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课程英文名 学分 先修课程 适用专业


商务翻译课程是面向翻译专业大二学生的专业教育类必修课程。商务英语翻译课程是对专门用途英语English for Specific Purposes范畴内商务英语语篇Business English Discourses进行系统化的英汉翻译理论教学和商务文本翻译实操的专业培养课程体系。






1)熟悉英语翻译的理论知识; 2)掌握翻译的标准和原则; 3)熟悉各种商务文体翻译的过程; 4)了解译者的工作原则和职业操守。



Course Status

Regarded as one of the elective courses for Translation Sophomores, Business English Translation, falling into the categories of English for Specific Purposes, aims to systematically cultivate the students with the basic knowledge and professional

内容简介 (英文)

competency of translation in Business English Discourses.

Course Objectives

The tasks of this course is to engage Translation Majors with the basic and practical knowledge of translation in different business genres, mainly including:


Business Translation 总学时

课程代码 32

R050502Z61 实验/实践学时

32 理论学时 /

商务英语谈判 翻译专业

1. Be familiar with the basic knowledge of bilingual translation between English and Chinese;

2. To master the principles and standards of translation theories. 3. Be indulged in the practices of Business genres translation.

4. To familiarize with the working principles and business ethics of translators.

Course Main Contents

The whole course includes but not limited to the following aspects of translation methods:

1. Amplification ; 2. Subtraction ;

3. Word Meaning Extension ; 4. Anti-translation; 5. Conversion; 6. Repetition;

7. Clauses and Sentences.

The above methods may be applied in the scope of Business English translation as follows (include without limitation) 1. Business Letters and Correspondences; 2. Business Advertising; 3. Business Contracts;

4. Business Reports and Proposals; 5. Company Profiles; 6. Product Specification.


贾敏 审定人 制定时间 20184
