幽默爆笑英语小故事四则 幽默爆笑英语小故事:他似乎懂了 While I was on a cruise to Mexico,one-of the director's assistants got off the ship for her usual five-mile walk.Bored with the same old scenery,she decided to try another route. Some time later she discovered that she didn't know how to get back to the ship. She,hailed a cab only to find that the driver didn't speak English. Trying to make him understand her needs,she pulled out a postcard of the ship from her, purse and showed it to him. "Si ! Si!"the driver exclaimed,knowingly. Then he took her to the post office. 在我去墨西哥的船上,一位董事的助手下了船,如同以往散步五公里。她已经厌烦了那些旧景,决定走一条新路线。走了一会儿,她发现她找不到回船的路线了。她叫了一辆出租车,却发现那司机不会讲英语。为了让司机明白她的意思,她从钱包里取出了一张印有船的明信片给司机看。那司机叫道:“斯,斯。”好像是明白了。然后,把她送到了邮局。 幽默爆笑英语小故事:听音乐倒垃圾 We had just arrived in Taiwan and were visiting with another American family. The children heard the music of an ice-cream truck and ran outside.”Thed're excited that our new country has the comforts of home,"I said. 我们和另一美国家庭一起来到台湾观光。孩子们听到外面一辆装有冰淇淋的卡车响了音乐时,他们立刻跑了出去。我说:“他们为在异国他乡找到了家乡的音乐而兴奋。” "Actually," our host replied,”it's a trash truck. The music lets people know when it's time to bring out their garbage." 我们的主人这时说了话:“事实上,那是一辆垃圾车。音乐只是被用来告诉人们什么时候该倒垃圾。” 幽默爆笑英语小故事:夜察 My main responsibility as security inspector is checking on guards. One morning around three o'clock I made a surprise visit to a facility and found the guard sitting at a table with his arms folded in front of him as a pillow for his head.I cleared my throat,dropped my clipboard and rattled the trash csn, expecting him to wake up,startled and blearyeyed. No response. A few seconds later, he very calmly raised his head .looked heaven-ward and said,"Amen." 作为安全检查员,我的主要责任是检查那些值班人员。一次,大约在凌晨三点多时,我来到设备处,做了个突袭式检查。我发现值班人坐在桌旁,头枕着胳膊趴在桌上睡着了。我清了清嗓子,把我的记录夹扔在了地上,踢了一下垃极桶,想把他唤醒,吓他一跳,他睁开那双怪松的睡眼,但并没做出任何的反应。几秒钟后,他非常镇静地抬起头,望着天说:“阿门!” 幽默爆笑英语小故事:帽子遭殃 At the Italian restaurant where I work, I waited on a woman who was wearing an odd-looking straw hat. After I took her order,she went to the rest room, leaving the hat lying on the table. Thinking that she had gone,a busboy cleared and reset the table. The woman returned,looking puzzled,and asked a passing waiter,”Where's my hat? I left it right here!"It was then that I saw it—on another table,filled to the brim with hot rolls. 我在意大利餐馆打工时,一次为一位女士服务.她戴着一项古怪的草帽。她点了莱后,就去洗手间了,并把帽子放在了餐桌上。有位打杂的小伙子以为她走了,就清理了桌子,又重新摆置了餐具。那位女士回来了,看到这景象显得很是迷惑不解。然后她问一个从她身边经过的服务员:“我的帽子哪儿去了,我就把它放在这儿了。”就在这时,我才看见她的 帽子在另一张桌子上。热花卷堆到了帽沿边口。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/10b56ce3bf64783e0912a21614791711cc7979b0.html