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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 宴会通常在饭店的包间(private rooms)举行,要么是晚宴,要么是午宴。主宾 (the guest of honor)通常第一个进入房间。在正式的晚宴上,主陪(the main host)和主宾对面坐,主陪背对着门,主宾面对着门。客人应该等着被引导到他们的位置上,直到主宾和主陪都坐下之后,客人才可以坐下。宴会的主菜通常包括凉菜和热炒,通常还有象征富足蕴意的整条鱼,还有汤。上水果则标志着饭局的结束。
Banquets are usually held in restaurants in privaterooms,either for dinner or lunch. The guest ofhonor typically enters the room first.At a formaldinner the main host and guest are seated facingeach other,the host with his back to the door andthe guest facing the door.Guests should wait to be guided to their places and should not situntil the main host and guest have done so.Banquets usually have main course which includescold dishes,hot stir fries, often with a whole cooked fish which symbolizes abundance, andsoup.Serving fruit signals the end of the meal.