奥运人物:独臂女将勇闯奥运 帕蒂卡只手创历史 即使她的奥运会征程只行进了两天,即便她在北京的下一场比赛要等到24天之后,来自波兰的残臂少女纳塔莉亚·帕蒂卡已经创造了历史:她是首个同时参加奥运会和残奥会的乒乓球选手。 然而帕蒂卡没什么可遗憾的。“参加奥运会是我的梦想,如今梦想已经成为现实。” 带着一只发育不完全的右臂降生,从未向命运发出过抱怨的帕蒂卡反而有了更多奋进的理由。没有右手,帕蒂卡便用右臂肘下残存的部分夹着球抛发,重心偏失,她就猛练下肢,试图靠跑动和耐力弥补身体平衡性的缺陷。在一个健康人赛一场都要消耗巨大体能的项目上,帕蒂卡不但和健全人站在了同一个舞台上,并且站稳了,带着与她标志性金色马尾一样轻快的表情。 4年前的雅典残奥会上,她是乒乓球项目第十级别的女子单打冠军,但她更渴望的是和健全人站在同样的舞台上。 2005年不来梅世乒赛,帕蒂卡第一次站在国际乒坛最高的舞台上,未出场已使满座皆惊;去年的萨格勒布世乒赛上,尚未成年的帕蒂卡单打首轮便遭遇后来夺冠的中国选手郭跃,虽然以0:4失利,但当时尚未成年的她赢得了所有人的尊重。 那一幕,见过的人都将永生铭记。一边是年仅18岁便夺得过世乒赛混双冠军、团体冠军以及亚运会冠军等多重荣誉、世界排名很少掉出前五的“中国的未来”,另一方是右臂手肘以下部分缺失的残障人士,身体上鲜明的对比,把现场的所有人都震撼了。那时她便宣布:“我未来一年的目标就是能先后两次出现在北京的赛场上。” 今年2月的广州世乒赛,帕蒂卡又创造了奇迹,在团体赛首轮对决中击败新加坡球星李佳薇。 北京留给她的唯一遗憾,大概是没能参加奥运会乒乓球的单打比赛,但这位目前世界排名第147位的波兰姑娘仍然是一位真正的奥运英雄。 Olympic figure: one-armed female in Partika hand the Olympic record Even her Olympic journey only travel for two days, even if she is a match in Beijing until 24 days later, Poland from the remaining arm girl Natalie? Patty card has made history: she is the first time to participate in the Olympic Games and Paralympic table tennis players. However, Partika has no regrets. "To participate in the Olympic Games is my dream, and now the dream has become a reality." With an incomplete development of the right arm was born to fate, never issued a complaint of Partika but have more progressive reason. There is no right hand, Patty card with right arm elbow remaining part holding the ball, gravity center deviation, she furiously practicing leg, tried to defect by running and stamina for the balance of the body. In a healthy person match consumes huge energy projects, Patty card not only and the person standing on the same stage, and a firm, with her trademark golden ponytail expression as light. 4 years ago in Athens Paralympic Game, she is the tenth level table tennis women's singles champion, but she is keen and the perfect person standing on the same stage. The 2005 Bremen World Championships, Patty card first stood on the international arena of the highest stage, did not appear to full all surprised; last year's Zagreb World Championships, has not yet adult padika singles first round will encounter later won the Chinese player Guo Yue, although in a 0:4 loss, but when the fashion minor she won the respect of all. That scene, seen people will always remember. He is only 18 years old, he won the World Table Tennis Championships mixed doubles champion, champion of the group and the Asian Games champion multiple honors, world ranking rarely fall out of the top five of the "China's future", the other party is right arm elbow following partial deletion of the disabled, physically distinct contrast, all the people at the scene shocked. Then she said: "I am the next year's goal is to have two time field in Beijing." This year in February Guangzhou World Championships, Patty card and created a miracle, beat Singapore Star Li Jiawei in the first round of battle group. Beijing left her only regret, is probably did not participate in the Olympic table tennis singles match, but the current world ranking of 147th place Poland girl is still a real Olympic hero. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c69dc80890c69ec3d5bb7528.html