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【#新概念英语# 导语】学习新概念英语并不难啊。你还在为英语成绩低拖后腿而烦恼吗?不要着急,©文档大全网小编为大家提供了“新概念英语第三册课文重点精讲解析Lesson28~30”。相信加入学习当中的你,很快便不再受英语的困扰!还在等什么?和小编一起来学习吧!


  1 Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbour.

  speed 迅速驶向

  speed down hill 向山下疾驶

  speed up 向山上疾驶

  speed by 迅速驶过

  Our holiday speed by.

  2 I had no intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds.

  impress 给......极深的印象

  be most impressed by 某人被留下了极深的印象

  What impressed me most was 给我印象最深的是

  Eg: What impressed me most was beauty here.

  create / give a bad impression on sb. 给......以不良印象

  Eg:If the shop is untidy, it creates a bad impression on potential of customers.

  If you don’t work hard, it will create a bad impression on your boss

  make a quite impression on sb. 给某人留下极深的印象

  Eg: Your speech made a quite impression on me.

  impression n. 印痕

  Eg: He made a deep impression in glass.

  3 The man went to great lengths to prove that the diamonds were real.

  real: 真的,不是捏造出来的,非人工制造的(= genuine)

  true: 与事实或现实符合 ( ≠false )

  genuine: 不是伪造的,非人工制造的(常用来修饰金银、字画、古董 ≠fake)

  real reason, real fears, real / genuine money, real / genuine diamond

  4 It took me over half an hour to get rid of him.

  It take sb. sometime to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事

  get rid of 摆脱,除去;治好=cure

  He can never get rid of his debts. (~ debt ==pay off:还清)

  5 The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watches.

  The next man to approach me:第二个向我兜售的人,靠近我的人

  6 I shook my head and held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay £5.

  hold up five fingers indicating that...


  Eg: I held up ten fingers indicating that I was willing to pay $10.

  7 Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to £10.

  act as if (行为、举止)好像

  as if ==as though

  8 the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous,

  outrageous: 感到出乎意料的,令人不能容忍的

  eventually =at last

  9 Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away when, a moment later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands.

  shrugging 现在分词作伴随状况状语

  readily =willingly 心甘情愿地

  be pleased with= be satisfied with 对……感到满意


  1 Most funny stories are based on comic situations.

  be based on:以......作为基础

  It was difficult not to be tempted

  Stem from, come from, arise from, originate from

  His feeling of hate stems from envy

  Her interest in flowers stemed from her childhood in the country

  come into fashion 开始流行

  come into being 开始形成

  come into power 开始执政

  2 In the process, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals.

  keep doing sth. 不间断的,不停的做某事

  keep on doing sth. 反复、重复干某事(中间可以有短暂的暂停) (keep: vi.)

  Don't keep on asking silly questions.

  He kept smoking all the while.

  He kept on smoking all the while.

  keep +宾语+动词ing形式,keep on 不能用于该句型

  He kept me waiting for an hour.

  I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

  3 He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing.

  think of:想到,想起,想着

  When I saw you I thought of my sister.

  think of doing sth.

  He is thinking of setting up a school.

  4 The following day, however, the doctor consoled him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good.

  by 通过某种方式手段

  dread to do = dread doing

  a miserable day: a terrible day

  think of:想到,想起,想着

  When I saw you I thought of my sister.

  think of doing sth.

  He is thinking of setting up a school.

  spend time doing sth.


  I arrived here by train.


  5 His chances of being dismissed are good.

  his chances of doing sth. are good. / remote 做......可能性极大/极小

  6 In the process, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals.

  how much -to what extent

  How much can I trust him?

  7 In the process, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals.

  keep telling ==keep on telling


  1、True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.

  deliberately: on purpose

  set out to do=set about doing=start doing/to do sth.

  draw/capture/attract/hold/catch/arrest/receive attention to ...吸引对...的注意

  2、They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.


  Ex:He made a mistake without being conscious of the fact.

  3、This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life.


  win sb sth:赢某人某物

  Ex:Her fine character quickly won her the friendship of her colleagues.

  add colour to ...为增加...色彩

  Ex:Eccentric add colour to our dull life.

  4、Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of the most notable figures in our town.

  up to the time of his death: before he died完成时的标志,这里之所以没有用现在或过去完成时,主要是突出一个客观事实

  notable: famous

  5、He was a shrewd and wealthy businessman, but most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life.

  this side of his life:生活中的这一个方面(这里指的是He was a shrewd and wealthy businessman)

  6、He was known to us all as Dickie and his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.

  be known to sb.:众所周知

  long before he died:在他去世前很久

  7、Though he owed a large car, he hardly ever used it, prefering always to go on foot.


  hardly: rarely

  8、One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower.

  be caught in:突然遇到/碰上


  be caught in a heavy shower

  be caught in a heavy snow

  be caught in a heavy storm

  9、He wanted to buy a $300 watch for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him.

  in such a condition/state:处于一种状态

  bedraggled condition:拖泥带水的状态

  such...that.. 如此...以至于...

  10、The assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see the manager.

  pay no attention to him= ignore him=take no notice of him=turn a deaf ear to him= refuse to listen to him


  Ex:I requested the headmaster.

  11、Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely.


  most=very much

  12、When Dickie was given the watch, he presented the assistant with the cloth bag.

  hand sb sth /hand sth to sb:把...递给...

  present sb with sth / present sth to sb :把...交给...人(比较正式 )

  13、He insisted on the assistant's counting the money before he left -- 30,000 pennies in all!

  insist on doing/insist that + should do:坚决要求

  Ex:He insisted that the shop assistant should count the money before he left.

  14、It took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about.

  simply to prove=only to prove

  don't always know what they are taking about= don't always talk sense= always talk nonsense


  talk nonsense:胡说八道

  talk sense:说正经话

