SYNOPSYS 15.98版英语软件更新说明翻译

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The update to version 15.98 incorporates the following changes: 15.98版本更新包含以下内容: Features: 新增功能:

1. ARGLASS now accepts an argument NRM, which will defeat the error message that is shown when the index range of a material does not cover that in the lens. Normally this is a good check, but when matching plastics with the U catalog, if the range is only slightly out, the error is of no concern and is displayed by every core in multicore mode, which is not friendly.


2. The MRG dialog now has a button to include the NRM argument in the MACro that gets run.

MRG对话框现在有一个按钮,可以在运行的宏中包含NRM参数。 Bugs Fixed:

1. ZSEARCH did not get the final lens back if running in only CORE 0. 修复了如果仅在CORE 0上运行,那么ZSEARCH不能得到返回的最终镜头的漏洞。

2. The worst case from MC was only saved by CORE 0. 修复了仅保存CORE 0 MC的最坏情况的漏洞。

3. BTOL did not calculate the tolerance on VNUM in some cases 修复了在某些情况下,BTOL不计算VNUM公差的漏洞。

4. The WAP 2 option did not calculate the entrance pupil correctly if there was a large amount of coma of the pupil and the search found ray failures.

修复了如果光瞳有大量彗差,那么WAP 2选项无法正确计算入瞳并且搜索发现光线故障的漏洞。

5. The PAD SCAN button, if clicked while a previous scan was running, would alter the value of YP0 in the lens. 修复了如果在上一次扫描正在运行时,点击PADSCAN按钮,那么将会改变透镜中的YP0值的漏洞。
