Even the biggest law firms may be anachronistically inefficient. They are run by lawyers ,not professional managers, insist on charging by the “billable hour” rather than by results and use little technology more advanced than e-mail. Nonetheless, most big law firms have continued to be highly-profitable. Only now is a serious threat to the law firms’ cozy existence emerging. Law firms that are sub-scale and inefficient risk ruin. The Walmarts and Amazons of professional services are at their gates, and the legal industry’s halting pace of creative destruction is set to accelerate as a result. 词汇突破: 1. anachronistically时代错误地 形容词:anachronistic 例句: In remembering historic events, the mistake you tend to make is anachronistic. 在记历史事件时,你容易犯的错误是时代错误。 (这样一个巨型单词,推荐大家关注公共微信:liuyinanlaoshi,听听一男老师怎么让你快速记住这些单词的。一男会每天和我一起配合讲解这这些词,他也坚持十多天了,逗比认真起来也蛮感人了,不过他一直是很认真的逗比。) 2. billable hour 按小时收费 (这是律所的一种收费方式) 3. cozy 舒服的 4. risk 这个词作动词的时候,大家可能没有关注过用法: 看两个例句吧: (1)She was risking her own and her children’s health. (1)使…冒风险; (2) They risked death. (2)冒着/面临…的风险; 5. emerge : 出现 emerging market 新兴市场; 6. ruin 毁灭 7. halt 停止 8. accelerate 加速 9. Nonetheless 但是 句子解析: 第一句:Even the biggest law firms may be anachronistically inefficient. 参考译文:甚至一些大的公司可能效率都很低下,这是时代病。(副词单独成句) 第二句:They are run by lawyers ,not professional managers, insist on charging by the “billable hour” rather than by results and use little technology more advanced than e-mail. 解析:They are run by…,insist on…and use…这里动作的发出者都是they,三个动词的并列。 Little…more advanced than…=级(little是否定词,否定加比较=级)考场上看不懂也不用慌,总之在说律所的缺点。 参考译文:这些公司是由律师来经营的,而不是职业经理人;他们坚持按小时收费,而不是按结果收费; 他们用的最先进的技术就是电子邮件。 第三句:Nonetheless, most big law firms have continued to be highly-profitable. 参考译文:但是大多数的大公司赚取着高额的利润。 第四句:Only now is a serious threat to the law firms’ cozy existence emerging. 解析:Only now 置于句首引起句子的部分倒装。 正常语序:A serious threat to the law firms’ cozy existence is emerging only now. 参考译文:直到现在,对于法律公司(律师事务所)舒适存在的严重威胁才开始出现。 第五句:Law firms that are sub-scale and inefficient risk ruin. 解析:Law firms risk ruin. 参考译文:那些规模不大的效率不高的法律公司面临破产的危险。 第六句:The Walmarts and Amazons of professional services are at their gates, and the legal industry’s halting pace of creative destruction is set to accelerate as a result. 解析:professional services: 这个表达一般指法律,咨询,财务等业务。 Walmarts and Amazons 曾经对零售业产生了巨大的冲击,所以后来习惯用他们来比喻行业的改变者。 creative destruction: 如果破坏是为了更好的未来,那么这样的毁灭就是有创造性的 参考译文:职业服务的变革者已经兵临城下了,因此,法律行业逐渐停下的创造性破坏的步伐就该准备加速了。