登鹳雀楼英文作文 登鹳雀楼英文作文 登鹳雀楼这首诗写诗人在登高望远中表现出来的不凡的胸襟抱负,反映了盛唐时期人们昂扬向上的进取精神。 登鹳雀楼 王之涣 白日依山尽, 黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼。 On the top of the Tower and fascinated by the beautiful view, Wang chanted:''As daylight fades along the hill,/ The Yellow River joins the sea./ To gaze unto infinity, /Go mount another storey still.'' This poem was written on the Stork-bird Tower. It is said that this three-storeyed Tower was built on a sandbar in the middle of the Yellow River near present-day Yongji County of Shanxi Province. The Tower was a famous tourist spot in the Tang Dynasty and was destroyed by the river torrents after the Song Dynasty. In these verses, we see a vivid picture. The bright sun was setting gradually to the complete disappearance behid the west ern hills and the roaring rapids in the Yellow River were surging towards the vast sea. The poet knew the world was much larger than he could see. In order to have a better view, he had to step onto a higher storey. The profound message that the poem intended to send is that if one wants to make progress continu ously, he has to keep working harder and setting higher demands on himself throughout his life. 拓展: 王之涣《登鹳雀楼》赏析 登鹳雀楼 王之涣 白日依山尽, 黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼。 鹳雀楼,又名鹳鹊楼,据《清一统志》记载,楼的旧址在山西蒲州(今永济县,唐时为河中府)西南,黄河中高阜处,时有鹳雀栖其上,遂名。沈括在《梦溪笔谈》中记述:“河中府鹳雀楼三层,前瞻中条,下瞰大河。唐人留诗者甚多。”王之涣的这首五绝是“唐人留诗”中的不朽之作。 诗的前两句“白日依山尽,黄河入海流”,写的是登楼望见的景色,写得景象壮阔,气势雄浑。这里,诗人运用极其朴素、极其浅显的语言,既高度形象又高度概括地把进入广大视野的万里河山,收入短短十个字中;而我们在千载之下读到这十个字时,也如临其地,如见其景,感到胸襟为之一开。首句写遥望一轮落日向着楼前一望无际、连绵起伏的群山西沉,在视野的尽头冉冉而没。这是天空景、远方景、西望景。次句写目送流经楼前下方的黄河奔腾咆哮、滚滚南来,又在远处折而东向,流归大海。这是由地面望到天边,由近望到远,由西望到东。这两句诗合起来,就把上下、远近、东西的景物,全都容纳进诗笔之下,使画面显得特别宽广,特别辽远。就次句诗而言,诗人身在鹳雀楼上,不可能望见黄河入海,句中写的是诗人目送黄河远去天边而产生的意中景,是把当前景与意中景溶合为一的写法。这样写,更增加了画面的广度和深度。 杜甫在《戏题王宰画山水图歌》中有“尤工远势古莫比,咫尺应须论万里”两句,虽是论画,也可以用来论诗。王之涣的这两句写景诗就做到了缩万里于咫尺,使咫尺有万里之势。 诗笔到此,看似已经写尽了望中的景色,但不料诗人在后半首里,以“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”这样两句即景生意的诗,把诗篇推引入更高的境界,向读者展示了更大的视野。这两句诗,既别翻新意, 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/332db2f66c1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c661374c3d.html