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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语一共144课。整本书无论是语法还是词汇,题材还是语句,都有其出彩之处。正是因为如此,新概念英语更是经久不衰,深受广大英语学习者的喜爱。®文档大全网为您整理了“新概念英语第二册Lesson10~12逐句精讲”,希望可以帮助到您!


  1.We have an old musical instrument.


  2.It is called a clavichord.


  语言点1 call的用法:

  1)call sb. sth.把某人叫做……

  2)sb./sth.be called(被动语态)

  语言点2 call的常用短语:

  1)call on拜访,看望:I shall call on my teacher tomorrow.明天我将去看望我的老师。

  2)call off(=cancel,delete)取消:The next outdoor meeting has been called off.下次的户外会议被取消了。

  3)call for需要,要求;值得:The occasion calls for a cool head.这种场合需要冷静的头脑。

  4)call up(=call upon)召集,动员,拜访:We called up all students on the playground.我们把所有的学生都召集到操场上。

  5)call one's name叫某人的名字

  6)call one's name(=say "F" words)说脏话

  3.It was made in Germany in 1681.


  语言点1 was made为过去时的被动语态。

  语言点2 句型结构"be made+介词短语"

  1)be made in somewhere在……地方制造

  2)be made of由……制造(能看出原材料):The bridge is made of wood.这座桥是用木头造的。

  3)be made from由……制造(看不出原材料):The beer is made from malt, hop and water.啤酒是麦芽、啤酒花和水酿制而成的。

  4)be made into被制成了……:This diamond was made into a ring.这颗钻石被制成了一枚戒指。

  5)be made by sb.被某人制造:That nice wood chair was made by my uncle.那把精美的木椅子是我叔叔做的。

  4.Our clavichord is kept in the living-room.


  语言点1 is kept为现在时的被动语态:“现在被保存在……”

  语言点2 有关房屋的表达:attic阁楼;living room客厅;hall门厅;aisle过道;bedroom卧室;bathroom浴室;kitchen厨房;basement地下室;garage车库;storeroom储藏室

  5.It has belong to our family for a long time.


  语言点1 belong to的用法:

  1)属于;为……财产:That book belongs to me.那本书属于我。

  2)成为……的一员:Which fishing club do you belong to?你是哪家钓鱼俱乐部的成员?

  语言点2 for a long time表示“很长一段时间”,往往表示一段时间,经常和完成时态搭配使用。

  6.The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.


  语言点 many years ago决定了句子的时态为一般过去时,...ago作时间状语句子往往用一般过去时,而since则常常出现在完成时态中。

  7.Recently it was damaged by a visitor.


  语言点 visitor指“游客,观光者,访问者”:Visitor Not Admittted谢绝参观

  8.She tried to play jazz on it!


  语言点 1)play sth. on+乐器表示在何种乐器上演奏某种音乐;


  9.She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.


  语言点 比较学习:too, very

  1)too表示“太,过于”:The scenery is too beautiful for words.风景美得无法形容。/You walked too quickly.你走的实在是太快了。

  2)very表示“非常,很”(在合理的范围内):She was very hurt by her boyfriend's unkind words.她男朋友说的那些难听的话,让她很伤心。

  10.My father was shocked.


  语言点 shocked既可作形容词,意为“感到震惊的”,也是动词过去分词,用于被动语态,意为“被震惊”。

  I was very much shocked at what I saw.眼前的情景让我大为震惊。

  11.Now we are not allowed to touch it.


  12.It is being repaired by a friend of my father's.


  语言点1 It is being repaired by...为典型的现在进行时的被动语态。

  语言点2 名词的双重所有格结构:of+ -'s

  a friend of my mother's我母亲的一个朋友

  a picture of Lynn's林恩的一张照片


  1.I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in.


  语言点1 吃饭,用餐:have dinner=take dinner:不可用eat dinner.

  语言点2 当一般过去时和过去进行时配合使用时,延续性动作用过去进行时,瞬间性动作用一般过去时:

  While my brother was riding a horse, he broke his leg.我弟弟骑马的时候不小心折了腿。

  ride a horse骑马(延续性动作相对时间长);break his leg折腿(瞬间性动作)

  2.Harry worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank.


  语言点1 work的用法:

  1)work in somewhere强调工作的地点

  2)work for sb.强调为谁而工作

  3)work at强调工作的具体单位或从事何种工作

  4)work on致力于,做……

  语言点2 1)years ago=many years ago许多年前

  2)ages ago=long long ago很久很久以前

  3)centuries ago数个世纪以前

  3.He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.


  语言点1 a good salary=a high salary高薪;而premium/prize是指奖金。

  语言点2 1)pay sth. back=repay sth.归还某物

  2)pay sb.back=revenge sb.报复某人

  3)pay for sth.为某物而付钱

  4.Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table.


  语言点1 本句用两个and连接了三个谓语动词,避免重复和啰嗦,使句子更加清晰简洁。

  I followed and watched and tried to speak to her.我尾随注视着她,并试图和她说话。

  语言点2 sat at the same table坐在同一张桌子旁:sit为不及物动词,需后接一个介词at再接宾语。

  My boss is sitting in front of his desk.我的老板正坐在他的办公桌前。

  5.He has never borrowed money from me.


  语言点 never常用于完成时中:This smart young lady had never been abroad before.这位漂亮年轻的女士以前从未出过国。

  6.While he was eating, I asked him to lend me 2 pounds.


  语言点1 在此句中while表示当……时。经常与while发生混淆的词是awhile,表示“片刻,少顷,暂时”。awhile作为副词从不置于介词之后,但介词可放在两个短语成的a while之前,尤其在书面表达中,正确用法为:stay awhile;stay for a while. stay for awhile是错误用法。

  语言点2 ask/require/call/demand sb. to do sth.请求某人做某事

  7.To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately.


  语言点1 to one's surprise让某人吃惊的是

  语言点2 give me the money=give the money to me把钱给了我

  8.‘I have never borrowed any money from you,' Harry said,'so now you can pay for my dinner!'


  语言点 any一词常用语否定句,在此表示强调。


  1.Our ncighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.


  语言点1 will sail为一般将来时,常与表示将来的时间状语,如tomorrow搭配使用:

  My father will read this letter tonight.我父亲今晚就读这封信。

  语言点2 Captain Charles Alison为our neighbour的同位语,起解释说明作用。

  语言点3 英语国家姓名的表达:



  3)Mr.and Mrs.+姓,表示夫妇

  2.We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning.


  语言点1 meet sb. in/at somewhere.可表示在某地接送某人(根据上下文具体确定是接还是送)

  I am coming to see you. Will you meet me at the bus station? 我来看你,你能到公交站去接我吗?

  语言点2 early in the morning一大早;late in the afternoon傍晚时分

  3.He will be in his small boat, Topsail.


  语言点 be+形容词/副词

  1)be away离开:His mother will be away for six days.他妈妈要离开这里六天。

  2)be back回来:The vice president will be back next week.副总统下个星期回来。

  3)be out出去:If someone phones, please tell them I shall be out the whole day.如果有人打电话给我,请告诉他们我一整天都不在家。

  4)be in在家:Yesterday afternoon I called on my uncle, but he was not in.昨天下午我去看望了我伯父,但他不在家。

  5)be over结束:When we arrived at the Globe, the movie was over.当我们赶到环球*时,电影结束了。

  6)be up to/be able to/be capable to胜任,有能力

  This fat pig is able to run 500 meters.这只肥猪跑500米没问题。

  I'm not up to afford 20,000 dollars.我付不起两万美金。

  7)be on上映……影片/戏剧:What is on the National Globe today?国家大剧院今天演什么戏剧啊?

  4.Tapsail is a famous little boat.


  语言点 比较学习:small, little

  small通常指形状,外观尺寸的小,如:a small apple一个小苹果

  little常指年龄等小,带有感情色彩,如:a little girl一个小女孩

  5.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.


  语言点1 sail across横渡

  语言点2 总结学习“四大洋”:the Atlantic Ocean大西洋;the Pacific Ocean太平洋;the Indian Ocean印度洋;the Arctic Ocean北冰洋

  语言点3 many times许多次,次数前不加介词for:

  I have been to Harbin for ten times.(错误)

  I have been to Harbin ten times.(正确)

