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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念系列教材的经典早已不言而喻。其文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统,历来被公认为是适合大多数中学生课外学习的资料之一。©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!


  at large:逃遁的,没有被控制的

  详细地(in detail)

  总体来讲(as a whole)



  Pandas are large cat-like animals which are found in Asia.

  life-like: 栩栩如生的





  指人:主语who; 宾语who/whom; 定语 whose


  时间状语:when; 地点状语:where; 原因状语:why


  时间-when; 地点-where

  An idea came to her that she might do the experiment in another way.

  I have no idea what has happened to him。


  take sth.seriously :deal with sth.seriously

  take sth.lightly

  as: 随着


  声称曾经做过某事:claim to have done sth.

  I still remember the school where I studied English.

  confirm: be sure,be certain


  把某物留在后面:leave behind


  complain of /about 抱怨

  on + 名词:强调动作正在进行

  on the rise :在上升

  on the increase: 在增加

  on the watch: 在观看

  on the match: 在比赛中

  on the fishing trip: 在钓鱼的途中

  on holiday: 在度假

  fully: completely,entirely

  in the possession of sb.=in sb.'s possession 归某人所有

  in possession of sth. 拥有某物

  take possession of 拥有

  The beautiful car is in my possession/in the possession of me

  I am in possession of the beautiful car

  The person in possession of the big house is excited.

  It is disturbing to think that...


  at large

  take something seriously

  cling to

  leave behind

  complain of

  in the possession of/in possession of

  feel obliged to investigate

  a woman picking blackberries

  a businessman on fishing trip

  go on for several weeks

  in the quiet countryside



  Tome is always doing homework.

  Tom always does his homework.

  He is always making noises.

  one or another: 表示某种,这样或那样

  I have to get enough money to have my house repaired

  have the church clock repaired——have something done


  have the plane repaired have hair cut


  His wallet was stolen. He had his wallet stolen.

  used to:过去常常做,而现在不再发生的事情了

  He used to smoke every day.


  He said that it was so,he was mistaken,however

  He said that it was so,however,he was mistaken.

  I know his story,however,I wouldn't like to tell you.

  I know his story,I,however,wouldn't like to tell you

  nevertheless nonetheless

  start: 惊跳,惊奇


  Armed with a torch...

  现在分词和过去分词的用法 looking


  in the torchlight


  recognized somebody as: 认出某人是

  regard somebody as,think of somebody as,treat somebody as,have on somebody as

  whatever: ever用来加强语气

  night after night: 一夜连着一夜

  day after day year after year

  week after week bus after bus

  did 肯定句中常用do,did,does加强语气和情感色彩,一定要位于动词原形之前as well 用在句尾相当于to,主要用于肯定句中,但比to所表达的语意更优秀 stil用于句首,用逗号分隔开来——表达一个转折的关系:虽然如此,但是get used to,be used to,be accustomed to,get accustomed to 都表示习惯于 get强调渐近的过程, be强调习惯了的状态。


  an interesting discovery : 强调discovery,体现发现这个动作被考古学家做出

  主动语态难以突出重点 archaeologists made an interesting discovery


  An American team explored a temple which....


  which stands in an ancient city on...

  which = that; stand = lie,situate(vt.),locate(vt.)

  An American team explored a temple which is located/situated in...

  An American team explored a temple which lies in

  stand 表示高高坐落于,矗立于

  She stands 1.75m./A great tree stands on the mount.

  The city at one time must have been prosperous,for it...

  for 引导原因状语从句,对主句的附加说明和解释,提供更多的信息

  because 引导原因状语从句,重点突出原因

  Eg.:The day broke for the birds were singing.

  at one time 表达曾经,一度;过去时态的标志,once

  must have been 对过去事实肯定的推测

  enjoyed a high level of civilization 享有高度文明


  a young man with broad shoulders/an old lady with balck hair

  beautifully decorated 过去分词做定语

  a beautifully dressed lady 衣着漂亮的女士/a deserted carpark

  废弃的停车场 a white painted door 被刷成白色的门


  a boy climbing the tree/the students reading in the room

  The city was even equipped with...for ...were found

  be equipped with 配备,装备

  the car was equipped with air conditioning.

  for 引导原因状语从句

  beneath the narrow streets /under the narrow streets

  prep. beneath=under 正下方

  He is standing under/beneath the umbrella

  under在进行中:under control 控制之中;under discussion讨论之中

  under repairs修理之中

  below 在下方,强调在斜下方

  She is sitting below the window

  The temple which....

  be used as/be used to be把……用作为

  The box was used as a desk in the small village school.

  The wooden box was used as a bookcase

  The wooden box is used to contain books

  in the most sacred room of...

  Each of these represented...been painted.

  represent vt. 代表

  I represent all the classmates.

  The body of one statue was found...

  dating 现在分词,修饰remains

  the customs dating from 1990

  The tradit

  ion dates from the time when his grandfather was young .

  The castle dates from the 14th century.

  The castle dates back to the 14th century.

  Its missing head happened to be among remains of...

  happen to 强调事情的偶然发生

  I happen to have driven that kind of car.

  He happened to find the ticket in his pocket.

  句式:It happens that...

  It happened that I met her on my way to work.

  I happened to meet her on my way work.

  happen on 巧遇,偶然

  I happened on this old picture in the back of the drawer.

  Guess,who I happened on while I was in London last month?

  reconstruct: put together,piece together,restore

  amazed;very much surprised


  astonished;much surprised;amazed; very much surprised 惊奇

  astounded 非常惊讶、惊奇、惊愕

  to find.../to discover.../to realize...

  I'm not surprised to see you here

  turn out 表示结果;prove

  turn out(to be)+ n./adj.

  The concert turned out to be a failure.

  Our party turned out (to be)a suxxess.

  It turned out that....

  that 从句,或其他名词从句;it作形式主语

  It turned out that the diamonds had been in the bank all the time.

  It turned out that his statement was false.

  as it turns out

  Eg: As it turned out,there was no need to worry.

  Eg: As it turned out,the report was mistaken.

  She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips.

  rest on = depend on,lean on

  His hand rested lightly on my shoulder

  which swept the ground 近一步说明拖地的,拽地的

  despite=in spite of + n./动名词

  It is still a problem for the archaeologists up to now.

  so far,up to now 完成时的标志

  discover her identity; find out her identity

