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Mr Brinsley appears to have been deranged. (He killed himself before he could be arrested.) However, many police officers in New York think his actions were inspired by the anti-cop protests that have swept the Big Apple (and several other American cities) in recent weeks. That poses problems for Bill de Blasio, the mayor, as he ends his first year in office.

  这个段落选自2015年《经济学人》一月份的文章《the blue thread frays》(磨损的蓝线),


  (1) Mr Brinsley appears to have been deranged.

  (2) He killed himself before he could be arrested.

  (3)However, many police officers in New York think his actions were inspired by the anti-cop protests that have swept the Big Apple (and several other American cities) in recent weeks.

  (4)That poses problems for Bill de Blasio, the mayor, as he ends his first year in office.

  总的来说,总共六处加粗加黑的部分:have been deranged,could be arrested, were inspired, have swept,That,as;

  第一个知识点:大家觉得deranged是done还是adj.呢?考生需要明确的是have been deranged,如果你对谓语成分很熟悉的话,Appears在这里作为系动词应该是没有什么难度的;那么这里的to have +been+adj.应该怎么理解呢?(不定式作表语?+不定的被动语态作表语?+不定式的现在完成时的被动语态作比表语?)NONONO!!! 这个地方仅仅是不定式的现在完成时态+形容词而已;Mr Brinsley appears to have been deranged(布林斯利先生看起来已经疯了)。


  (1) Mr Brinsley appears to be deranged.(2)Mr Brinsley appears to have been deranged. 【动作发生的前后】+【Mr Brinsley appears to have be deranged. NO!】(好孩子们,好好想想,是“被疯了么!!!”)

   Could be arrested以及were inspired则是被动语态无悬念;在可能被捕前,他自杀了;但是,许多纽约警察认为他的行为受到了近几周席卷纽约以及其他几座美国城市的反警*活动的启发;两个被动语态的翻译,一个直接借用了“被”,另一个则在翻译上“主动表被动”;

  第二个和第三个知识点,“have swept”;这个是简单的have done,现在完成时态;

  第四个知识点需要各位考生明确的是由that 指代前面的事情;如果前面的句号改逗号,that改which,是不是就变成了由which引导的非限呢!而as引导时间状语从句“当...”,以说明事情发生的时间;

  该句的汉语意思为:布林斯利先生看起来已经疯了,在可能被捕前,他自杀了;但是,许多纽约警察认为他的行为受到了近几周席卷纽约以及其他几座美国城市的反警*活动的启发。这给任期刚满一年的市长比尔 德布拉西奥确实带来了一些难题。

2018考研英语复习:长难句分析之《the blue thread frays》1.doc
