SYNOPSYS 15.95版英语软件更新说明翻译

时间:2022-03-22 06:10:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The update to version 15.95 incorporates the following changes: 15.95版本更新包含以下内容:

Features: 新增功能:

1. DSEARCH can now add an operand for the tolerance desensitization parameters SAT and ESA, which can in some cases return designs with looser tolerances. The new option DSENS controls this feature. 为了降低公差敏感度参数SATESA DSEARCH现在新增一个操作数,在某些情况下,这可以返回公差更宽松的设计。新选项DSENS制此功能。

2. Five new plastic types have been added to the U catalog: EP4500, EP6000, EP6500, EP7000, and EP8000. 五种新塑料类型已添加到U目录中:EP4500EP6000EP6500EP7000EP8000

3. A new lens evaluation feature has been added. CCF will analyze the channel capacity fraction, which is a measure of the total amount of information a lens can transmit, relative to a perfect lens.


Bugs Fixed: 漏洞修复:

1. The pupil selection WAP 0, when applied to a lens with the wide-angle object OBD would behave as though it were WAP 1. 修复了光瞳选项WAP 0应用于具有广角对象OBD的镜头时,其表现就WAP 1一样的漏洞。

2. The PAD scan feature would sometimes fail if the object was type OBD. 修复了如果对象是OBD类型,PAD扫描功能有时会失败的漏洞。 3. The drawing programs rendered systems with hyperhemispherical surfaces on both sides incorrectly.

