流畅阅读《经济学人》的第一步!10分钟学习164词的浓缩英文 每天清晨15分钟,史蒂文老师带你喝一杯经济学人浓缩咖啡,了解天下事,掌握核心词。 这是 Economist Espresso 栏目的第 17 篇精选文章: 史蒂文老师制作的音频,建议您先听 1 遍 20180212 札幌冰雕展如火如荼.mp31:44 来自史蒂文爱学习 打开今日头条,体验完整音频内容 背景音乐选自《冰雪奇缘》主题曲 Let It Go 第一步 请先用 2 分钟阅读原文,不要查生词 全文约 164 个单词 Frozen friezes: snow and ice art The weather outside is frightful, but the residents of Sapporo on Hokkaido island in Japan are delighted, because the Sapporo snow festival is in full swing. It started in 1950, when local students built six rather impressive snowmen in Odori park. Over the years the sculptures grew, the crowds gathered and the street-food stalls proliferated. Today more than 2m flock to see works up to 15m high and 25m wide, of anything from temples to anime heroes. International teams from Hawaii to Poland compete for a grand prize, this year won by the Thai team for a statue of fighting cockerels. It has been a disappointing season for some ice artists with the cancellation of the Alaska World Ice Art Championships, but fans of frozen forms can get their fill this weekend, not just in Sapporo but also in Harbin in north-eastern China, in Quebec City, in Liège in Belgium, and of course in Pyeongchang. 第二步 请结合下方词汇表,再读文章 第三步 现在,请各位读者做两件事: 1)在手机或者电脑里开启一个专门的 notes,同步到云端,把你每天从中学到的单词、例句,复制粘贴上去,认真记忆; 2)试着翻译本文,遇到读不懂的句子,做好标记,然后在评论中找到译文,进行比对。 好,到今天为止,你已经阅读了17篇《经济学人》浓缩咖啡文章。今天的文章是关于北海道札幌的冰上艺术的话题,全文164个单词,包含12个重要的 TOEFL and/or SAT 词汇。恭喜你,距离 TOEFL 120 和 SAT 1600 又近一步。 编译者后记 每一篇《经济学人·浓缩咖啡》栏目,我们都很认真地去做,希望能给大家带来英语学习的帮助。 就拿这篇来说,我们遇到了一些日本的地名: Sapporo札幌 Hokkaido北海道 Odori大通(公园) anime日本动漫 去请教一位朋友 -- 日语教授李老师:朗读的时候,该用偏日语的发音来处理,还是用英语的习惯读法,教授如是说: “一般我听到的英美新闻,基本会按照英语发音习惯读日文罗马字拼法。日本人的英语新闻则偏日语原本发音,但有时会故意带点译制配音腔;而中国人读英语新闻涉及日本名词,仿佛还没确定什么惯例。我回忆里 CRI 英语新闻中,好像偏英美方式” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/afe96900c9aedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b183.html