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The Teaching Design of the Future Passive Voice

By Xu Haiyan

Teaching targets

1Knowledge and skillUnderstand the structure and the usage of the Future Passive Voice . 2Process and estimateBy studying ,they can use the Future Passive Voice correctly .

3Emotion and culture: According to the rules of the Future Passive Voice, try to write down the

forms of the other passive voices.

Teaching important point:

Get the Ss to master the usage of the Future Passive Voice.

Teaching difficult point

How to change the active voice to the passive voice correctly.

Teaching steps

Step1. Revision

1. 动词的语态:主动语态与被动语态。

1). He teaches English in our school. (主动) English is taught in our school by him. (被动) 2). We planted many trees last years. (主动)

Many trees were planted by us last year. (被动) 3). We should plant many more trees. (主动) Many more trees should be planted by us.(被动)

Step2. Presentation

1. By observing the Mayors Promise before the 2012 London Olympic Games was held, find out the

grammar point.

The Mayor’s Promise

The mayor of London has made promises that something will be done for the 2012 London Olympics. Over 9.3 billion pounds will be spent on the Games. Some stadiums and a new village will be built to the east of London. More hotels will be set up for the visitors …

Question In which situations can the Future Passive Voice be used ?

Finish Ex.2 on Page13. Step2. Explanation


句型 (1) 主语+谓语+宾语。

主动: We will build a new house next year.

被动: A new house will be built (by us) next year .

(2) 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 (习惯上把间接宾语变为被动语态的主语)

主动: My mother will give me a shirt.

被动: I will be given a shirt (by my mother).

被动: A new shirt will be given to me (by my mother).

如果把直接宾语改为主语时, 则在间接宾语前加tofor

(3) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补。如果是含有复合宾语的主动句变成被动句时, 将其中的宾语变为主语,


主动: We’ll ask him to help you tomorrow.

被动: He will be asked to help you tomorrow (by us) .

Step3. Practice by correcting the mistakes .

1. We are to put off the meeting till Friday.The meeting is to be put till Friday. 2. The sports meet is to hold on April 10.

3. A new film will shown at the cinema next week

4. Is this bridge going to completed before the end of this year 5. We shall be punish if we break the rule.

6. Don’t worry! You will not be laughed for that.

7. The film is so interesting that it will watch again and again. 8. I promise this matter will be take care of . Step4. Explanation

构成1. shall(will)+be+及物动词的过去分词 Eg. They will finish the work in ten days.

The work will be finished (by them) in ten days.

2. be + going + to be done

Eg. The mother is going to tell the baby a story

The baby is going to be told a story (by the mother). A story is going to be told to the baby (by the mother). 3. be + about + to be done

Eg. Kelly is about to sing us a song at the party.

We are about to be sung a song (by Kelly) at the party. A song is about to be sung for us (by Kelly) at the party.

4. be to + be done

Eg. Brazil is to hold the 31st Olympic Games in 2016 .

The 31st Olympic Games is to be held in Brazil in 2016 .


If more time is given to me, the problem will be worked out.

When the school is set up, the poor children will be educated there . Step5. Practice

1. Your children __________________________(会被照顾得很好)when you are off. 2. The foreign friends ____________________(被给与)a warm welcome.

A warm welcome _________________________(被给与)the foreign friends.

3. How many athletes ___________________(被派去)to take part in the 2008 Olympic Games?

4. A new plan _________________________(正在讨论)now. 5. Bananas_____________________ in Hainan.(海南种植香焦。

6. Many more trees ________________ in our school next year.(我们学校明年将种更多的树。 7. It is clear that Beijing Olympic Games ___________ (hold) on August 8-24, 2008.

8. I hear that more than one million dollars ___________ (spend) on the project next year. Step6. Summary and Homework

Question : What forms can be mainly used to express the Future Passive Voice ? Question : Can the Present Passive Voice be used to instead of the Future Passive

Voice ?

1. Find the sentences which contain Passive voice in the passage and recite them. 2. Do EXX.1 and 2 on Page 50.

The Design of the Blackboard

The Teaching Design of the Future Passive Voice

动词的语态:主动语态与被动语态。 构成1. shall(will)+be+及物动词的过去分词

句型:(1) 主语+谓语+宾语。 2. be + going + to be done (2) 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 3.be + about + to be done (3) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 4. be to + be done
