
时间:2024-02-12 07:12:29 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Your canning know "MACAU" isn't I a true be, I leave you too long, Mother!

But their capturing what to go to is my body, You still take care of the soul of my heart,

Permit:your canning know "MACAU" isn't I a true be, I leave you too long, Mother!

But their capturing what to go to is my body, You still take care of the soul of my heart,

Match:300 in the last years dream the sleeping doesn't forget of natural mother, Please call the pet name of the son: Call my 1-Macau. Mother!Mother! I want to come back, Mother!Mother!

:你可知"MACAU"不是我真名姓, 我离开你太久了, 母亲!

但是他们掳去的是我的肉体, 你依然保管我内心的灵魂,

:你可知"MACAU"不是我真名姓, 我离开你太久了, 母亲!

但是他们掳去的是我的肉体, 你依然保管我内心的灵魂,

:三百年来梦寐不忘的生母啊, 请叫儿的乳名: 叫我一声--澳门. 母亲!母亲! 我要回来, 母亲!母亲!
