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【#二年级# 导语】教案的作用有很多,作为新的老师教案的重要性是不容小觑的,首先在编写教案的过程中,要熟知教材,教参和作业,其次写教案的过程也是思维连贯发散的过程,再者经过不断的修改和试讲进一步完善教案,能更加提高自信心。最后,随着教案的完成,对于教材和知识点的把握更有力度,更有利于将来的讲课。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,望对您有所帮助。





在教授6B《Unit5 Seasons》B、C部分时,我根据高年级学生的特点,从听说读写入手,以学生为本,教师为辅的教学模式展开,让整堂课在师生互动、生生互动中展开。新旧知识结合,激发学生说的欲望,建立其在英语学习上的自信心与成就感。


1、听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:season, summer, autumn, best, spring, winter;

2、听得懂、会说、会读单词:windy, rainy, cloudy, because;补充snowy

3、听得懂、会说、会读句型:Which season do you like best? I like … Why? Because it’s … I can …,并初步会说What’s the weather like …?


1、听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:season, summer, autumn, best, spring, winter;

2、听得懂、会说、会读单词:windy, rainy, cloudy, because;补充snowy

3、听得懂、会说、会读句型:Which season do you like best? I like … Why? Because it’s … I can …,并初步会说What’s the weather like …?



Step1 Warm up and lead in

1.Everyday English

T: What day/ date is it today?

S: It’s …

2.Free talk and lead in

1)T: What’s your favourite holiday?

S1: My favourite holiday is Spring Festival.

S2: My favourite holiday is Mid-Autumn Festival.

S3: …

T: You mean you like Spring Festival best, right?

S1: Yes!

Present: My favourite … is …= I like …best

Teach: best

T: I like Christmas best. What about you?

S1: I like Children’s Day best.

S2: I like May Day best.

S3: …

2)T: What colour/ subject/ food do you like best?

让学生操练like … best

3)T: I like February best. Because my birthday is in February.

Present: because – e/i/ behind, between, before

Talk about your favourite month and tell us why.

4)T: We talked about our favourite months. How many months are there in a year?

S: Twelve.

T: How many seasons are there in a year?

S: Four.

Teach: season—seasons—Unit5 Seasons

Step2. Presentation

1.T: Next, let’s learn about sensons. You know each season has three months. What date is it now?

S: It’s the … of March.

T: Yes. And spring comes in March.

Teach: spring 注意p的发音,不是/p/,而是/b/

知识联想: Spring Festival

Talk about the activities in spring.

2.T: Spring includes March, April and May. What is the next month?

Ss: June.

T: Yes! And which season comes?

Ss: Summer.

Teach: summer. 总结u的发音

知识联想:summer holiday

Talk about the activities in summer.

3.T: After summer. It’s getting cooler and cooler. The leaves turn yellow and then fall down. (Show the picture) Which season comes?

Ss: Autumn.

Teach: autumn

知识联想: Mid-Autumn Festival

4.Show a snowman. T: What’s this?

S: Snowman

Present: snowman—make snowmen

T: When can we make snowmen?

Ss: In winter.

Teach: winter

知识联想:winter holiday

Talk about the activities in winter.

5.Read the words: season, spring, summer, autumn, winter

6.Do exercise to consolidate


(  )1. A. season  B. great

(  )2. A. sunny   B. autumn

(  )3. A. winter   B. white

(  )4. A. minute   B. summer

Step3. Practice

1.T: Boys and girls, we learned the names of the seasons. I want to know which season you like best and why. I tell you first.

I like summer best. Because I can swim.

2.Discuss in groups of four firstly, then say it out.

3.Present the dialogue:

A: Which season do you like best?

B: I like …

A: Why?

B: Because I can …

Ask and answer

4.Do exercise


There are four seasons in a year.(对划线部分提问)


I like winter best.(同上)


I often skate with my friends in winter. (改成一般疑问句)


I like spring best.(改成同义句)


5.T: Who likes flying kite?

S: I like flying kites.

T: Can you fly kites today?

S: Yes./ No.

T: Because today is a windy day./ Today isn’t a windy day.

Teach: windy.

6. Show a picture of the sun

Present: sunny

7.T: They are two kinds of weather

Present weather and read it

8.Teach: rainy, cloudy, snowy in the same way.

9.T: What’s the weather like?

S: It’s rainy/cloudy/ snowy/sunny/windy.

10. Listen and fill in the blanks.

This is today’s weather report in Jiangsu

Province. It’s sunny in Nanjing. It’s rainy in Suzhou. Wuxi is cloudy today. It’s cloudy in Xuzhou. And it will rain in the afternoon.

Step5. Consolidation

1.Show the pictures of Part C

Ask and answer

2.Read and judge

Seasons in Kunshan

It is warm in spring in Kunshan. The trees turn green and the flowers start to grow. I often go rowing in the park. In summer, it is very hot and it often rains. I often go swimming with my friends. In autumn, the days get shorter and the nights get longer. I often go walking in the park. In winter, it is not too cold. It is sometimes snowy. It snowed last year. I made snowmen and had snowball fights(打雪仗) with my friends. I like snowy winter in Kunshan. What about you?

(  )1. The trees turn yellow in spring.

(  )2. I often go swimming in summer.

(  )3. The days get longer and the nights get shorter in autumn.

(  )4. It is very cold in winter in Kunshan.

(  )5. There was a heavy snow last year.


I like ________ best in Kunshan/ my hometown

Step6. Homework

1.Copy the new words: season, summer, autumn ,spring, winter, windy, rainy, cloudy four times

2.Talk about your favourite season with your friends.

