英语四级唐诗翻译练习素材 唐诗是中国珍贵的文化遗产,在中国文学和诗歌中占据重要地位。下面是分享的关于唐诗的练习素材,欢送大家阅读! 唐诗(Tang poetry)是中国珍贵的文化遗产,在中国文学和诗歌中占据重要地位。唐朝是中国诗歌的黄金时代,《全唐诗》(Complete Tang Poems)收录了2200多位诗人所作的近5万首唐诗。唐代的诗人特别多,李白、杜甫、白居易是世界闻名的伟大诗人。唐诗的题材非常广泛,从自然现象、政治动态(dynamics)到社会风俗、个人感受,几乎包括生活的方方面面。《唐诗三百首》(300 Tang Poems)是后人编选的最受欢送的唐诗集,在现代社会流传广泛,很多诗歌被中国的中小学语文教科书所采用。 The Tang poetry, a precious cultural heritage of China, oupied a significant place in the field of Chinese literature and Chinese poetry. Tang Dynasty was the golden age of Chinese poetry. The Complete Tang Poems collected almost 50,000 Tang poems written by over 2,200 poets. There were a large number of poets in Tang Dynasty, among whom Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi were the greatest poets renowned in the world. The subjects of Tang poetry were rather extensive, ranging from natural phenomena and political dynamics to social customs and personal feelings, embracing almost every aspect of people’s lives. The 300 Tang Poems was a collection of the most popular Tang poems piled by the later generations. In modern society, it is so widespread that many of the poems have been adopted in the Chinese language textbooks of primary schools and secondary schools. 唐代是中国古典诗歌的鼎盛时期,在不到300年的时间里,产生了许多著名的诗人和诗作。时至今日,有超过5万首唐诗和2000多位唐代诗人为人们所熟知。其中,唐代最著名的诗人是李白和杜甫。李白生性无拘无束,才华横溢,他创作了大量赞美祖国大好河山的诗篇。杜甫年轻时坎坷的生活经历,使他更好地了解了社会的黑暗和人民的困苦。最流行的唐诗作品集或许是由清朝的学者孙洙编著的《唐诗三百首》(300 Tang Poems)。唐诗一直在影响着世界文学和现代诗歌。 The Tang Dynasty was the peak of Chinese classical poetry and many distinguished poets and poetry appeared during this period of less than 300 years.Up till now,over 50,000 poems and 2,000 poets of the Tang Dynasty have been well-known among people.The best-known poets during the Tang Dynasty are Li Bai and Du Fu. Being independent and full of talent,Li Bai created a great many poems to praise the wonderful mountains and brilliant rivers.Du Fu's rough experiences when he was young made him know better about the darkness society and the people's sufferings.The most popular Tang poems collection might be the 300 Tang Poems piled by the scholar Sun Zhu of the Qing Dynasty.Tang poetry has had an ongoing influence on world literature and modern poetry. 1.鼎盛时期:可译为peak,原意为“顶峰,顶点”。 2.无拘无束:可译为independent,它有“不愿受约束的,向往自由的”之意。 3.才华横溢:可译为full of talent。 4.大好河山:即“美好的山河”,可译为wonderful mountains and brilliant rivers。 5.社会的黑暗和人民的困苦:可译为the darkness of society and the people's sufferings. 6.一直在影响着…:可译为have an ongoing influence on… 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/659ee91b874769eae009581b6bd97f192279bf34.html