SYNOPSYS 15.96版英语软件更新说明翻译

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The update to version 15.96 incorporates the following changes: 15.96版本更新包含以下内容: Features: 新增功能:

1. If you by accident enter an APS number that exceeds the number of surfaces in the lens, the program will now inform you and put it on surface 1. 如果您不小心输入超过透镜表面数量的APS值,程序将立即通知您,并将其放在表面1

2. We have deactivated mode switch 55, which controlled whether the diffraction image analysis used a coarse or fine sample pattern. PCs are so fast these days that it makes no sense to use the coarse sample anymore. 我们已停用开关55,它将控制衍射图像分析是使用粗糙样品图还是精细样品图。如今,PC的速度非常快,再使用粗糙的样品图是没有意义的。

3. SFIT now lets you specify the coordinate system in which surface sag data are presented. So if the measuring technician does not have the X and Y axes oriented the same as in SYNOPSYS, it will convert. SFIT现在允许您指定显示表面sag数据的坐标系。因此,如果测量技术人员的X轴和Y轴方向与SYNOPSYS中的不同,它将转换。

4. The FN command can now make a plot showing how the F/number varies over the field.

FN命令现在可以绘制一个图形,显示F/number在视场中的变化。 Bugs Fixed: 修复漏洞:

1. CPLOT did not work properly. 修复了CPLOT不能正常工作的漏洞。

2. The help file section on GRIN lenses was incomplete. 修复了GRIN透镜的帮助文件不完整的漏洞。

3. If a ZFILE lens has fewer then four zooms assigned, the program will now default to the power-series expansion. (The cubic form requires four or more zooms.) 修复了如果ZFILE镜头分配的变焦数少于四个,程序将默认为幂级数展开(CUBIC需要四个或更多变焦。)的漏洞。

4. The CCF (channel capacity fraction) analysis spaced the image samples at twice the correct distance. 修复了CCFchannel capacity fraction)分析将图像样本以正确距离的两倍间隔排列的漏洞。

5. If the ILLUM command encountered field points at which no rays get through, it would plot those points off-screen. Now it zeros them out. 修复了如果ILLUM命令遇到没有光线通过的视场,它将在屏幕外绘制这些点的漏洞。现在它将这些点归零。

6. The new DSENS option in DSEARCH only worked in Q mode. 修复了DSEARCH中新增选项DSENS仅在Q模式下工作的漏洞。
