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Furious at the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, two African-Americans who died in 2014 at the hands of white policemen, he took a gun and shot dead Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, a Hispanic cop and his Chinese-American partner, as they ate lunch in a patrol car in Brooklyn on December 20th.

  这个句子选自2015年《经济学人》一月份的文章《the blue thread frays》(磨损的蓝线),之所以选择这个句子,一来是为了让各位考生熟悉考研英语常考文章的选择倾向,二来就这个句子中出现的语法点来和各位考生一起分享;在这个句子中,考生需要着重注意的四点:

  (1)Furious at ...., he took a gun and shot dead ...

  (2)the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, two African-Americans

  (3)two African-Americans who died in 2014 at the hands of white policemen

  (4)Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, a Hispanic cop and his Chinese-American partner

  (5)as they ate lunch in a patrol car in Brooklyn on December 20th.

  第一个知识点,考生需要明确的是he 与furious之间的关系,考虑到在前后主语一致,即furious at sth的逻辑主语为he,因此,在这里省去了主语,即句子原本为 he was furious at ...., he took a gun and shot dead ...。在英语句子中,还存在着一种类似但又区别很大的另一种语法现象: Time permitting(= If time permits), we will go for an outing tomorrow. 各位考生可以考虑一下这两个句子之间的区别也相似处;

  第二个知识点与第四个知识点是一样的,即两处都是同位语结构;第二个句子中的同位语结构为“Eric Garner and Michael Brown, two African-Americans”;第三个句子中的同位语结构为“Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, a Hispanic cop and his Chinese-American partner”;同位语结构的应用在于将要表达与解释的名词更加详细地表述出来;



  该句的汉语意思为:他为2014年两位死在白人警察手里的非裔美国人埃里克 加纳

  和迈克尔 布朗感到十分愤怒,因而在12月20日枪杀了布鲁克林街头巡逻车内正吃午饭的两名警察——拉丁裔的拉斐尔 拉莫斯和华裔的刘文建。

2018考研英语复习:长难句分析之《the blue thread frays》6.doc
