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Easy English Club “EEC” —— Easy English, Easy Idea, Easy Future

EEC英语俱乐部 欢迎您的加入

Sail to the sea of English, welcome aboard!


社团章程 ( Club Principle )


1. Club Goal: To provide an excellent and free English conversation environment. 二、社团缘起:EEC想为大家提供一个难得的机会,在俱乐部的友好氛围中,

英语老师和来自各国的英语使用者们自由地交谈。我们每月有常规活动,例如英语电影、歌曲欣赏、校外教学、文化交流、季节性的庆祝活动等。 2. Club Origin: EEC offers a unique opportunity to talk freely to English teachers and

English speakers from around the globe in a friendly club-like atmosphere. There are regular monthly events such as English films, songs, outings, cultural events, seasonal celebrations, etc.

三、社团目标:让每一位莅临EEC的朋友们,都能增进英语会话能力。 3. Club Vision: To improve the English conversation ability of every friend who

comes to our club.
