反身代词的举例 A这类代词有myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves。请注意第二人称单数形式yourself和第二人称复数形式yourselves之间的差别:不定反身代词和不定强调代词为oneself。 B动词所表示的行为施加到施动者自己身上时,也就是主语和宾语同为一人时,用myself,yourself等词作动词的宾语: I cut myself. 我把自己割伤了。 He can’t shave himself. 他不会给自己刮脸。 It is not always easy to amuse oneself on holiday. 假日自娱并非总是一件容易的事。 Tom and Ann blamed themselves for the accident. 汤姆和安为了这起意外事故责备自己。 This refrigerator defrosts itself. 这台冰箱可自动除霜。 请注意,如果把反身代词换成相互代词each other,其意思就会发生变化: Tom and Ann blamed each other. 汤姆和安互相责备。(汤姆责备安,安责备汤姆。) C myself,yourself等也可用于动词+介词之后: He spoke to himself. 他暗自心里想着。 Did she pay for herself? 她付了她自己的那一份钱了吗? Look after yourself. 望你保重。 Take care of yourselves. 希望你们注意身体。 I’m annoyed with myself. 我生自己的气。 He sat by himself. 他独自坐着。 She addressed the envelope to herself. 她在信封收信人处写上了自己的姓名和地址。 但是如果介词是用来指明位置的,一般要用代词而不用反身代词: Did you take your dog with you? 你把狗带去了吗? They put the child between them. 他们把孩子放在他们中间。 Had he/Did he have any money on him? 他身上有钱吗? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6d180f7df76527d3240c844769eae009581ba2ad.html