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Lesson32 Shopping made easy
  People are not so honest as they once were.The tempatation to steal is greater than ever before -- especially in large shops.A detective recently watched a well-dressed women who always went into a large store on Monday mornings.One Monday,there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in,so it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first boughta few small articles.After a little time,she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying.When she was arrested,the detective found out thatthe shop assistant was her daughter.The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week!
  She dances better than I do.她跳舞比我好。
  The quiz is harder than I expected.测验比我预料的要难些。
  He can run as fast as I can.他能和我跑得一样快。
  1. People are not so honest as they once were.
  语言点 本句中包含as引导的比较状语从句,比较结构为。“not so +形容词+ as...”,“不如……”
  总结表达“不如……”: 1) not as... as... 2) not so... as... 3) less... than...
  I am even less lucky. (= I am even less lucky than them.)我甚至还没有他们幸运。(Lesson 20)
  2、The temptation to steal is greater than ever before especially in large shops.
  语言点1 本句包含比较状语从句用现在和以前作比较。
  He studies harder than one year before.他学习比一年前更加努力了。
  语言点2 破折号之后的内容是补充说明的状语:
  3、A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings.
  语言点1 watch意为“监视” 同义词有:stake out, scout。
  语言点2 1) well-dressed (= well-heeled)打扮人时的,穿着得体的
  2) well-advised谨慎的,稳妥的
  3) well-educated受过良好教育
  4) well-preserved保护得很好的
  5) well-appointed设备完善的;配备齐全的
  6) well-balanced很平衡的;正常的
  7) well-behaved行为端正的;彬彬有礼的
  8) well-built体格健美的;体型匀称的
  9) well-chosen精选的;适当的
  10) well-disposed 很有好感的
  11) well-favored漂亮的,美貌的
  12) well-known众所周知的
  4、One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so itwas easier for the detective to watch her.
  语言点1 本句中when弓|导时间状语从句,so连接并列分句。
  语言点2 one和a / an的用法比较:
  1) a/an是冠词,用在单数可数名词前。
  2) one是数词,强调数量是一个。
  3) 在习惯用法中经常用one代替a/an。
  如:one evening—个晚上;one word—个单词;one Tuesday—个星期二
  语言点3 few指不多的几个,fewer... than usual意为“比平时还要少”。
  Please try to make fewer mistakes.请尽量少犯错。

  5、The woman first bought a few small articles.
  语言点 a few small articles几件小物品
  6、After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.
  过了一小会儿,她选了一件商场里最贵的衣服,把它递给售货员,售货员以最快的速度 给她包了起来。
  语言点1 本句中and连接并列谓语,其中又包含who引导的定语从句。
  语言点2 the most expensive dresses + in the shop是典型的级结构。
  语言点3 a little time = a little while 一小会儿
  语言点4 choose意为“选择”,过去式为chose,过去分词为chosen,现在分词为choosing,名词形式为choice。
  He chooses to look into the matter till the truth is out.
  语言点5 常用“动词+ up”的短语:
  wrap up包起来
  stand up站起来
  wake up醒过来
  save up储蓄
  shut up 闭嘴
  bottom up 干杯
  cheer up 振作起来
  bum up 烧光
  eat up 吃光
  drink up喝光
  use up用光
  go up涨价
  get up起床
  语言点6 hand sth. to sb.把某物交给某人
  I have handed my composition to professor John.我已经把作文交给了约翰教授。
  7、Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying.
  语言点1 walk out of somewhere走出某地方;walk out退场;罢工;walk guard巡逻
  语言点2 without paying作伴随状语。
  8、When she was arrested, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter.
  语言点1 这是一个多重复合句:when弓丨导时间状语从句,that引导宾语从句。
  语言点2 find out 获知,査明
  Please find out what time the delegation will come.
  9、The girl ‘gave’ her mother a free dress once a week!
  语言点 此处gave并非真正的“送”,所以用引号标注。

逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第32课 购物变得很方便.doc
