. A)questions B)problem C)matters D)affairs
  12. A)on B)up C)from D)beyond
  13. A) only B)usually C)sometimes D)seldom
  14. A) set forth B)set aside C)set up D)set down
  15. A) But B)Therefore C)In contrast D)On the other hand
  1.C. C和D含义相近(但用法不相同:as well出现在句尾而 also出现在句中),是“也”,所以推测答案出现位置:可能是C或D。把“也”放入原句,原句说“当孩子们长大了,他们(也)参加(决策)。”,可见该句语义正确,且也和前句语义一致,判定答案C。
  2.B.主语是rule (规则) ,而和follow rule(s)是常见的结构,是“遵循规则”。从原句的时态上说用follow也是的:因为follow rule(s)用一般现在时可表示一个客观的,习惯性的事实(与后一句中的often相对应),而其它的动词用一般现在时都只表示某一具体的事实,与后一句中的often不一致。
  3.A.四个备选答案中是不同的名词,该名词是作介词without的宾语,而without引导的结构的语义是与主句谓语的语义相对的,所以选择control(控制)(control 与allowed to do what they wish(允许做他们想做的事)相对),而criticism(批评)在文中不太合适。
  4.C.该空后跟做宾语的名词question,而与question连用的只有介词without, without question是“没有质疑”。
  5.B.该空后是名词age,与age能搭配使用的只有at, at an early age是“在小的时候”。
  6.A.almost和 nearly不仅是近义词,而且用法相似,所以相互排除;我们往往说too far,而较少说quite far,所以凭借语感,我们选择too。实际上 carry …too far 是一固定的结构,其语义是“做。。做得过头了”。
  7.C. fit和 suit在表达“适合”之意上是一对(但在具体搭配上有所不同); meet和 satisfy在表达“满足(要求)” 之意上是一对。原文中该空后跟的宾语是“the American values of equality and independence” ,即“美国的平等和独立的价值观”,所以判断该空的语义应是“适合”,因此应从fit和 suit中选择答案。Fit通常指“使相配”,而 suit是“符合,适合”,所以选择“suit”。
  8.D. Break up是“打碎”;break into是“闯入”;break through是“突破”;break away from是“脱离”。原文中说“人们期待年轻人到他们。。20出头的时候,。。他们的家庭。”,依据语义选择“脱离”。
  9.A. reach和 arrive语义相近(但用法不同,arrive 一定要用arrive at的形式),所以推测答案出现在它们之中。原文中空格后直接跟的是宾语,所以选择reach。
  10.C.原文中该空与主句部分有一逗号隔开,所以,该空应填副词。从语义上说:indeed是 “实际上”,in a word是“总之”,in truth是“真实地”,in name是“在名义上”。依据原文:原文说“。。,不这么做往往被看作一种失败,是独立性差的表现。”,可见indeed合适。
  11.B. A和B是近义词,是“问题”(但在具体的使用上有差异)。所以推测答案可能出现在它们之中。原文说“这种独立的方式往往给小规模家庭中年迈的父母带来严重的。。”,可见“问题”在这儿合适。Question强调的是“疑问”而problem是“难题,麻烦”,所以选择problem。
  14.C.Set forth是“阐明”; set aside是“留出”; set up是“建立”;set down是“写下”。从原文的语义上说“‘建立’家庭”合适。

