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The network is not particularly big, as these things go. It contains around 100,000 devices and has sent about 750,000 e-mails. But it is a proof of concept, and may be a harbinger of worse to come—for the computers in smart devices make tempting targets for writers of malware. Security is often lax, or non-existent. Many of the computers identified by Proofpoint seem to have been hacked by trying the factory-set usernames and passwords that buyers are supposed to change.

  这个段落选自《经济学人》的文章《Spam in the Fridge》,主要是关于电脑及网络的普及及发展在给人们带来了便利的同时,也有一定的隐患存在.


  (1)The network is not particularly big, as these things go.

  (2)It contains around 100,000 devices and has sent about 750,000 e-mails.

  (3)But it is a proof of concept, and may be a harbinger of worse to come—for the computers in smart devices make tempting targets for writers of malware. Security is often lax, or non-existent.

  (4)Many of the computers identified by Proofpoint seem to have been hacked by trying the factory-set usernames and passwords that buyers are supposed to change.

  第一个句子中,标黑的部分“as these things go”在进行翻译处理时可以译为“照目前情况来看”,当然,也可以将其译为“就这么些东西”;as在此处的翻译较为活,考生可以根据语境进行调整;


  第三个句子中,“proof of concept”(POC)是个商业和学术领域常用的短语,是指为了证明理论或概念有实际应用价值而做的示范等;“a harbinger of worse to come”在这个句中则翻译为“预示着更糟糕的前景”;此句中的“make targets for…”,“成为…的目标”是较为地道的用法;按照正常的表达语序,这个句子可以改为“Security or non-existent makes computer tempting targets for”,computer作为直接宾语存在,但在段落中这样的表述则将“成为…的目标”的原因放在了后面,另成了单句,这是很符合新闻类文体的要求;

  第四个句子中的“identified by Proofpoint”为过去分词结构作后置定语;且在这个句子中还嵌套着一个非常明显的定语从句“the factory-set usernames and passwords that buyers are supposed to change”;




2018考研英语复习:长难句分析之《Spam in the Fridge》2.doc
