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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语一共144课。整本书无论是语法还是词汇,题材还是语句,都有其出彩之处。正是因为如此,新概念英语更是经久不衰,深受广大英语学习者的喜爱。®文档大全网为您整理了“新概念英语第三册课文重点精讲解析Lesson19~21”,希望可以帮助到您!


  1 Kidnappers are rarely interested in Animals, but they recently took considerable interest in Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay's cat.

  rarely = seldom

  take interest in= be interested in 一句话中用不同的词组表达同样的意思,是为了避免重复

  take considerable interest in sth. interest之前可以加上写表示程度的形容词

  take great interest in = take tremendous interest in = take enormous interest in

  2 Mrs Eleanor Ramsay, a very wealthy old lady, has shared a flat with her cat, Rastus, for a great many years.

  share sth. with sb.

  eg. I share the room with my friend.

  for a great many years = for a long time

  3 Rastus leads an orderly life. He usually takes a short walk in the evenings and is always home by seven o'clock.

  lead an orderly life 过着很规律的生活

  orderly 有秩序的,有顺序的,近义词:disciplined 受过训练的, regular 规律的

  take a walk = go for a stroll = go for a walk 散步

  4 Three day after Rastus' disappearance, Mrs. Ramsay received an anonymous letter.

  after可以和名词搭配 e.g. three days after arrival

  an anonymous letter 匿名信

  5 The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs Ramsay paid a ransom of &1000.

  state 非常正式的声明

  in safe hands 在可靠的人手中,意指“很安全”

  6 Mrs. Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a cardboard box and to leave it outside her door.

  be instructed to do sth. 受指示做某事

  eg. The journalist was instructed to obtain the so-called important statistics.

  7 At first, she decided to go to the police, but fearing that she would never see Rastus again --the letter had made that quite clear--she changed her mind.

  fearing 现在分词做原因状语

  make it clear to sb. that

  eg. The teacher has made it clear to us that we must read English aloud every day.

  8 The next morning, the box had disappeared but Mrs. Ramsay was sure that the kidnapper would keep his word.

  keep his promise= keep his promise 遵守

  word 表示诺言时,要采用单数形式


  break his word 食言;go back on one's word 食言

  give sb. one’s word 向某人保证; as good as one's word 表示守信用,侧重点在于强调一个结果

  eg. I give you my word that I will return your money. 我保证我会把钱还给你。

  eg. He promised to return my money and he was as good as his word. 他许诺会把钱还给我,正如他所言他遵守了。

  9 Sure enough, Rastus arrived punctually at seven o'clock that evening.

  sure enough 果然,无疑

  eg. I said it would happen, and sure enough it did happen. 我说过会发生的,结果确实如此。

  10 Considering the amount she paid, he was dear in more ways than one!

  in more ways than one ( way ) = in many ways


  1 In 1908 Lord Northcliffe offered a prize of £1000 to the first man who would fly across the English Channel.

  the first man who would fly… = the first man to fly across...


  eg. She was the only one to survive the plane crash.

  offer a prize of sth(指某种奖励) to sb 给予某人……奖励

  2 Over a year passed before the first attempt was made.


  attempt n.&vt. 试图,尝试,其语气比try要强烈


  (1)in one's attempt

  eg. She failed in her attempt to swim the channel. 她横渡海峡的尝试失败了。

  (2)make an attempt on 尝试,试图

  eg. He made an attempt on the mountain. 他试图翻越那座山。

  (3)make an attempt to do 尝试,试图

  eg. She made any attempt to run away. 她想方设法逃走。

  (4)make no attempt 没有……企图,尝试

  eg. She made an attempt to run away. 她没有想逃走。

  3 He had travelled only seven miles across the Channel when his engine failed and he was forced to land on the sea.

  when = at that moment

  failed: 这里意思是:break down,失灵,出故障

  fail 失败,忽视; fail to 未能

  eg. She failed to win the prize.

  eg. When I saw him, my words failed me.

  be forced to do 被迫做……

  4 The 'Antoinette' floated on the water until Latham was picked up by a ship.

  pick up 这里意思是:save, rescue

  5 Two days later, Louis Bleriot arrived near Calais with a plane called 'No. XI'.

  with a plane: with 具有、带有

  6 It looks as if there would be an exciting race across the Channel.

  It looked as if: 似乎,看起来,其中谓语动词would be 表示与未来的事实不相符的虚拟结构

  eg. It looked as if there would be a heavy storm.

  7 Latham, however did not give up easily.

  give up 放弃,do not give up easily 不轻易作罢

  8 After making a short test flight at 4.15 a.m., Bleriot set off half an hour later.

  make a short test flight 作了短暂的试飞后


  1、In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money.

  fought with bare fists 赤手空拳的打斗

  2、One of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza, who was born in 1764.

  One of the most colourful figures = one of the most famous people

  3、The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860, when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules.

  Introduce(vt.传入, 引进)= bring in(介绍引进)

  Potatoes were introduced into Europe from South America.

  draw up vt.制定、起草(draw up a plan)

  4、In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike.

  In his day = in his full time = in his good day 在他的全盛时期

  He was adored by rich and poor alike.= He was not only adored by the rich but adored by the poor as well.

  5、Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old.

  rise to fame = become famous

  rise to power = become powerful

  6、This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England.

  attract somebody's attention = attract the attention of somebody

  7、Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time.

  he lost for a second time = he lost again

  8、He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as $100 for a single appearance.

  as much as 多达

  9、Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt.

  in debt 欠债, 负债

  in private 私底下

