

时间:2023-11-08 00:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Mr. de Blasio’s critics complain that he has done his best to hobble charter schools, which offer poor New Yorkers a way out of the worst public schools. (His election campaign was backed by labour unions, which detest non-union charters.) More broadly, the mayor’s detractors worry that he will burn through the surplus built up by his more businesslike predecessor, Michael Bloomberg.

  这个段落选自2015年《经济学人》一月份的文章《The Blue Thread Frays》(磨损的蓝线),在这个段落中,考生需要着重注意以下几点:

  (1) Mr. de Blasio’s critics complain that he has done his best to hobble charter schools, which offer poor New Yorkers a way out of the worst public schools.

  (2) His election campaign was backed by labour unions, which detest non-union charters.

  (3) More broadly, the mayor’s detractors worry that he will burn through the surplus built up by his more businesslike predecessor, Michael Bloomberg.


  主语(Mr. de Blasio’s critics)+谓语(complain)+宾语(that he has done his best to hobble charter schools, +非限制性定语从句(which offer poor New Yorkers a way out of the worst public schools. ))


  第二个句子中的亮点词汇是“backed”,且语态也是我们必须要了解的“was backed by”;除此之外,这篇文章的作者真的很喜欢非限制性定于从句,这个句子嵌套着一个非限“which detest non-union charters”。


  主(the mayor’s detractors)+谓(worry)+宾(that he will burn through the surplus built (分词结构作后置定语)up by his more businesslike predecessor, Michael Bloomberg(同位语).)



  参考译文:德布拉西奥先生的批评者抱怨他的“尽力”阻碍了特许学校的发展,而特许学校为纽约的穷人提供了离开糟糕的公立学校的机会。支持(backed)他竞选的工会厌恶非工会的特许学校。更广泛的说,市长的反对者担心他会将他善于经营的前任-迈克尔 布隆伯格-建立的盈余消耗殆尽。

2018考研英语复习:长难句分析之《the blue thread frays》5.doc
