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【期刊名称】《地域研究与开发》 【年(),期】2014(000)002

【摘 要】Is tourist experience subjective , trivial and superficial?This research focused on the theoretical re-flection on the form and content of tourism planning , and pointed out the advantages and limitations of four typical ways of tourism planning:①Art way paid excessive attention to sensory and formal attributes of tourism resources , and showed solicitude for the aesthetic pleasure , but often easily brought about

formalism .②Market way paid at-tention to the innovation of tourism product , but its excessive tolerance of tourist experience often led planners to lack a sense of responsibility for tourism

environment .③Ecology way advocated that tourism environment should be appreciated “as it is” by tourists , however , because the law of culture is hard to control , planning activities may involve many ethical issues .④Ethics way thought that tourism planning should not only solve the problem of how to appreciate tourism environment, but also relate to why it is so appreciated, the latter is difficult.Finally, the re-search promotes tourism planning should actively absorb the essence of the different planning ideas , to avoid poten-tial problems, and points out that scientific planning should have the characteristics as follows:continuity,

authen-ticity, functionality and ethical .%旅游体验是主观、琐碎和肤浅的吗?以此为切入点展开旅游规划形式与内容的反思,指出4种旅游规划思想的优越性和局限性。艺术途径重视旅游资源的感官与形式属性,关注旅游审美愉悦,但也容易陷入形式主义的误区;市场途径强调旅游产品创新,但往往因为对旅游体验的过度包容而导致不负责任的规划行为;生态途径倡导旅游环境被“如其所是”地欣赏,但由于文化规律的难以把握,规划中可能会涉及诸多伦理问题;伦理途径认为旅游规划不仅要解决旅游环境如何欣赏的问题,还要涉及到它为何这样欣赏,后者是难点问题。因此,旅游规划工作应积极吸纳不同规划思想的精华,规避其存在的潜在问题,保持规划工作的连续性、本真性、功能性与伦理性。 【总页数】6(P88-93) 【作 者】刘建峰;王桂玉;张晓萍

【作者单位】聊城大学历史文化学院,山东聊城252000;聊城大学历史文化学院,山东聊城252000;云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院,昆明650091 【正文语种】 【中图分类】F590.1 【相关文献】

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