SYNOPSYS 15.94版英语软件更新说明翻译

时间:2022-03-22 06:10:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The update to version 15.94 incorporates the following changes: 15.94版本更新包含以下内容:

Features: 新增功能:

1. A new feature, QUANTIZE, will round off thickness or airspaces to a given decimal precision, for users who want round numbers on their drawings.


Bugs Fixed: 漏洞修复:

1. The blaze height of a DOE was not listed correctly if the DOE was on side 2 of the element. 修复了如果DOE位于元件的第二个面时,则不能正确列出DOE的闪耀高度的漏洞。

2. The listing of switches on the MOM dialog was incorrect for switch 12. 修复了MOM对话框中的开关列表对于开关12不正确的漏洞。

3. The algorithm for finding the intersection of a ray with an aspheric surface did not work if the lens was much smaller than one mm in diameter.

