

时间:2023-11-18 00:03:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Introduced to help enforce price controls in the fuel-hungry 1970s, America’s ban on crude-oil exports was all but forgotten when the economy boomed and imports soared. Now it is in the news again. It keeps American Crude around $10 below the price. Cash-strapped oilmen would like to sell their product abroad and are lobbying to lift the ban. (这样做还有一堆的好处,我就不摘录了。)But politicians are fearful. Sooner or later, the petrol price will go up again--and anyone who voted to allow precious hydrocarbons to be sold to foreigners will be in the firing line.
  2. crude-oil 原油=Crude
  3. boom 繁荣
  4. soar 上升
  5. Cash-strapped 资金短缺
  6. lobby 游说
  7. lift the ban. 取消限制
  8.firing line 处于容易受到攻击的地位
  9. hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物(在这篇文章中就是指石油哦,这帮逗比的歪果仁为了表示多样性也够拼的,接着说石油要死啊!)
  10. all but 几乎; (还有个结构是but all too 也是表示程度,删除就好了)
  第一句:Introduced to help enforce price controls in the fuel-hungry 1970s, America’s ban on crude-oil exports was all but forgotten when the economy boomed and imports soared.
  主干识别:America’s ban on crude-oil exports was forgotten.
  其他成分:Introduced to help enforce price controls in the fuel-hungry1970s,
  (America’s ban on crude-oil exports was) introduced to help enforce price controls in the fuel-hungry 1970s.
  when the economy boomed and imports soared. 状语部分(独立成句)
  参考译文: (注意语序的调整哦!)(被动译为主动)(注意加上句间的关联词让中文更通顺。)
  第二句:Now it is in the news again.但是现在这条规定有上新闻了。
  第三句:It keeps American Crude around $10 below theprice.这项政策使美国原油的价格比国际油价低了十美元。(美国的水比油贵很多的。当然现在中国也是这样了。一瓶好的矿泉水比石油贵很多的。)
  第四句:Cash-strapped oilmen would like to sell their product abroad and are lobbying to lift the ban.资金短缺的石油商希望将自己的产品卖到海外去,而且开始游说取消这一限制。
  第五句:But politicians are fearful.但是政客都很害怕。
  第六句:Sooner orlater, the petrol price will go up again--and anyone who voted to allowprecious hydrocarbons to be sold to foreigners will be in the firing line.早晚,油价是要上去的,这样一来任何一个允许出口石油的人都将有可能受到攻击。

