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【#英语资源# 导语】你想早退,但是请千万不要使用这些理由!©文档大全网整理了相关内容,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

Feeling bored or not having enough to do. 感到疲倦,或者无所事事。

Being hungover. 宿醉未醒。

Leaving because you’re “sick” is one thing, but don’t expect to get much sympathy for a condition you brought on yourself. 由于你“讨厌”某件事你就离开,但是不期望获取过多对你自作自受的同情心。

Going to hangout with friends. 与朋友出去玩。 Even if your best buddy is coming into town, if you need to leave for an optional recreational activity, in most companies you would need to take a formal personal day for this. 即使你的朋友来到你的城市,如果你需要离开工作去参加一个可有可无的娱乐活动,在大多数公司你都需要为此请一天私人假期。

Going on an interview for a new job (unless you have been laid off). 参加新工作的面试(除非你已经被前公司解雇)。

Receiving bad news at work. 接收工作中的坏消息。 For example, if you are unhappy with the notice about next year's salary increase, if you received a less than stellar performance review, or your supervisor just criticized your project, be a team player and get through the rest of the day, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. 举个例子,如果你不满意公司发布的下年工资增长通告,如果你得到了一份仅次于的绩效考核,或者你的主管刚刚批评了你的项目,你要充当一名团队成员并且渡过余下的日子,不管这有多么的不舒服。

Feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. 感到压力巨大或被压力击垮。 You don’t want to make it seem like you can’t handle stress. If you find that you can’t focus at your desk, request to book a meeting room to yourself for an hour or ask to take your work to a nearby coffee shop. 你不想让自己看起来被压力控制。如果你发现自己无法集中注意力,请为自己安排一个会议室,在里面呆上一个小时或者请求把工作带到附近的咖啡店里完成。

Going to a recreational activity. 参加娱乐活动。 Whether you have a softball game after work or you booked a yoga class - unless it is a company-sponsored event, in most cases it is not acceptable to leave work early for these reasons. 不管你在下班后有一场棒球比赛还是你已经预定了瑜伽课程——除非那是公司资助的活动,那么大多数情况下都不能成为你早退的理由。

Minor personal issues, such as a fight with a friend or a break-up with the girlfriend you’ve been dating for only two weeks. 次要的个人事情,比如与朋友吵了一架,或者与那个只认识了两周的女朋友分手。 Non-urgent errands that can be dealt with outside of work, like getting your hair done, getting your oil changed, grocery shopping, or rushing out to go to the bank, when it could be done online or during the weekend. 非紧急性的琐事都可以在下班之后处理,比如理发,换油,逛杂货店购物,或者跑到银行办事,那些时候都可以在网上或者周末的时候去做。 Most importantly, don’t take advantage of your boss’s flexibility. Although there are both “good” and “bad” reasons to leave early, a “good” reason used too many times can quickly become problematic. If you foresee a legitimate, unavoidable event that will cause you to leave work repeatedly (for example, a physical therapy appointment that repeats over the course of a month, a child’s recurring doctor’s appointment, and so on) then you should be upfront with your boss and prepare a plan to ensure your work is covered. 最重要的是,不要占用老板的灵活度的便宜。尽管早退有“好的”和“坏的”理由,若“好的”理由使用多了,也会很快出问题的。如果你预期有一个合理又不可推脱的活动,导致你常常离开岗位(例如,每月一次的身体治疗预约,孩子的定期就医约定,等等),然后你就要提前告诉你的老板,然后准备好一个计划确保你的工作不会落下。 Stick to the Facts 实事求是 Really, the “worst” reason to leave early is a fake one. Your credibility (and your ability to leave work early) will not fare well if you’re caught in a lie. Even if you think you’ve covered your tracks, it’s not worth risking the trust of your supervisor and your fellow employees. 真的,最“糟糕”的早退理由就是假的理由。你的个人信誉度(还有你的早退能力)不会在你被抓到撒谎的时候得到好的结果。即使你认为你已经估计到所有的行程,你也不值得把你的主管和同事对你的信任拿来冒险。 Ultimately, the best way to make sure you’re able to leave work early when you need to is to only make this request when it is valid or necessary. Strive to do your best and take care to maintain a positive relationship with your supervisors, and be honest when something requires your presence during work hours. The better standing you are in with your boss, the more likely you will be able to leave work early when necessary. 最后,确保你在需要的时候能够早退的方式就是让它变得有效或必要。努力做到,小心保持与主管的良好关系,并且在工作时间段需要你在场的时候保持坦诚。你与老板的关系越好,你就能在有必要的时候更有早退的权利。

