1、 复杂简单句 目的状语 地点状语 谓语 宾语 定语 , select the origin (of a reference system) [with x parallel to the cylindrical axes, y perpendicular to the plane (formed by the two cylinder axes), and z in the plane of the contact force]. 本例基本采用顺序译法,译文如下: 为了描述应力状态,选择一个参考坐标系,坐标系的原点选在接触面的中心,X轴平行于圆柱体轴线,Y轴垂直于两圆柱体轴线所形成的平面,Z轴则处于接触力所在的平面上。 2、 复杂复合句,有从句嵌套现象 谓语 In Eq. 8 it was shown {that the contact stress 形式主语 主语从句 between two cylinders may be computed from the equation Pmaxequals 2F (11) bl(Where Pmax=surface compressive stress, psi 定语从句 F=force pressing the two cylinders together, lbf l=length of cylinders, in and b is obtained from the equation b=… (12)) (Where μ1,μ2,E1, and E2 are the elastic constants and 定语从句 d1 and d2 are the diameters, respectively, of the two cylinders).} 这种类型的长句在机械工程英语中颇为常见,宜采用顺序译法,译文如下: 由式(8)可知,两个圆柱体之间的接触应力可由下式计算:Pmax2F (11) bl式中: Pmax-表面压应力(磅/英寸2) F-两圆柱体的压紧力(磅) l― 圆柱体长度(英寸) 而b 则由下式求得b=… (12) 式中,μ1,μ2,E1, 和 E2 分别为两圆柱体的弹性常数; d1 和d2 分别为两圆柱体直径。 3、 采用分译法的复合句例子 主句 【This book is a practical guide aimed at those thousands of practicing engineers】【 who may have a general understanding of the concept of reliability】, 【but who lack, or have forgotten, the precise understanding of the language of Reliability Engineering to be able to confidently make effective practical use of the technique involved.】 本书的目的是为众多实际工作的工程师提供关于可靠性的实用性指导,他们可能对可靠性的概念有一般性的了解,但是他们或是对可靠性工程术语缺乏确切的理解,或是忘记了,因而对在实际中有效的使用有关的技术信心不足。 定语从句 定语从句 4、 采用逆序译法的复合句例子 【The simplification of assuming the fluid to be inviscid may 主句 not be made】【 when analysis of heat convection are undertaken, 】【because the process of convection of heat away from the wall is intimately concerned with thermal conduction and energy transport due to motion in the fluid layers in the immediate vicinity of the wall.】 因为从壁面带走热量的对流过程与热传导的和壁面直接邻近区域内由流体层运动所产生的能量传递密切相关,所以进行热对流分析时,不能简单地假设流体为无粘性流体。 因果状语从句 时间状语从句 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c8a9e5325a8102d276a22fd5.html