SYNOPSYS 15.97版英语软件更新说明翻译

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The update to version 15.97 incorporates the following changes: 15.97版本更新包含以下内容: Features: 新增功能:

1. SSU and RSU will now accept a number and only operate on that configuration it is entered. SSURSU现在将接受一个数字nb,并且只对输入的配置进行操作。

2. A new tolerance desensitization operand is available. SDU will

evaluate the sum of the squares of the change in paraxial angle UA at each surface. If this is large, then even if it is compensated elsewhere, the surfaces will have tight tolerances. 新增有效的降低公差敏感度操作数。SDU将计算每个表面近轴角度UA变化的平方和。如果该值较大,那么即使它在其它地方被补偿,表面仍将有严格的公差。

3. Operands have also been defined for RUD (the difference between the incidence angle of the full-field upper and lower rim rays), which is

squared and may help reduce contributions to off-axis aberrations, and

DAA, the difference in SA3 contributions at adjacent surfaces. If this is large, then tolerances may also be tight on those surfaces,


4. A new command, RUDIFF, calculates the difference in angle between the upper and lower rim rays, compared to the surface normal, in radians, and prints the sum-squared value. 新增命令RUDIFF,计算上下边缘光线与表面法线的角度差,单位弧度,并打印出平方和值。

5. The optimization selection QPLUS now adds an additional ray at XC 1 1 0. This will avoid failures when the meridional rays will trace but a sagittal ray will not.

优化选项QPLUS现在添加在XC 1 1 0处的附加光线。当子午光线将追迹,但弧矢光线将不追迹时,这将避免失败。 Bugs Fixed: 漏洞修复:

1. The command LLB, which loads the last 20 commands into an editor, did not work properly. 修复了命令LLB(将最后20个命令加载到编辑器中)无法正常工作的漏洞。

2. The ZSPACE option in ZSEARCH did not work as it should. It now works better after applying a much higher damping. 修复了ZSEARCHZSPACE选项不正常工作的漏洞。在使用更高阻尼后,它现在可以很好的工作。

3. If you changed ACONs and varied the GLM in the new one, the program tested for a glass model in ACON 1. 修复了如果您更改了ACON,并且在新建的ACON中修改GLM,那么程序将在ACON 1中测试玻璃模型的漏洞。

Bugs to be Fixed:

1. The PAD scan feature does not work with a zoom lens that has been refocused via the ZFOCUS command. PAD扫描功能不适用于通过ZFOCUS命令重新聚焦的变焦镜头的漏洞。
