SYNOPSYS 15.93版英语软件更新说明翻译

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The update to version 15.93 incorporates the following changes: 15.93版本更新包含以下内容:

Features: 新增功能:

1. Surface type USS 24, an extended NURBS shape, allows up to 400 control points, and it makes no sense to list all of them in a dialog for editing. So that shape can no longer be edited in the Surface Shape dialog. (Before, that dialog could edit up to 81 coefficients, but that was not adequate either.) You can of course still edit the values with the WorkSheet or the LE editor if you wish.

表面类型USS 24是一种扩展的NURBS形状,允许多达400个控制点,而且在对话框中列出所有的控制点是没有意义的。这样就不能再在Surface Shape对话框中编辑表面类型。(之前,该对话框最多可编辑81个系数,但这也是不够的。当然,如果需要,您仍然可以使用WorkSheetLE编辑器输入这些值。 Bugs Fixed: 漏洞修复:

1. The “F” option on the SPROFILE command was not tested or honored correctly. 修复了SPROFILE命令中的“F”选项未被正确测试和使用的漏洞。

2. BTOL did not tolerance the index and dispersion of a material correctly if the wavelength range was far outside the normal visible range of the C d F lines.

修复了如果波长范围远远超出了C d F线的正常可见范围,那么BTOL程序不能正确地对材料折射率和色散进行公差计算的漏洞。
