虽有嘉肴译文和原文 虽有美食翻译和原文 原文: 在清朝时期,宫廷菜肴已经发展到了一定的地步。对于皇帝和宫廷大臣来说,美食是他们生活中不可或缺的一部分。因此,宫廷菜肴注重制作工艺、原材料和菜品的形象。它是精心挑选的优质食材加上独特的烹饪技艺,让人不仅能够享受到美味的味道,而且可以感受到一种美学的享受。 嘉肴译文: During the Qing Dynasty, palace cuisine had already reached a certain level. For the emperor and the court officials, food was an indispensable part of their lives. Therefore, palace cuisine focused on crafting techniques, raw materials, and the appearance of dishes. It consisted of carefully selected high-quality ingredients, combined with unique cooking techniques, which not only allowed people to enjoy the delicious taste but also to experience aesthetic enjoyment. 美食翻译: During the Qing Dynasty, palace cuisine had already reached a high level of development. Food was an important part of the lives of the emperor and court officials, and as a result, palace cuisine placed emphasis on the crafting techniques, raw materials, and appearance of dishes. Using carefully selected top-quality ingredients and unique cooking techniques, palace cuisine offered not only delicious taste sensations, but also provided an aesthetic experience. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/26379f43ee630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77da369971a.html